Chronology of Events

revised on 30 January 2015


27 Jul-3 August 2006

A UN assessment mission visited Nepal.

24 July 2006

Maoists wrote to the UN protesting the Seven Pary Alliance’s letter with reference to decommissioning.

2 July 2006

Seven Party Alliance wrote to Secretary-General proposing decommissioning of Maoist arms.

26 May 2006

Maoists and Seven Party Alliance signed a ceasefire code of conduct.

26 April 2006

Maoists announced a unilateral three-month ceasefire.

24 April 2006

King Gyanendra surrendered power and agreed to reinstate the parliament after street protests.

5 April 2006

The people’s movement started with the Seven Party Alliance general strike and Maoist blockades.

January 2006

Maoists ended a four-month ceasefire.

22 November 2005

Maoists and Seven Party Alliance (a coalition of the main political parties) agreed on a common platform for restoring democracy.

September 2005

Maoists announced a three-month ceasefire.

1 January 2005

King Gyanendra dismissed the government and assumed direct power.

August 2003

Maoists pulled out of peace talks and ended truce.

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