Security Council Working Methods

  • 15 June 2021

    Working Methods Open Debate

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (16 June), the Security Council will hold its annual open debate on its working methods. The meeting will be conducted under the agenda item “Implementation of the note by the President of the Security Council (S/2017/507)”, referring to the...

  • 1 June 2021

    Programme of Work for June 2021

    What's in Blue

    Estonia is the president of the Security Council in June. The Council adopted its provisional programme of work for the month today (1 June). It is expected to hold in-person meetings this month, although high-level meetings will likely continue to...

  • June 2021

    Security Council Elections 2021

    Monthly Forecast

    The 75th session of the UN General Assembly is scheduled to hold elections for the Security Council on 11 June for five non-permanent members of the Security Council for the term 2022-2023.

  • June 2021

    Security Council Working Methods

    Monthly Forecast

    In June, Estonia is organising a virtual open debate on the Council’s working methods. Like last year, Estonia is collaborating with Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, the Chair of the Informal Working Group on Working Methods (IWG), to convene this debate. The IWG Chair is expected to circulate a concept note to members to guide the debate. If the special measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic are still in effect at the time of the debate, statements by non-Council members can be expected to be submitted in writing.

  • 3 May 2021

    Programme of Work for May 2021

    What's in Blue

    China is the president of the Security Council in May. The Council’s work will continue to be held virtually, although members may consider in-person meetings later in the month. China has chosen to convene three signature events in May. Early...

  • In May, the Security Council will hold a high-level briefing via videoconference on “Maintenance of international peace and security: Upholding multilateralism and the United Nations-centred international system”. Wang Yi, China’s state councillor and minister for foreign affairs, is expected to chair the meeting. Volkan Bozkir, the president of the General Assembly, is expected to brief.

  • 1 April 2021

    Programme of Work for April 2021

    What's in Blue

    Viet Nam is the president of the Security Council in April. The Council’s work will continue to be held virtually in April, although members may consider in-person meetings later in the month if COVID-19 rates subside. Viet Nam has chosen...

  • 1 March 2021

    Programme of Work for March 2021

    What's in Blue

    The US is the president of the Security Council in March. The Council adopted its provisional programme of work for the month earlier today. It appears that all meetings will be held virtually in March because of the COVID-19 virus....

  • Secretary-General António Guterres’ five-year term concludes on 31 December 2021. The process of selecting and appointing the next Secretary-General officially commenced when the British Ambassador to the UN, Barbara Woodward, acting in her capacity as president of the Security Council, and General Assembly President Volkan Bozkir, issued a joint letter on 5 February to all member states, soliciting candidates for the position. 

  • 1 February 2021

    Programme of Work for February 2021

    What's in Blue

    The UK holds the presidency of the Security Council in February. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the Council’s work is expected to continue to take place virtually this month. As an objective of its presidency, UK Ambassador Barbara Woodward has said...

  • Despite new working methods put in place in 2016 to facilitate a more efficient and transparent process, getting agreement this time was protracted and challenging.

  • 4 January 2021

    Programme of Work for January 2021

    What's in Blue

    Tunisia has the presidency of the Security Council in January. Council members adopted the provisional programme of work earlier today. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, much of the Council’s work is expected to continue to take place virtually this month. Five...

  • January 2021

    In Hindsight: Looking Back to Look Ahead

    Monthly Forecast

    Every January, five new members take their seats for a two-year term on the Security Council. In 2021, India, Ireland, Kenya, Mexico and Norway are the incoming five (I-5) replacing departing members Belgium, Dominican Republic, Germany, Indonesia and South Africa. While we don’t have a crystal ball, the events of 2020 may provide an indication of what these members can expect in 2021.

  • 1 December 2020

    Programme of Work for December 2020

    What's in Blue

    South Africa is the president of the Security Council in December. Council members adopted the provisional programme of work earlier today. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, much of the Council’s work is expected to continue to take place virtually this month....

  • The Security Council presidency, which rotates monthly in English-language alphabetical order, is an opportunity for Council members to showcase their foreign policy interests and goals. The “signature event”—convened as a debate, open debate, briefing or, during the COVID-19 pandemic, as open videoconferences (VTC)—is a prime vehicle for doing so.