Chronology of Events

revised on 5 July 2017
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Côte d’Ivoire

29 June 2007

Prime Minister Guillaume Soro’s aircraft came under attack as it came in to land in the northern Ivorian city of Bouaké, the headquarters of his former rebel group. Four people were killed and a number injured from the attack but Prime Minister Soro emerged unhurt. 

19 June 2007

A Council meeting with President Laurent Gbagbo calmed concerns that the UN would be blocked from supervising elections.

18-19 June 2007

A Council mission visited Cote d’Ivoire to assess the progress of the peace process in the country and exchange views with the Ivorian parties on the peace process.

17 May 2007

Government militias started to disarm.

16 April 2007

Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) reported almost daily attacks against civilians in the former “zone of confidence” and serious concern that civilians are now left defenceless by the redeployment of the impartial forces.

13 April 2007

The International Working Group (IWG) met in Abidjan and expressed readiness to support the Ouagadougou agreement. It also called for consultations on its future status with the ECOWAS and the AU with a view to making recommendations to the Security Council.

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