
  • May 2015


    Monthly Forecast

    In May, Council members expect to receive their regular monthly briefings on the chemical weapons and humanitarian tracks in Syria. While there is no outcome planned at press time, it seemed possible that the crisis in Yarmouk will refocus the Council’s attention this month on the use of siege tactics in Syria.

  • On Monday afternoon (27 April), Security Council members Jordan and France have organised an Arria-formula meeting for all UN member states on the issue of combatting the destruction, smuggling and theft of cultural heritage. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova and INTERPOL...

  • Tomorrow morning (24 April), Jordan’s Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Nasser Judeh will preside over a meeting on the humanitarian situation in Syria. At this session, the Security Council will adopt a presidential statement on the impact of the...

  • Tomorrow morning (20 April), Pierre Krähenbühl, Commissioner-General of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, and the UN’s Deputy Special Envoy for Syria, Ramzy Ezzeldin Ramzy, will brief Council members via video teleconference from Jerusalem and Damascus, respectively, on the...

  • The US has arranged a closed Arria-formula meeting tomorrow morning (16 April) for Council members to hear first-hand accounts of chemical weapons attacks in Syria. Council members will be briefed by a Syrian doctor who treated victims of the 16...

  • Tomorrow afternoon (2 April), UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Angela Kane will brief Security Council members on the eighteenth monthly report (S/2015/211) on the implementation of resolution 2118, which required the verification and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons. Some...

  • April 2015


    Monthly Forecast

    In April, Council members expect to receive their regular monthly briefings on the chemical weapons and humanitarian tracks.

  • This afternoon (5 March), UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Angela Kane will brief Security Council members on the seventeenth monthly report (S/2015/138) on the implementation of resolution 2118, which required the verification and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons. However,...

  • March 2015


    Monthly Forecast

    Council members expect to receive their regular monthly briefings on the chemical weapons and humanitarian tracks.At press time, Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura was in Damascus for further discussions on a possible cessation of hostilities in Aleppo. It was unclear whether he would report back to Council members in March.

  • 25 February 2015

    Syria Humanitarian Briefing

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow afternoon (26 February), Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Kyung-wha Kang and High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres will brief the Council on the devastating humanitarian situation in Syria and neighbouring countries. Tomorrow’s briefing will not be followed by consultations,...

  • Tomorrow morning (20 February), Security Council members are set to meet with the Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry on Syria in a closed Arria-formula format session arranged by the UK. A closed format was chosen to allow for a...

  • Tomorrow afternoon (17 February), Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura will deliver his second briefing to Council members on efforts to facilitate a negotiated “freeze zone” between the government and opposition in Aleppo—Syria’s “second city” which has suffered serious...

  • Tomorrow (12 February), the Security Council is set to adopt a resolution targeting some of the sources of funding of the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) and Al-Nusra Front (ANF). After being discussed among permanent members, the draft...

  • Tomorrow (6 February), UN High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Angela Kane will brief Security Council members on the sixteenth monthly report (S/2015/56) on the implementation of resolution 2118, which required the verification and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons*. Kane is...

  • February 2015


    Monthly Forecast

    In February, Council members expect to be briefed on the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons early in the month and on the humanitarian situation in Syria towards the end of the month. Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura is expected to brief mid-month on the political track.