Chronology of Events

revised on 5 July 2017
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Côte d’Ivoire

26 March 2007

President Gbagbo and Guillaume Soro signed an additional agreement through which they decided to designate Soro as the new interim prime minister. The AU endorsed this agreement on 29 March.

4 March 2007

President Gbagbo and Soro signed the Ouagadougou peace agreement under the aegis of Burkina Faso President Blaise Compaoré, which sets a new timetable for organising elections in Côte d’Ivoire and reuniting the country.

5 February 2007

Preliminary talks for the direct dialogue between President Gbagbo and Soro started in Ouagadougou.

January 2007

President Gbagbo’s proposal for direct talks was welcomed by ECOWAS and the AU as long as the talks remained within the framework of resolution 1721.  

19 December 2006

President Gbagbo announced his own plan to end the political crisis based on direct negotiations with the rebels and the elimination of the zone of confidence.

1 November 2006

The Council endorsed in resolution 1721 the decision by the AU to extend by one final year the mandates of the Ivorian president and of the prime minister, which also reinforced the prime minister’s powers and the role of the international community in the peace process.

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