Monthly Forecasts

Security Council Report's principal publication providing objective and analytical monthly reporting on the Security Council's current and prospective programme of work.

  • March 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    South Africa will have the presidency of the Council in March. No thematic debates are currently planned—although some event to mark International Women’s Day is possible and a thematic discussion later in the month cannot be ruled out. Other planned...

  • February 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    Slovakia will have the presidency of the Council in February. Traditionally, the February agenda has relatively few scheduled “country specific” matters.  Accordingly, Slovakia has taken the opportunity this month to initiate a major new thematic area of Council work. They...

  • January 2007

    Monthly Forecast

    Russia will have the Presidency of the Council in January. No thematic debate is expected. It is unclear whether there will be any major public debate. One possibility is the monthly session on the Middle East. It will be an...

  • December 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    The Qatar presidency in December will be a challenging one. December is a short month because Council members usually strive to finish their work by Christmas.  However, there are a near record-high number of issues on the December calendar. These...

  • November 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    In November the Council will be under the presidency of Peru. The Council mission to Afghanistan, although comprising only a selection of Council members, will inevitably divert a lot of energy and focus away from the work programme in New York....

  • October 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    After an exceptionally busy summer and a September filled with the usual annual flurry of high level activities related to the opening debate of the General Assembly, October is likely to see Council members turning more sustained attention to several...

  • September 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    Greece will have the Presidency of the Council in a month when the Council will have to manage not only a large number of mandate renewals (ten), but also high profile and politically charged issues such as the selection of the...

  • August 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    Ghana will have the Presidency of the Council in what promises to be an unusually busy month.  A thematic debate on consolidation of peace in West Africa is expected. Clearly the crisis in the Middle East will dominate the Council’s...

  • July 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    France will have the Presidency of the Council in July and will be leading on four important issues. The framework for the Council process regarding the selection of the Secretary General. (Probably discussion will also commence on the candidates nominated...

  • June 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    June promises to be an extraordinarily busy month for the Council. Denmark has the presidency. The programme of work (mission reviews, reports, briefings and mandate renewals) scheduled by previous decisions runs to at least twelve items. In addition the Council...

  • May 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    May will be an unusual month for the Security Council. The formal programme of work seems very light. But behind the scenes, Darfur and Iran will occupy a vast amount of time and energy. Congo has the presidency (along with...

  • April 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    April is scheduled to be a relatively quiet month for the Council. No major open debates are envisaged. China has the presidency and is unlikely to initiate any new thematic issues for discussion. However, issues such as Iran and Darfur...

  • March 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    In March the Council is likely to have three open debates which will focus on: Haiti: this will begin the discussion about the future role for the UN in Haiti once the electoral process is completed. Small Arms: a thematic...

  • February 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is facing a very heavy work programme for February, despite it being a relatively light month in terms of scheduled items. The only major scheduled item is the renewal of the mandate for the United Nations Mission in...

  • January 2006

    Monthly Forecast

    Ethiopia/Eritrea Amazingly, Eritrea has managed in a few short weeks to squander the high moral ground it enjoyed as a result of the Boundary Commission ruling in its favor, by taking out its legitimate frustration over delays in implementation of...