April 2011 Monthly Forecast


Colombia will hold the Council presidency in April.

Haiti is among the top priority issues for Colombia and an open debate, most likely to be chaired by Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos, is expected early in the month. Expected to participate are also the Secretary-General and possibly his Special Envoy for Haiti, Bill Clinton.

Côte d’Ivoire and Libya seem likely to continue to be a major focus in April.

The quarterly open debate on the Middle East is due in April.

There is also a debate planned on the issue of terrorism and weapons of mass destruction, prior to the renewal of the mandate in resolution 1540.

Several briefings in formal meetings are planned during the month:

Briefings are also planned (but at press time the format was not decided) on: 

Briefings in informal consultations are likely on:

Formal meetings are expected to adopt resolutions on the:

The annual Council retreat with the Secretary-General is also planned in April but at press time the theme for the meeting had not been revealed.

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