June 2016 Monthly Forecast

Notable Dates

Reports Due Reports for Consideration in June
20 April SG report on conflict-related sexual violence (S/2016/361) S/RES/2106
13 May SG report on the protection of civilians S/PRST/2015/23
16 May SG report on UNSMIL (Libya) S/RES/2273
27 May OPCW report on the implementation of resolution 2118 (Syrian chemical weapons) S/RES/2118
30 May SG report on UNOCA and the Lord’s Resistance Army (Central Africa) S/PRST/2015/12
31 May SG report on the implementation of resolution 2253 regarding ISIL S/RES/2253
31 May Assessment Report of the Residual Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals S/RES/1966
31 May ICTY Assessment Report S/RES/1534
2  June SG report on UNAMID (Darfur) S/RES/2228
7 June SG report on MINUSMA (Mali) S/RES/2227
10 June Report of the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism (Syrian chemical weapons) S/RES/2235
13 June SG report on UNDOF (Golan Heights) S/RES/2257
13 June SG report on UNAMA (Afghanistan) S/RES/2274
15 June  Final report of the Group of Experts of the 1533 DRC Sanctions Committee S/RES/2198
17 June SG report on the humanitarian situation in Syria S/RES/2139
Mandates Expire  
1 June South Sudan sanctions S/RES/2280
15 June UNSMIL (Libya) S/RES/2273
30 June MINUSMA (Mali) S/RES/2227
30 June UNAMID (Darfur) S/RES/2228
30 June UNDOF (Golan Heights) S/RES/2257
1 July DRC sanctions and Group of Experts of the 1533 DRC Sanctions Committee (Group of Experts expires in August but will likely be renewed in June) S/RES/2198

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