April 2015 Monthly Forecast

Posted 31 March 2015
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Notable Dates

Report Due Reports for Consideration in March
24 March OPCW report on the implementation of resolution 2118 (Syrian chemical weapons) S/RES/2118
25 March SG report on MINUSMA (Mali) S/RES/2164    
27 March SG report on conflict-related sexual violence  S/RES/2106
1 April SG report on MINUSCA (Central African Republic) S/RES/2149
9 April SG report on MINURSO (Western Sahara)  S/RES/2152
14 April SG report on the implementation of resolution 1559 (Lebanon) S/PRST/2004/36, S/RES/1559
15 April Final report of the 1572 Côte d’Ivoire Group of Experts S/RES/2153
17 April SG report on the humanitarian situation in Syria S/RES/2139S/RES/2191
Mandates Expire  
30 April MINUSCA (Central African Republic)  S/RES/2149
30 April MINURSO (Western Sahara)  S/RES/2152
30 April Côte d’Ivoire sanctions S/RES/2153
30 May 1572 Côte d’Ivoire Group of Experts (mandate expires in May but will likely be renewed in April) S/RES/2153


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