
  • This morning (5 April), the Security Council is holding a briefing on the reports of alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria. France and the UK requested the meeting following the chemical weapons attack in the Khan Shaykhun area of...

  • April 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In April, Council members expect to receive briefings on the humanitarian and political situation in Syria, as well as on chemical weapons.

  • 7 March 2017

    Syria: Consultations on the Geneva Talks

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow afternoon, Council members will be briefed by Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura on the fourth round of the intra-Syrian talks held between 23 February and 3 March. Council members will be interested in hearing de Mistura’s assessment of the...

  • March 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In March, Council members expect to receive briefings on the humanitarian and political situation in Syria as well as on the use and production of chemical weapons.

  • Early next week, the Security Council is scheduled to vote on a draft resolution establishing a sanctions regime, a committee and a panel of experts to ensure accountability for the use and production of chemical weapons in Syria. The draft...

  • February 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In February, Council members expect to receive the regular monthly briefings on the humanitarian and political situations in Syria. Council members will be following closely the intra-Syrian talks in Geneva, scheduled to be held in February.

  • Tomorrow (31 January), Council members will be briefed by Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura in consultations on the UN’s next steps towards the goal of reaching a political settlement on Syria. The intra-Syrian Geneva talks had originally been scheduled for...

  • Tomorrow (26 January), OCHA head Stephen O’Brien; Amir Mahmoud Abdulla, the Deputy Executive Director of the World Food Programme; and Peter Salama, the Executive Director of the World Health Organisation’s Emergencies Programme will brief the Council on the efforts and...

  • Tomorrow morning (31 December), Council members are expected to meet in consultations for the second time on a Russian draft resolution that endorses the ceasefire in Syria agreed between Russia and Turkey, after which a vote may be taken.The ceasefire...

  • January 2017


    Monthly Forecast

    In January, Council members expect to receive a briefing on the chemical weapons track as well as their regular monthly briefings on the humanitarian and political situations in Syria. Other activity could not be ruled out, given the urgent nature of the Syrian crisis.

  • 17 December 2016

    Syria: Vote on an Aleppo Draft Resolution

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow morning (18 December), the Security Council will hold consultations to discuss the situation in Syria and is expected to vote on a draft resolution circulated by France on Friday. The draft demands that all parties provide the UN with...

  • 4 December 2016

    Syria: Vote on Aleppo Draft Resolution

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (5 December) afternoon, the Security Council will vote on a resolution drafted by Egypt, New Zealand and Spain—the penholders on the Syria humanitarian situation—that decides that all parties shall end all attacks in Aleppo for an initial period of...

  • December 2016


    Monthly Forecast

    Council members expect to receive the regular monthly briefings on the political and humanitarian situations in Syria and could not rule out other activity, given the urgent nature of the Syrian crisis.

  • At the request of France and the UK, the Council will be briefed by Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura, OCHA head Stephen O’Brien and a representative from UNICEF on the situation in Aleppo tomorrow (30 November) morning. This meeting comes...

  • This afternoon (17 November), the Security Council is expected to vote on a draft resolution to renew the mandate of the UN-OPCW Joint Investigative Mechanism (JIM), the body mandated to determine responsibility for the use of chemical weapons in Syria,...