Chronology of Events

revised on 30 January 2015


January 2009

The Secretary-General appointed Karin Landgren of Sweden as his Representative in Nepal and head of UNMIN on 29 January. On 23 January, the Council extended the mandate of UNMIN for another six months at the request of the Nepalese government.

November 2008

The Secretary-General’s Special Representative briefed the Council on 7 November.

31 October-1 November 2008

The Secretary-General visited Nepal.

22 October 2008

Key parties objected to a member of the CPN-Maoists heading the committee as combatants of the PLA would be part of the integration process.

21 October 2008

Agreement was reached by all parties to form a special commitee for the integration and rehabilitation of the Maoist combatants.

4 October 2008

The Nepalese government invited armed rebel groups in the Terai region for peace talks.

23 July 2008

The Council adopted resolution 1825 extending the mandate of UNMIN for six months and endorsing the Secretary-General’s plan for a gradual drawdown and withdrawal.

8 July 2008

The interim government of Nepal wrote to the Secretary-General, requesting an extension of UNMIN for six months but on a smaller scale.

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