UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 24 November 2014 View: S/2014/849

    Abstract: This was a letter from the DPRK rejecting the General Assembly’s Third Committee resolution of 18 November and stating that the hostile policy of the US compels the DPRK not to exercise restraint in conducting a new nuclear test.

  • 24 November 2014 View: S/PV.7319

    Abstract: This was the semi-annual briefing on non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

  • 24 November 2014 View: S/PV.7320

    Abstract: This was the quarterly briefing on the work of the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee.

  • 24 November 2014 View: SC/11664

    Abstract: This was a press statement that condemned a suicide bombing that killed over fifty civilians and wounded another sixty in Paktika, Afghanistan.

  • 21 November 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/24

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement that reiterated grave concern over the epidemic, that Ebola constitutes a threat to international peace and security, recognised progress in scaling-up international assistance and called for further strengthening of response efforts.

  • 21 November 2014 View: S/2014/840

    Abstract: This was a report on the humanitarian situation.

  • 21 November 2014 View: CCPR/C/ISR/CO/4

    Abstract: This was the concluding observations on the fourth periodic report on Israel of the Human Rights Committee monitoring implementation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

  • 21 November 2014 View: S/PV.7318

    Abstract: This was a debate on Ebola.

  • 20 November 2014 View: S/RES/2185

    Abstract: This was the first standalone resolution on UN policing.

  • 20 November 2014 View: S/PV.7317

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the role of policing in peacekeeping and post-conflict peacebuilding.

  • 19 November 2014 View: SC/11658

    Abstract: Called for Sudan to provide UNAMID with access to Thabit and throughout Darfur.

  • 19 November 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/23

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement that focused on international cooperation in combating terrorism and addressed the interrelated threats posed by foreign terrorist fighters, violent extremism, Al-Qaida and the Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham.

  • 19 November 2014 View: SC/11660

    Abstract: This was a press statement on the terrorist attack in a synagogue in Jerusalem in which four innocent civilians worshipping and a police officer were killed.

  • 19 November 2014 View: S/2014/829

    Abstract: This was the ICTR’s completion strategy report.

  • 19 November 2014 View: S/2014/831

    Abstract: This was the final report of the Liberia Panel of Experts.

  • 19 November 2014 View: S/PV.7316

    Abstract: This was a high-level open debate on counter-terrorism.

  • 19 November 2014 View: SC/11660

    Abstract: This was a press statement on a terrorist attack on a synagogue in Jerusalem.

  • 19 November 2014 View: S/2014/827

    Abstract: This was the ICTY’s completion strategy report.

  • 19 November 2014 View: S/2014/826

    Abstract: This was the Residual Mechanism’s progress report.

  • 18 November 2014 View: S/PV.7315

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the situation in Guinea-Bissau.

  • 18 November 2014 View: S/PV.7314

    Abstract: This was the quarterly briefing on Iraq, with briefings by the head of UNAMI, the High Commissioner for Human Rights and OCHA.

  • 18 November 2014 View: A/C.3/69/L.33

    Abstract: This was the Third Committee's annual resolution on the human rights situation in Iran, passed by a vote of 78 in favour to 35 against, with 69 abstentions.

  • 18 November 2014 View: SC/11654

    Abstract: This was a press statement that condemned ISIS for the murder of US aid worker Peter Kassig.

  • 18 November 2014 View: SC/11655

    Abstract: This was a press release noting that the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee met on 14 November with Libya and other regional states.

  • 18 November 2014 View: A/C.3/69/L.28/Rev.1

    Abstract: This was the General Assembly’s Third Committee resolution deciding to submit the report of the Human Rights Council mandated DPRK Commission of Inquiry to the Security Council and encouraged the Council to consider relevant recommendations and take appropriate action, including the referral to the ICC.

  • 18 November 2014 View: S/2014/821

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on South Sudan.

  • 17 November 2014 View: SC/11651

    Abstract: This press statement welcomed the 16 November signature of a Charter for the Transition in Burkina Faso and the appointment of Michel Kafando as transition president.

  • 17 November 2014 View: S/2014/819

    Abstract: This was a letter from Sudan containing a statement from its Ministry of Foreign Affairs denying accusations of mass rape in Tabit.

  • 17 November 2014 View: S/PV.7312

    Abstract: This was a meeting on the Middle East, including the Palestinian question.

  • 17 November 2014 View: S/PV.7313

    Abstract: This was the meeting record for the election of the fifth judge to the ICJ.

  • 14 November 2014 View: SC/11647

    Abstract: This was a press statement by the CAR Sanctions Committee drawing attention to a recommendation of the Panel of Experts that urged exporters, importers, processors and consumers of Central African gold to mitigate the risk of further exacerbating the conflict in the Central African Republic by following due diligence guidance.

  • 14 November 2014 View: SC/11648

    Abstract: This was a press release stating that the 1591 Sudan Sanctions Committee convened a meeting with Sudan and regional states.

  • 13 November 2014 View: SC/11646

    Abstract: This press statement condemned the terrorist bomb attacks against the embassies of Egypt and the UAE in Tripoli.

  • 13 November 2014 View: S/2014/812

    Abstract: This was on the activities of UNOCA and on areas affected by the LRA.

  • 12 November 2014 View: S/PV.7311

    Abstract: This was a public meeting on the situation in Ukraine following reports of renewed violence in the east and concerns about violations of the Minsk Agreement.

  • 12 November 2014 View: S/RES/2184

    Abstract: This was a resolution renewing for one year measures to fight piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia.

  • 12 November 2014 View: S/PV.7310

    Abstract: This was a briefing on UNMIL.

  • 11 November 2014 View: S/2014/805

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s assessment of UNIOGBIS.

  • 11 November 2014 View: S/RES/2183

    Abstract: This was a resolution that renewed the authorisation for the EU-led multinational stabilisation force for a year.

  • 11 November 2014 View: S/PV.7306

    Abstract: This was the eighth briefing by the ICC Prosecutor on Libya.

  • 11 November 2014 View: S/PV.7308

    Abstract: This was the semi-annual debate on Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 11 November 2014 View: S/2014/808

    Abstract: This was a letter from Argentina communicating the withdrawal of Susana Ruiz Cerutti (Argentina) as a candidate for election as a judge of the ICJ.

  • 11 November 2014 View: S/PV.7307

    Abstract: This was the vote renewing the authorisation of EUFOR ALTHEA and Russia's explanation of vote.

  • 10 November 2014 View: SC/11639

    Abstract: Condemned a suicide attack at a school in Nigeria that reportedly killed 48 people.

  • 8 November 2014 View: SC/11638

    Abstract: This press statement welcomed the formation of Yemen's new government.

  • 8 November 2014 View: SC/11637

    Abstract: This was a press statement issued on the 20th anniversary of the ICTR.

  • 7 November 2014 View: SC/11636

    Abstract: This press statement announced assets freezes and travel ban measures against former president Saleh and two Houthi military commanders.

  • 7 November 2014 View: S/2014/807

    Abstract: This was the report of the 1373 Counter-Terrorism Committee on member state capacity to implement resolution 2178 on foreign terrorist fighters.

  • 7 November 2014 View: GOV/2014/58

    Abstract: This was an IAEA report on implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions.

  • 7 November 2014 View: S/2014/797

    Abstract: This was a letter from the DPRK that strongly condemned “anti-DPRK propaganda" and urged the UN and other international organisations to take action to prevent further actions from taking place.