Middle East, including the Palestinian Question

  • 19 January 2011

    Insights on Israel/Palestine

    What's in Blue

    A group of 120 co-sponsors, which includes most of the NAM countries and a number of UN members, have formally tabled a draft Security Council resolution on the Israeli settlements in Palestine. So far no European country has come forward...

  • 14 January 2011

    Insights on Israel/Palestine

    What's in Blue

    The momentum for a resolution on Israel/Palestine appears to be losing some of its steam. While earlier in the week some Council members were anticipating having the resolution before the Council next week, it now appears possible that it may...

  • 12 January 2011

    Update Report No. 2: Israel/Palestine

    Update Report

    Security Council members are discussing a draft resolution informally circulated on 21 December 2010 by Lebanon on behalf of the Arab Group. The resolution addresses Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territory and peace negotiations. Before any further steps are taken there will be a period of ongoing discussions.

  • September 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    Robert Serry, the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, is likely to brief the Council in September. The substantive progress made in August on restarting direct Israeli-Palestinian talks and establishing the Secretary-General’s Panel of Inquiry into the 31 May Gaza flotilla incident are likely to be the focus.

  • August 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    Regular monthly consultations on the Middle East are expected in August. Council members are mindful that developments in August have the potential to shape the approach to the Middle East quite significantly—in particular, whether or not there will be a shift from proximity to direct talks.

  • July 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    An open debate on the Middle East is expected in July. No outcome is expected. However, recent developments related to the Council’s 1 June presidential statement on the Gaza flotilla incident—including Israeli policy towards Gaza and the Secretary-General’s possible investigation—may add new elements to the discussion. 

  • February 2010


    Monthly Forecast

    A briefing on the Middle East is expected. No outcome is expected. However, members will be mindful that the Secretary-General is due to submit a report to the General Assembly on Israeli and Palestinian investigations into violations of international humanitarian and human rights law in Gaza, following the Goldstone Report.

  • 12 October 2009

    Update Report No. 1: Israel/Palestine

    Update Report

    The Security Council is set to hold an open debate on the Middle East on 14 October. Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs B. Lynn Pascoe is expected to brief the Council and the Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Secretary-General of the Arab League are likely to participate. No outcome is expected.

  • May 2009


    Monthly Forecast

    Russia (which has the Council presidency in May) was agreed in 2008 as the venue for the next high-level meeting on the situation in the Middle East to follow up on the 2007 Annapolis summit.

  • April 2009

    Israel/Palestine: Gaza

    Monthly Forecast

    The Secretariat is expected to brief the Council on the conclusions of a UN commission of inquiry into the damage to UN facilities and loss of life during the recent conflict in Gaza. The Secretary-General established the commission in February.

  • 26 January 2009

    Update Report No. 3: Israel/Palestine: Gaza

    Update Report

    On 27 January the Council will hear a briefing from UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East’s (UNRWA) Commissioner General Karen Koning AbuZayd and Under Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs John Holmes on the urgent humanitarian needs in Gaza. It will be the first time ever that UNRWA has briefed the Council.

  • 27 June 2008

    Update Report No. 11: Israel/Palestine

    Update Report

    Council members are discussing a draft resolution circulated on 27 June by Libya which addresses the Israeli decision to expand its settlements in the Palestinian Territory. It seems that there will be a period of discussions in Informal Consultations. But it is possible that the co-sponsors will move to put the resolution to a vote.

  • For sixty years, the Security Council has had the issue of peace and security in the Middle East on its agenda. A central issue throughout the period has been what the Council now calls the Palestinian question. Since 1947, a great deal has been written about the Council’s involvement at various stages. But it is hard to find any published account of its overall involvement. From the outside—and perhaps also to elected members who serve only two year terms—Council action on the Middle East often appears fragmented, limited to the crisis of the moment or a distinct phase of the situation and, often, absent altogether.

  • 11 January 2007

    Update Report No.2: Israel/Palestine

    Update Report

    Indonesia circulated on 9 January a draft presidential statement on the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Initially it seemed the draft would meet the same fate as many other draft statements and resolutions on this subject. But there are signs that an important breakthrough is possible.

  • Qatar will circulate a draft presidential statement in response to the debate setting out the Council's views on the steps that now should be taken. It is likely to emphasise the need to revive the peace process and implement the roadmap. At the time of writing it is far from clear whether consensus can be reached on a presidential statement. Numerous attempts have been made to reach agreement during 2006 on similar language.