
  • 2 March 2012

    Somalia Open Debate

    What's in Blue

    On Monday (5 March) the Council is scheduled to hold an open debate on Somalia as a follow up to the 23 February London Conference. The UK has proposed a draft presidential statement (PRST) endorsing the conference communiqué, which is...

  • March 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    In March, the Council is expected to hold an open debate on Somalia chaired by Under Secretary of State Henry Bellingham (UK) as a follow-up to the 23 February London conference. A video-conference briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Augustine Mahiga, is expected and a presidential statement is the likely outcome.  

  • 21 February 2012

    Somalia Troop Ceiling Increase

    What's in Blue

    A draft resolution authorising an increase in the troop ceiling for the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), from 12,000 to 17,731 uniformed personnel (troops and police), was put in blue this morning with adoption set for tomorrow (22 February). The...

  • February 2012


    Monthly Forecast

    At press time, Council members were anticipating a report from the Secretary-General with more details on the new strategic concept recently endorsed by the AU for the next phase of the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), including options for enhancing the mission's UN-financed support package.

  • On Monday (6 February), Under-Secretary-General for Field Support Susana Malcorra is scheduled to brief Council members in informal consultations on the Secretary-General’s special report on Somalia of 31 January (S/2012/74). While the Secretary-General’s report presents recommendations on the new strategic...

  • 10 January 2012

    Council Meeting on Somalia

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow afternoon (11 January) the Council is scheduled to hold an open meeting on Somalia chaired by South Africa’s Foreign Minister Maite Nkoana-Mashabane. Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs B. Lynn Pascoe, and AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Ramtane Lamamra, will...

  • 12 December 2011

    Secretary-General’s Briefing on Somalia

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (Tuesday, 13 December) the Secretary-General is scheduled to brief the Council on Somalia. Council members seem keen to hear about the Secretary-General’s historic 9 December visit to Mogadishu with the President of the UN General Assembly, Nassir Abdulaziz...

  • December 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    Developments in Somalia are expected to be on Council members' minds in December. The Secretary-General's report is likely to be issued early in the month, to be followed by a briefing. At press time, it seemed unlikely there would be any outcome.

  • 17 November 2011

    Negotiations on a Somalia Piracy Resolution

    What's in Blue

    Council members began negotiations yesterday (16 November) on a draft resolution on piracy off the coast of Somalia. The draft, which was circulated by the US on Tuesday, would renew the anti-piracy provisions of resolution 1950, which expire on 23...

  • 8 November 2011

    Somalia Eritrea Sanctions Committee Meeting

    What's in Blue

    The 751/1907 Sanctions Committee on Eritrea and Somalia will meet tomorrow (9 November). It will consider the report by the Humanitarian Coordinator for Somalia, Mark Bowden, which was submitted to Council members last week. Philippe Lazzarini, Deputy Director of the...

  • November 2011


    Monthly Forecast

    In November, the Emergency Relief Coordinator for Somalia is due to report to the Council on implementation of the humanitarian exemption under resolution 1972 with regard to the asset-freeze provision of the Somalia sanctions regime and on any impediments to the delivery of humanitarian assistance in Somalia. A briefing on the report is expected.

  • 26 October 2011

    Somalia Briefing and Consultations Postponed

    What's in Blue

    It appears that the briefing on Somalia by B. Lynn Pascoe, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, initially scheduled for tomorrow (27 October) has been postponed until Monday, 31 October. Apparently the two reports to be considered – a report on Somali...

  • 21 October 2011

    Somalia Piracy Resolution

    What's in Blue

    It appears that the Council is now scheduled to vote on Monday morning (24 October) on a Russian draft resolution on Somali piracy. As previously reported by What’s in Blue (14 October), the draft resolution apparently calls for additional measures...

  • 14 October 2011

    Somalia Piracy Resolution

    What's in Blue

    It appears that the Council is now close to reaching agreement on a resolution calling for additional measures to strengthen prosecution of suspected pirates operating off the coast of Somalia. Council members have had several rounds of negotiations on a...

  • 13 October 2011

    Monthly DPA Briefing

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (14 October) Council members will have their monthly briefing on emerging issues by DPA head, B. Lynn Pascoe. It seems the briefing will focus on Somalia, Madagascar and UN sanctions committees and their panels of experts. It is possible...