Security Council Working Methods

  • January 2012

    In Hindsight: The Working Methods Open Debate

    Monthly Forecast

    On 30 November 2011, the Council held an open debate on its working methods, the fourth such debate on the issue with35 delegations participating, including 20 members at large. As president, Ambassador José Filipe Moraes Cabral (Portugal) volunteered to speak last, allowing him to sum up the debate.

  • 29 November 2011

    Open Debate on Council Working Methods

    What's in Blue

    The Council is set to hold an open debate tomorrow (Wednesday, 30 November) on Security Council working methods, under the agenda item “Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council”. (Presidential note S/2010/507 of 26 July last...

  • November 2011

    Working Methods

    Monthly Forecast

    The Council is expected to hold an open debate on Security Council working methods in November. No formal Council action is expected, but the debate will inform the work of the Council's Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions, which is chaired by Bosnia and Herzegovina until the end of 2011.

  • 26 October 2011

    Adoption of the Security Council Annual Report

    What's in Blue

    The Security Council annual report for the period 1 August 2010 to 31 July 2011 has been put under silence procedure and is scheduled for adoption tomorrow (27 October) morning. The annual report covers matters considered by the Security Council...

  • October 2011

    Security Council Elections 2011

    Monthly Forecast

    On 21 October, the General Assembly is expected to hold elections for five members of the Security Council. The new members will take up their seats on 1 January 2012 and will serve on the Security Council until 31 December 2013.

  • 25 April 2011

    Insights on the Programme of Work

    What's in Blue

    Today (Monday, 25 April) a new provisional programme of work for the Council has been posted. There are a number of changes to the Council’s work schedule for this week. A new addition is a briefing by the Secretary-General tomorrow...

  • 4 April 2011

    Insights on the April Programme of Work

    What's in Blue

    Council members met today to discuss the April programme of work. This followed the meeting of political coordinators on Friday on the programme of work. This month Colombia has the presidency. It is looking very likely that the Council will...

  • 2 March 2011

    Insights on the March Programme of Work

    What's in Blue

    Council members met today to discuss March’s Programme of Work. This month China has the presidency and the Council could have around 12 days of scheduled meetings. The Chinese ambassador in briefing the press divided the Council’s work for March...

  • Today the Council was briefed by Atul Khare, ASG for Peacekeeping (representing DPKO head, Alain le Roy, who is out of town) and UNAMID head, Ibrahim Gambari who spoke to the the Council by video-link from Darfur. The use of...

  • October 2010

    Security Council Elections

    Monthly Forecast

    The General Assembly is expected to hold elections on 12 October for five members of the Security Council. The five new members will take up their seats on 1 January and will serve on the Security Council for the period 2011-2012.

  • The open debate on Security Council working methods, originally scheduled for 29 April, is now expected to take place on 22 April. No formal outcome is planned, but it is hoped that the debate will inform the work of the Council’s Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions (chaired by Japan) for the 

  • On 18 October 2007 Security Council Report published its first Special Research Report on Security Council working methods. It was entitled Security Council Transparency, Legitimacy and Effectiveness. It tracked the efforts which had been made to reform Council working methods from 1993 to 2007. A second report, Security Council Working Methods, was published on 12 August 2008 as a resource in preparation for the open debate in the Security Council that month. This report is designed to update readers on developments since 2008. And also, now that there has been over three years of practice since the adoption by the Security Council of its note S/2006/507 on 19 July 2006 on Council working methods, this report examines the level of implementation of the measures agreed in the note and their effectiveness. Finally, this report outlines some of the ad hoc evolutions of Council working methods which have occurred in the context of specific cases, particularly in 2009.

  • October 2009

    Security Council Elections 2009

    Monthly Forecast

    n October (possibly the fifteenth) the General Assembly will hold elections for five Security Council seats which have two-year terms. The new members will take their seats on 1 January and will serve in 2010 and 2011.

  • October 2008

    Security Council Elections

    Monthly Forecast

    On 17 October the General Assembly will hold elections for five non-permanent seats on the Security Council. The new members will take their seats on 1 January and will serve for the period 2009-2010.

  • The Council will hold an open debate to discuss Council working methods on 27 August. The debate is expected to provide an opportunity to discuss implementation of its most recent decisions on working methods. (Most of these are set out in a Council presidential note S/2006/507 of July 2006.)