April 2013 Monthly Forecast

Posted 28 March 2013
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Notable Dates

Reports for Consideration Document Requesting Report
29 January
Sixth annual report of the PBC 
15 March
SG report on sexual violence in conflict 
26 March
SG report on Mali 
27 March
SG report on UNISFA (Abyei) 

31 March
SG report on BINUCA (CAR) 

31 March
SG special report on UNOCI (Côte d’Ivoire) 
8 April
SG report on MINURSO (Western Sahara) 
15 April
SG report on UNAMID (Darfur)
15 April
GoE final report to the 1572 Côte d’Ivoire Sanctions Committee
19 April
SG to transmit the findings of the technical assessment mission to Somalia 
Mandates Expire Relevant Document
30 April
MINURSO (Western Sahara) 
30 April
1572 Côte d’Ivoire sanctions GoE
Other Important Dates  
5-6 April  High-level negotiations between Iran and P5+1 are expected to resume in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
7-8 April A donor conference on Darfur in Doha is expected. 
10-11 April The G8 foreign ministers are expected to meet in London in preparation for the G8 summit in June.
17 April An open debate on women, peace and security on the Secretary-General’s most recent report on sexual violence in conflict is anticipated.
21 April Regional and local elections are scheduled for Côte d’Ivoire.
22-23 April The Secretary-General’s annual retreat with the Security Council is expected.
24 April The regular quarterly debate on the Middle East is scheduled.
Late April An interactive dialogue on peacebuilding is expected.


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