Security Council Working Methods

  • June 2016

    Security Council Elections 2016

    Monthly Forecast

    On 28 June, the General Assembly is scheduled to elect five states to two-year terms on the Security Council beginning on 1 January 2017.

  • Tomorrow morning (31 May), the Security Council will hold a public wrap-up session for the month of May. Egypt, Council president in May, has circulated a concept note describing the objectives of the meeting and suggesting issues that members may...

  • Over the last year, there has been a marked increase in the use of the agenda item “any other business” by Council members.

  • 12 February 2016

    Open Debate on the UN Charter

    What's in Blue

    On 15 February (Monday), the Council will hold a ministerial level open debate on the topic of “Respect for the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations as a key element for the maintenance of international peace...

  • 9 February 2016

    Working Methods Debate

    What's in Blue

    On Thursday (11 February), at the initiative of Venezuela, the Security Council is scheduled to hold a debate titled “Working Methods of Security Council Subsidiary Organs”. A concept note for the debate was circulated on 2 February (S/2016/102). Briefings are...

  • The 13th annual workshop for incoming members of the Security Council will be held on 5-6 November, commencing tomorrow evening (5 November), in Long Island, New York. The workshop is convened by the government of Finland in cooperation with the...

  • Tomorrow morning (Friday, 30 October), the Council is planning to adopt a presidential statement on its working methods. The draft text was circulated by Angola, New Zealand, and Spain several days after an open debate on Council working methods held...

  • 19 October 2015

    Working Methods Open Debate

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow the Council will hold its sixth annual open debate on working methods. The debate is expected to address key concerns about the working methods of the Council, including transparency, participation, accountability and efficiency. The briefers for the debate will...

  • 19 October 2015

    The Veto

    Research Report

    Security Council Report has published a report on the veto. It discusses current initiatives on veto restraint and describes the impact of the veto, and the threat of the veto, on Council decision-making.

  • In the lead-up to the UN’s 70th anniversary on 24 October, three initiatives addressing one of the more challenging issues facing the organisation—how the Security Council can more effectively prevent and halt mass atrocities—have been garnering considerable attention. These include: a French initiative; the Accountability, Coherence, and Transparency Group (ACT) initiative; and a reform proposal by the Elders.

  • October 2015

    Working Methods

    Monthly Forecast

    In October, the Security Council will hold an open debate on its working methods. The president of the General Assembly, Mogens Lykketoft, will be invited to speak.

  • October 2015

    Security Council Elections 2015

    Monthly Forecast

    On 15 October, the General Assembly is scheduled to elect five states to two-year terms on the Security Council beginning on 1 January 2016.

  • Before the end of 2016, the next UN Secretary-General has to be chosen. The Security Council had its first informal discussion on this issue on 22 July. Though no meetings are scheduled in September in the Council on the Secretary-General selection process, members will be participating in the final stages of negotiations on a draft resolution in the General Assembly on the revitalisation of its work, which includes significant paragraphs on the selection process.

  • On Wednesday (22 July), Council members are scheduled to have their first discussion on the process for the selection of the next Secretary-General. The topic will be raised during consultations under “Any Other Business” (AOB). This issue has in recent...

  • Tomorrow afternoon (30 June), the Security Council will hold a wrap-up session for the month of June during which Malaysia held the Council presidency. This is only the third wrap-up session to be held in 2015. (Chile and France held...