Chronology of Events

revised on 5 July 2017
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Côte d’Ivoire

10 November 2008

The permanent consultation mechanism established under the Ouagadougou peace agreement (CPC) announced that the presidential elections scheduled for November would be postponed and agreed that the Ivorian Independent Electoral Commission should establish a new election timetable by 31 December.

9-10 June 2008

A Council mission visited Côte d’Ivoire where it met key parties and partners on the ground.

14 May 2008

One hundred and ninety-two FN ex-combatants completed a disarmament, demobilisation and reintegration programme, including a course in cooperative management, at Ferkessédougou.

3 May 2008

One thousand Forces Nouvelles rebels gathered at a demobilisation centre in the northern city of Bouaké to commence active disarmament. 

April 2008

The Ivorian government approves the Independent Electoral Commission plan to hold presidential elections on 30 November 2008.

22-24 April 2008

The Secretary-General visited Côte d’Ivoire.    

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