Chronology of Events

revised on 5 July 2017
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Côte d’Ivoire

January 2015

On 13 January, the Council was briefed by the head of UNOCI, Special Representative Aïchatou Mindaoudou, on the most recent report of the Secretary-General on Côte d’Ivoire (S/2014/892). Ambassador Cristián Barros (Chile), chair of the 1572 Côte d’Ivoire Sanctions Committee, also briefed on his 2-7 November 2014 trip to the country (S/PV.7358).

October 2014

On 29 October, the Council was briefed by Ambassador Cristian Barros (Chile), chair of the 1572 Côte d’Ivoire Sanctions Committee (S/PV.7292). Barros reported on the work of the Committee since the last briefing (in consultations) held on 24 April and a modification of the sanctions regime through adoption of resolution 2153 on 29 April. Barros will also discuss the findings of the mid-term report of the Group of Experts (S/2014/729). Permanent Representative of Côte d’Ivoire Youssoufou Bamba also participated.

June 2014

On 16 June, Special Representative and head of UNOCI, Aichatou Mindaoudou Souleymane, briefed the Council on the most recent UNOCI report (S/2014/342), followed by consultations (S/PV.7197). On 25 June, the Council adopted resolution 2162 renewing UNOCI for a year and introduced some changes to the mandate. The resolution reinforces the role of the Special Representative in supporting political processes underway in Côte d’Ivoire and envisions a reduction of UNOCI military and police components by 30 June 2015. The resolution also authorises all UNOCI and UNMIL military helicopters to be utilised in both countries. It calls for the establishment of a Quick Reaction Force within UNOCI for an initial period of one year and authorises its deployment by the Secretary-General without prior Council authorisation for up to 90 days, in case of serious deterioration of the situation there.

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