
  • January 2018


    Monthly Forecast

    In January 2018, the Council expects to receive the Secretary-General’s report on the situation in Somalia.

  • 13 November 2017

    Somalia and Eritrea Sanctions Resolution

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (14 November), the Security Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution on Somalia and Eritrea sanctions, after considering the final reports of the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) on Somalia (S/2017/924) and Eritrea (S/2017/925). The text was put...

  • November 2017

    Somalia and Eritrea

    Monthly Forecast

    In November, the Council is expected to adopt a resolution on Somalia and Eritrea sanctions that will address the partial lifting of the arms embargo, authorisation for maritime interdiction of illicit arms imports and charcoal exports, and the humanitarian exemption, which all expire on 15 November. The 120-day briefing by the chair of the 751/1901 Somalia and Eritrea Sanctions Committee, Kairat Umarov (Kazakhstan), is expected. The mandate review of the Somalia and Eritrea Monitoring Group (SEMG) is also due in November. Finally, the Council is scheduled to adopt a resolution renewing counter-piracy measures.

  • October 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In keeping with the Security Council’s August presidential statement on famine, a Secretariat official  is expected to provide in October “an oral briefing…on country-specific impediments to an effective response to the risk of famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and northeast Nigeria and to make specific recommendations on how to address these impediments”. No immediate Council outcome is anticipated.

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (8 September 2017): This morning (8 September), members of the Security Council held their 11th joint consultative meeting with the AU Peace and Security Council (AU PSC). The meeting started with statements by AU PSC chairperson, Ambassador...

  • Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (7 September 2017): Security Council members have had a series of meetings since landing in Addis Ababa yesterday afternoon. Council members began their visiting mission yesterday (6 September) with briefings by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General...

  • Council members left today (5 September) for a three-day visiting mission to Addis Ababa for the 11th joint consultative meeting between members of the UN Security Council and the AU Peace and Security Council (AU PSC). Ahead of the joint...

  • September 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In September, the Council expects to receive the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of resolution 2358, which renewed the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) until 31 March 2018. The Council will hold a briefing and consultations on the report.

  • 29 August 2017

    AMISOM Reauthorisation

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (30 August), the Security Council is set to adopt a resolution reauthorising the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) until 31 May 2018. The draft resolution was put into blue on 25 August after two fairly straightforward rounds of expert-level...

  • Tomorrow (9 August), the Council is expected to adopt a presidential statement expressing its grave concern about the threat of famine presently facing more than 20 million people in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan, and north-east Nigeria. After the Council’s 16...

  • August 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In August, the Council is expected to adopt a resolution reauthorising the AU Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) for an additional year. 

  • On Monday (24 July), the Chair of the 751/1907 Somalia and Eritrea Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Kairat Umarov (Kazakhstan), will deliver his 120-day briefing to Council members in consultations, covering the period from April to July 2017. The Chair is expected...

  • July 2017

    Somalia and Eritrea

    Monthly Forecast

    In July, the Chair of the Somalia and Eritrea 751/1907 Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Kairat Umarov (Kazakhstan), will deliver his 120-day briefing to the Council.

  • Today (22 June), Council members are scheduled to hold an Arria-formula meeting on “preventing terrorism and violent extremism in the Horn of Africa: Enhancing partnership for regional efforts.” The meeting is co-hosted by Ethiopia and Italy with the Intergovernmental Authority...

  • On Friday (16 June), Security Council members will hold an Arria-formula open meeting on the risk of famine in the conflict-affected areas of north-east Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen. The session is being co-hosted by the A3 (the three...