
  • Last night (7 January), the UK circulated a draft press statement on Syrian government airstrikes against Aleppo which began on 15 December 2013. The draft is under silence until 4:00 this afternoon. The draft press statement expresses outrage over the...

  • 7 January 2014

    Syria Chemical Weapons Briefing

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (8 January), Sigrid Kaag, the Special Coordinator of the joint mission of the UN and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), will brief Council members in consultations on the third monthly report (S/2013/774) on the implementation...

  • January 2014


    Monthly Forecast

    Council members will be briefed on the implementation of resolution 2118, regarding the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons, by Sigrid Kaag, Special Coordinator of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission. Council members will also closely follow preparations for the 22 January Geneva II peace talks and implementation of the presidential statement on humanitarian access. In addition, Luxembourg and the UK are planning an Arria formula meeting focusing on women’s participation in the Syrian transition process.

  • On Monday (16 December), Council members will be briefed in consultations by the Secretary-General on the final report (S/2013/735) of a UN team led by Ake Sellström that included the results of the investigation into the alleged use of chemical...

  • 2 December 2013

    Briefing on Humanitarian Situation in Syria

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (3 December), Emergency Relief Coordinator and head of Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Valerie Amos will brief Council members in consultations on the humanitarian situation in Syria. This will be her third briefing on the 2...

  • December 2013


    Monthly Forecast

    In December, Council members will follow-up the implementation of resolution 2118, which required the verifiable destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons, as well as implementation of the 2 October presidential statement on humanitarian access in Syria. Council members will also be closely following preparations for the 22 January 2014 Geneva II peace talks. 

  • 4 November 2013

    Briefing on the Syrian Chemical Weapons Track

    What's in Blue

    Tomorrow (5 November), Sigrid Kaag, the Special Coordinator of the joint mission of the UN and the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), will brief Council members in consultations on the first monthly report (S/2013/629) on the implementation...

  • On Monday (4 November), Emergency Relief Coordinator and head of Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), Valerie Amos, will brief Council members on the humanitarian situation in Syria under “any other business” following consultations on the November programme...

  • November 2013


    Monthly Forecast

    In early November, Council members will be briefed in consultations on the first monthly report on the implementation of resolution 2118, which required the verification and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons. Council members will also be closely following developments related to humanitarian access and to the Geneva II peace talks. 

  • 23 October 2013

    Humanitarian Briefing on Syria

    What's in Blue

    Friday morning (25 October) Under Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator Valerie Amos will brief the Security Council on the humanitarian situation in Syria, to be followed by closed consultations. While not confirmed, it is possible that some...

  • 10 October 2013

    Syria: Briefing on Joint OPCW and UN Mission

    What's in Blue

    This afternoon (10 October), Council members will convene for a briefing in consultations from the Secretary-General’s Chef de Cabinet, Susana Malcorra, on the Secretary-General’s 7 October letter to the Security Council outlining recommendations on the role of the UN in...

  • 2 October 2013

    Syria: Addressing the Humanitarian Crisis

    What's in Blue

    Last night (1 October), a draft presidential statement addressing the humanitarian situation in Syria was put under silence until this morning, potentially setting the stage for the Security Council to adopt the statement as early as today. Council members met...

  • 27 September 2013

    Syria: From Stalemate to Compromise

    What's in Blue

    The Security Council is poised to unanimously adopt a resolution this evening (27 September) that requires the verification and destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles, calls for the convening of the Geneva II peace talks and endorses the establishment of...

  • 13 September 2013

    Syria: What Role for the Security Council?

    What's in Blue

    Following a week of fast changing events related to Syria, the Security Council, long stalemated on this issue and on the verge of being sidelined by unilateral military strikes on Syria, may be poised to take centre stage on Syria’s...

  • Following the adoption of the September programme of work tomorrow morning (4 September), Security Council members are scheduled to be briefed by the head of the Department of Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, on his recent visit to the Middle East....