October 2018 Monthly Forecast

Posted 28 September 2018
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In October, Bolivia assumes the presidency of the Council. Early in the month a Council visiting mission to the DRC is planned, focused on the upcoming elections. Following the return of the Council delegation, there will be a briefing to the Council by the trip co-leads (Bolivia, Equatorial Guinea and France). Special Representative of the Secretary-General Leila Zerrougui is also scheduled to brief on the activities of the UN mission in the DRC.

Bolivia has chosen to hold a meeting on the role of natural resources as a root cause of conflict. There will also be two open debates: one on women, peace and security, focused on the empowerment of women in political processes; and the regular quarterly open debate on Israel/Palestine.

Other Middle East issues include:

  • Golan Heights, on the activities of UNDOF;
  • Lebanon, on the latest report on the implementation of resolution 1559 (2004), which called for the disarmament of all militias and the extension of government control over all Lebanese territory; and
  • Syria, the monthly briefings on political and humanitarian developments and on the use of chemical weapons.

The Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution renewing the authorisation for member states to inspect vessels on the high seas off the coast of Libya when reasonable grounds exist to suspect they are being used for migrant smuggling or human trafficking.

Additionally, in accordance with the 60-day reporting cycle, Yemen may be added to the programme of work.

Other African issues include:

  • Mali, on the activities of MINUSMA;
  • the CAR, on the activities of MINUSCA;
  • Sudan (Darfur), on the activities of UNAMID and the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee;
  • Western Sahara on the activities of MINURSO and the adoption of a resolution renewing the mission’s mandate; and
  • Sudan/South Sudan, on the activities of UNISFA and an adoption scheduled to renew the joint border verification monitoring mechanism in Abyei.

There will be a briefing from Special Representative Jean Arnault on the Secretary-General’s 90-day report on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.  

A briefing is also expected on the report on the Secretary-General’s good offices in Cyprus and the outcome of UN consultant Jane Holl Lute’s consultations on the negotiation process. 

Other issues this month include the annual briefing to the Council of the ICJ President and a joint briefing by the chairs of the Council’s counter-terrorism related committees.


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