Chronology of Events

revised on 5 July 2017
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Côte d’Ivoire

10-20 April 2007

A UN technical assessment mission visited Côte d’Ivoire to determine expectations of the UN role in implementing the Ouagadougou agreement, how the UN could respond to those expectations, and develop recommendations for a possible new concept of operations and future drawdown of UNOCI.

11 April 2007

The Defence and Security Forces of Côte d’Ivoire (FDS-CI), the Armed Forces of the Forces nouvelles (FAFN), UNOCI and the French Licorne forces signed a quadripartite agreement to eliminate the buffer zone known as the zone of confidence as of 16 April.

Early April 2007

New Ivorian Prime Minister Guillaume Soro formed a government comprising thirty-one ministers, including eleven ministers from President Laurent Gbagbo’s Ivorian Popular Front (FPI), seven from the rebel Forces nouvelles and five from each of the two leading opposition parties.

28 March 2007   

In a presidential statement the Council endorsed the Ouagadougou agreement and the additional agreement signed 26 March.

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