Arria-formula Meetings

  • Tomorrow afternoon (26 August), there will be an Arria-formula meeting via videoconference on: “Cyber-Attacks Against Critical Infrastructure”. The meeting has been organised by Indonesia, in cooperation with Belgium, Estonia and Viet Nam, and the International Committee of the Red Cross...

  • Tomorrow (27 July) an Arria-formula meeting will be held via videoconference on “Women and the Afghan Peace Process: Ensuring Women’s Participation and Promoting their Rights”. It is being co-organised by Afghanistan, Germany, Indonesia and the United Kingdom. The First Lady...

  • Tomorrow (15 July) Council members will participate in an Arria-formula meeting entitled “the illegal exploitation of natural resources in the Great Lakes Region: how to translate the ongoing positive regional momentum into new options for conflict prevention, management and reform”....

  • Tomorrow (22 May) there will be an Arria-formula meeting on: “Cyber Stability, Conflict Prevention and Capacity Building”, organised by Estonia in cooperation with Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Indonesia and Kenya. Estonian Prime Minister Jüri Ratas will deliver opening remarks and...

  • Tomorrow afternoon (21 May), Russia will be hosting an Arria-formula meeting via VTC on the situation in Crimea. Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia (Russia) is expected to provide introductory and closing remarks at the meeting. Briefings are expected from Asadullah Bairov, Deputy...

  • Tomorrow (8 May), Estonia, Security Council president for May, is hosting a high-level Arria-formula meeting starting at 10 am via VTC on the theme: “Seventy-five years from the end of the Second World War on European soil—lessons learned for preventing...

  • Tomorrow (22 April), an Arria-formula meeting will be held via VTC on “Climate and security risks: the latest data”. It is being co-organised by Belgium, France, the Dominican Republic, Estonia, Germany, Niger, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Tunisia, the United...

  • 5 March 2020

    Crimea: Arria-formula Meeting

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (6 March), there will be an open Arria-formula meeting on Crimea, hosted by Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, the UK, and the US in partnership with Ukraine. The focus of the meeting, which will take place at the Trusteeship...

  • Tomorrow morning (21 February), Belgium, the Dominican Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Niger, and the UK are co-hosting an Arria-formula meeting entitled “Reprisals against women human rights defenders and women peacebuilders who engage with the Security Council and its subsidiary bodies”....

  • Tomorrow morning (19 February) Special Envoy Geir O. Pedersen is expected to brief the Security Council on the political track on Syria via video-teleconference from Geneva. Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock may brief as well. In the afternoon, an...

  • 20 January 2020

    Arria-formula Meeting on Syria Chemical Weapons

    What's in Blue

    Today (20 January), Russia will hold an open Arria-formula meeting titled “Implementation of Security Council Resolution 2118: OPCW Fact Finding Mission (FFM) Report on Douma”. It is rare for Russia to organise an Arria-formula meeting. Since the start of the...

  • Tomorrow afternoon (25 October), Belgium—together with Peru, the UK, incoming Security Council members Niger and Viet Nam, and the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)—is hosting an Arria-formula meeting entitled “Trafficking in persons for sexual exploitation in (post-) conflict...

  • May 2019

    In Hindsight: Arria-Formula Meetings

    Monthly Forecast

    The “Arria-formula” is the most flexible meeting format the Security Council has at its disposal. It has been used every year since March 1992, when Ambassador Diego Arria of Venezuela wanted fellow Council members to hear an eyewitness account of atrocities occurring in the former Yugoslavia. Unable to find a formal way to hold such a meeting, Arria invited Council members to meet with the witness in the UN delegates’ lounge. This was deemed useful; several similarly informal briefings were soon held, and the term “Arria-formula meetings” was born.

  • 14 March 2019

    Arria-formula Meeting on Crimea

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (15 March), an open Arria-formula meeting will be held in the ECOSOC chamber from 10 am to 1 pm on Crimea. The meeting has been organised by Council members Belgium, France, Germany, Poland, the UK, and the US, in...

  • Tomorrow (13 March), there will be an open Arria-formula meeting from 3pm-6pm in the ECOSOC chamber on the inequalities between women and men in political processes. France (Council president this month) and Germany organised the meeting. (France and Germany, which will be Council president next month, have been describing March and April as their “joint presidencies” of the Council.) Tomorrow’s meeting takes place in the midst of the 63rd session of the Commission on the Status of Women, convened from 11-22 March at UN headquarters.