August 2009 Monthly Forecast

Posted 30 July 2009
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Notable Dates

Reports Due for Consideration in August

Document Requesting Report

31 July

1540 Committee report on the implementation of the resolution


31 July

SG report on Iraq (oil-for-food programme)


31 July

SG quarterly report on UN Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI)



Lebanese Independent Border Assessment Team (LIBAT) report


1 August

SG report on UN Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT)


15 August

SG report on UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)


15 August

Democratic Republic of the Congo Group of Experts report to Sanctions Committee


by 31 August

SG monthly report on UN-AU Mission in Darfur (UNAMID)


by 31 August

SG semi-annual report on UN Stabilisation Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH)


August 2008

Mandates Expire

Relevant Document

10 August

UN Assistance Mission in Iraq (UNAMI)


20 August

Council authorisation for the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM)


31 August

UN Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL)


August 2008

Other Important Dates

Early or mid-August

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Sudan, Ashraf Qazi, is expected to brief the Council.

19 August

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General to Timor-Leste, Atul Khare, is expected to brief the Council.

Also expected in August:

  • The Council is expected to receive the ICTY and ICTR annual reports in August.
  • Special Advisor Ibrahim Gambari is planning to visit Myanmar in mid-August.
  • The Secretary-General is expected to present recommendations on improving security in Somalia by 15 August. 

Important Dates over the Horizon

  • South African judge Navanethem Pillay, appointed as High Commissioner for Human Rights in July, will assume her post on 1 September 2008.
  • Demetris Christofias and Mehmet Ali Talat, the leaders of the Greek Cypriot and the Turkish Cypriot communities respectively, are scheduled to initiate comprehensive negotiations on 3 September 2008.
  • The Secretary-General is expected to report on follow-up arrangements regarding EUFOR Chad-Central African Republic by September 2008. The report is expected to include recommendations on the future mandate of the UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT), whose mandate expires on 25 September.
  • The next IAEA Board of Governors meeting is scheduled for 22-26 September 2008 in Vienna.
  • Legislative elections have been scheduled for 16 November 2008 in Guinea-Bissau.
  • Presidential elections in Côte d’Ivoire are now scheduled for 30 November 2008.
  • In Iraq, governorate elections are currently planned for December 2008.

Full forecast


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