Chronology of Events

revised on 5 July 2017
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Côte d’Ivoire

25 March 2011

The UN Human Rights Council decided to send an independent commission of inquiry to investigate allegations of serious abuses and violations of human rights committed in Côte d’Ivoire following the 28 November 2010 elections.

24 March 2011

ECOWAS requested the Security Council to strengthen the mandate of UNOCI, to enable the “Mission to use all necessary means to protect life and property, and to facilitate the immediate transfer of power to Ouattara”, as well as to “adopt more stringent international targeted sanctions” against Gbagbo and his associates. It recalled its decisions of 7 and 27 December 2010

21 March 2011

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC), Luis Moreno-Ocampo, indicated that the court was gathering information on possible war crimes being committed in Côte d’Ivoire.

21 March 2011

The Council conveyed to the press its “indignation” over the 17 March attacks on the market in Abobo.

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