Chronology of Events

revised on 5 July 2017
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Côte d’Ivoire

11 April 2005

Pretoria Peace Agreement was signed by all Ivorian parties. The Agreement reinforced the terms of the previous two agreements and stipulated that elections would be held in October 2005.

15 November 2004

The Council adopted resolution 1572, which imposed an arms embargo as well as sanctions restricting travel and freezing assets of all persons designated by the Sanctions Committee who posed a threat to the peace process or who violate human rights.

9 November 2004

The AU mediation initiative led by President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa began.

6 November 2004

The national armed forces of Côte d’Ivoire attacked the French Licorne forces. The Council condemned the attacks and confirmed that French forces and UNOCI were authorised to use all necessary means to fully carry out their mandate.

30 July 2004

The Accra III Agreement, which consolidated the implementation of the Linas-Marcoussis Agreement, was signed.

25 May 2004

The Council adopted a presidential statement asking the Secretary-General to establish an international commission of inquiry to investigate all human rights violations committed in Côte d’Ivoire since 19 September 2002 and determine responsibility.

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