August 2009 Monthly Forecast

Notable Dates

Reports for consideration in August

Document Requesting Report

15 July

SG report on implementation of resolution 1820 on sexual violence in situations of armed conflict


27 July

SG report on Iraq resolutions


early August

SG report on Iraq (UNAMI)


early to mid August

SG report on Iraq (DFI/IAMB)


15 August

SG report on Liberia (UNMIL)


August 2009

Mandates Expire

Relevant Document

7 August

Iraq (UNAMI)


31 August

Lebanon (UNIFIL)


August 2009

Other Important Dates

5 August

The Council is expected to hold an open debate on peacekeeping.

6 August

The Council is expected to hold an open debate on implementation of resolution 1820.

20 August

Presidential elections are expected in Afghanistan.

Also expected in August:

  • The Council is expected to receive the ICTY and ICTR annual reports in August.
  • The Council is expected to receive a briefing from the chair of the 1718 Sanctions Committee (DPRK).

Important Dates over the Horizon

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