UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 2 November 2015 View: A/C.3/70/L.45

    Abstract: This was the draft General Assembly resolution on Iran.

  • 2 November 2015 View: A/C.3/70/L.45

    Abstract: This was the draft General Assembly resolution on Iran.

  • 1 November 2015 View: SC/12103

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning Al-Shabaab’s attack on the Sahafi hotel in Mogadishu.

  • 30 October 2015 View: S/PV.7547

    Abstract: This was an open debate on working methods during Spain’s presidency, which resulted in a presidential statement.

  • 30 October 2015 View: S/PRST/2015/19

    Abstract: This was the first presidential statement adopted by the Council on its own working methods.

  • 30 October 2015 View: A/C.3/70/L.35

    Abstract: This was the draft General Assembly resolution on the DPRK adopted on 19 November.

  • 28 October 2015 View: S/PRST/2015/18

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement taking note of the 17 October AU communique on Burundi (PSC/PR/COMM.(DLI)), expressing its concern about the growing insecurity in Burundi and continuing violence, condemning human rights abuses and calling for dialogue between all stakeholders.

  • 28 October 2015 View: S/2015/826

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on Iraq/Kuwait missing persons and property.

  • 28 October 2015 View: S/2015/825

    Abstract: This was a letter from ICTY President Theodor Meron on 28 October, requesting extensions of the terms of 17 judges until dates ranging from 31 March 2016 to 30 November 2017, based on projections for the completion of the Tribunal’s remaining work.

  • 28 October 2015 View: S/PV.7545

    Abstract: This was a briefing on Darfur.

  • 27 October 2015 View: S/PV.7544

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen (New Zealand) as chair of the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee.

  • 27 October 2015 View: S/PV.7543

    Abstract: Was a briefing by OCHA on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

  • 26 October 2015 View: S/2015/820

    Abstract: This was the 25th OPCW report on chemical weapons.

  • 26 October 2015 View: S/2015/819

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s report on UNAMI.

  • 23 October 2015 View: SC/12096

    Abstract: This was a press statement welcoming Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed's announcement of the upcoming talks and reaffirming their call for the parties to attend the talks without preconditions.

  • 23 October 2015 View: S/PV.7542

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and the chair of the 2140 Yemen Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Raimonda Murmokaite (Lithuania).

  • 23 October 2015 View: S/PV.7541

    Abstract: This meeting concerned the adoption of resolution 2244.

  • 23 October 2015 View: S/RES/2244

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the partial lifting of the arms embargo, maritime interdiction of illicit arms and charcoal, the humanitarian exemption and the mandate of the Monitoring Group.

  • 22 October 2015 View: S/2015/813

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s report on the humanitarian situation.

  • 22 October 2015 View: S/PV.7540

    Abstract: This was the quarterly open debate on the Middle East.

  • Abstract: This was the quarterly open debate on the Middle East.

  • 21 October 2015 View: S/2015/809

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General, which contained a summary of a 2014 review by the Secretariat of a number of historical precedents for the administration of territory by the League of Nations and the UN.

  • Abstract: This was an open debate on working methods.

  • 20 October 2015 View: S/PV.7539

    Abstract: This was an open debate on working methods.

  • 20 October 2015 View: S/PRST/2015/17

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement expressing the Council's deep concern about the recent upsurge of violence and instability in the CAR and reiterating the importance of holding the constitutional referendum and first rounds of presidential and legislative elections by the end of 2015.

  • 20 October 2015 View: SC/12090

    Abstract: Included suggestions to member states for the implementation of resolution 2199 regarding the illicit financing of ISIS and Al-Nusra Front.

  • 20 October 2015 View: S/PV.7538

    Abstract: This was a meeting where the Council adopted the introduction to its 2015 annual report, drafted by New Zealand.

  • 19 October 2015 View: SC/12085

    Abstract: This was a press release on the 2140 Yemen Sanctions Committee meeting to discuss the findings of the Panel of Experts on financial sanctions and international humanitarian law issues.

  • 19 October 2015 View: S/2015/804

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General of the Polisario regarding drilling by an Ireland-based mining company in Western Sahara.

  • 17 October 2015 View: SC/12084

    Abstract: This press statement urged all Libyan parties to endorse and sign the Political Agreement, as presented on 8 October.

  • 16 October 2015 View: S/PV.7536

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Tayé-Brook Zerihoun on the escalation of tensions and violence, in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, including the killing of Israelis and Palestinians.

  • 16 October 2015 View: S/2015/797

    Abstract: This was the midterm report of the Group of Experts of the 1533 DRC Sanctions Committee.

  • 15 October 2015 View: S/2015/793

    Abstract: This was a concept note Spain circulated focusing on how the Council can improve its efficiency and transparency in its relationship with non-Council members, including the General Assembly and ECOSOC, as well as with the Secretariat.

  • 15 October 2015 View: S/2015/794

    Abstract: This was an ICRC letter on the ethical principles of health care in times of armed conflict and other emergencies.

  • 15 October 2015 View: A/70/PV.33

    Abstract: This was the record of the 2015 elections of non-permanent members; Senegal, Uruguay, Japan, Egypt and Ukraine won seats.

  • 15 October 2015 View: S/2015/796

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Sudan to the Council President regarding customs clearance for UNAMID containers.

  • Abstract: This was the annual open debate on women and peace and security.

  • 14 October 2015 View: S/RES/2243

    Abstract: This was a resolution extending the mandate of MINUSTAH for one year while maintaining its authorised troop strength at 2,370 military personnel and 2,601 police.

  • 14 October 2015 View: S/PV.7535

    Abstract: This briefing was on the strategic review of UNSOA and an assessment regarding a possible extension of the SNA support package.

  • 13 October 2015 View: S/RES/2242

    Abstract: The resolution expressed the Council’s intention to convene an Informal Experts Group on Women, Peace and Security and to invite women civil society briefers to country-specific and thematic meetings of the Security Council. It also called for greater integration of the agendas on WPS and counter-terrorism and countering violent extremism.

  • 13 October 2015 View: S/PV.7533

    Abstract: This was the annual open debate on women, peace and security.

  • 12 October 2015 View: SC/12075

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the 10 and 11 October terrorist attacks by Boko Haram in Baga Sola, Chad and Kangaleri, Cameroon.

  • 12 October 2015 View: S/2015/776

    Abstract: This report of the Secretary-General was on piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/PV.7532

    Abstract: This was a meeting where the Council adopted resolution 2241, adjusting the mandate of UNMISS to support implementation of the “Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan”.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/RES/2241

    Abstract: This was a resolution adjusting the mandate of UNMISS to support implementation of the “Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in the Republic of South Sudan”. The vote was 13 in favour with two abstentions from Russia and Venezuela.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/PV.7531

    Abstract: This was a meeting on human trafficking and migrant smuggling in the Mediterranean, where the Council adopted resolution 2240 authorising the interdiction of vessels used for migrant smuggling or human trafficking on the high seas off the coast of Libya.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/RES/2240

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the interdiction of vessels used for migrant smuggling or human trafficking on the high seas off the coast of Libya.

  • 9 October 2015 View: SC/12074

    Abstract: This press statement welcomed León’s announcement of the proposed names for the Presidency Council of the Libyan Government of National Accord.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/2015/802

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the final report on Eritrea of the Monitoring Group.

  • 9 October 2015 View: S/2015/801

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the final report on Somalia of the Monitoring Group.