UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 23 September 2010 View: S/2010/493

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Secretary-General informing the Council about the head of UNOCI’s certification of the Ivorian electoral process.

  • 23 September 2010 View: S/PV.6389

    Abstract: This was the summit meeting on peace and security.

  • 17 September 2010 View: SC/10035

    Abstract: The Council expressed concern about the postponement of the second round of presidential elections and urged the Guinean government to ensure a calm and peaceful electoral environment.

  • 17 September 2010 View: S/PRST/2010/17

    Abstract: This presidential statement urged the DRC government to prosecute the perpetrators of the mass rapes that occurred in eastern DRC in late July and August.

  • 17 September 2010 View: S/PV.6387

    Abstract: This was a meeting to issue presidential statement (S/2010/17) on mass rapes in eastern DRC in late July 2010.

  • 17 September 2010 View: S/PV.6388

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry.

  • 17 September 2010 View: S/2010/486

    Abstract: This was the letter from the president of the Security Council to the Secretary-General on raising the level of authorised UNOCI military and police personnel for the holding of the Ivorian presidential elections.

  • 17 September 2010 View: S/2010/471

    Abstract: This was the fifth report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in Sierra Leone.

  • 16 September 2010 View: S/PV.6386

    Abstract: This was the most recent briefing by the Secretary-General’s Special Representative for Somalia.

  • 16 September 2010 View: A/HRC/15/48

    Abstract: This was a report of the independent expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia, Shamsul Bari.

  • 16 September 2010 View: A/65/372

    Abstract: The Secretary-General reported that the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights had asked Israel to provide information but had received no response in time for his report.

  • 15 September 2010 View: SC/10031

    Abstract: The Council called for parties to the CPA to take urgent action to facilitate peaceful and on-time referenda.

  • 15 September 2010 View: S/PV.6384

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the chair of the 1737 Committee.

  • 15 September 2010 View: A/65/368

    Abstract: This contained the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar since March 2010.

  • 15 September 2010 View: S/ PV.6385

    Abstract: This was the meeting record of the extension of UNMIN’s mandate to 15 January 2011.

  • 15 September 2010 View: S/RES/1938

    Abstract: With this resolution the Council extended the mandate of UNMIL for another year.

  • 15 September 2010 View: S/RES/1939

    Abstract: This resolution extended UNMIN until 15 January 2011.

  • 15 September 2010 View: A/65/370

    Abstract: This was a report by the Secretary-General on the human rights situation in Iran.

  • 14 September 2010 View: S/2010/474

    Abstract: This letter contained the two letters from the Nepalese government and the Maoists asking for a four-month extension of UNMIN.

  • 14 September 2010 View: S/2010/485

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Secretary-General to the Council on the raising of the level of authorised UNOCI military and police personnel prior to and after the holding of the Ivorian presidential elections.

  • 14 September 2010 View: S/2010/463

    Abstract: This report was on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security since 16 June 2010.

  • 14 September 2010 View: A/HRC/15/CRP.1

    Abstract: This was the Progress Report of the Independent Expert on the Situation of Human Rights in the Sudan (May - August 2010).

  • 13 September 2010 View: S/PV.6382

    Abstract: This was a debate on MINUSTAH.

  • 10 September 2010 View: SC/10025

    Abstract: The Council condemned the terrorist bombing that took place in Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation, the previous day.

  • 9 September 2010 View: A/64/PV.120

    Abstract: This was the meeting record of the General Assembly’s adoption of the resolution acknowledging the ICJ’s advisory opinion on Kosovo.

  • 9 September 2010 View: A/RES/64/298

    Abstract: This resolution acknowledged the ICJ’s advisory opinion on Kosovo.

  • 9 September 2010 View: S/2010/473

    Abstract: This contained the letter from the UCPN-Maoist party asking for a six-month extension of UNMIN.

  • 9 September 2010 View: S/2010/447

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on Somalia.

  • 9 September 2010 View: S/PV.6381

    Abstract: This was the meeting during which Joan E. Donoghue (US) was elected to replace Judge Thomas Buergenthal for the remainder of his term until 5 February 2015.

  • 8 September 2010 View: S/PV.6379

    Abstract: This meeting contained a briefing by Ms. Ellen Margrethe Løj, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Mission in Liberia.

  • 8 September 2010 View: A/64/L.65/Rev.1

    Abstract: This was the General Assembly resolution welcoming EU-mediated talks between Serbia and Kosovo.

  • 7 September 2010 View: S/PV.6378

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Atul Khare the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations and Margot Wallstrom, Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict on mass rapes committed in the Walikale area of eastern DRC in late July 2010.

  • 7 September 2010 View: S/PV.6377

    Abstract: This was the briefing by the Secretary-General's Representative, Karin Landgren.

  • 7 September 2010 View: S/2010/466

    Abstract: This report was on women and peacebuilding.

  • 7 September 2010 View: S/2010/472

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Nepalese government requesting an extension of UNMIN and a change of mandate.

  • 7 September 2010 View: S/2010/468

    Abstract: This letter, from Israel, concerned the 3 September explosion in Shehabiyeh in southern Lebanon.

  • 7 September 2010 View: S/2010/470

    Abstract: This was the letter from Chad to the Security Council transmitting the plan for sustaining the DIS as requested by resolution 1923.

  • 6 September 2010 View: GOV/2010/46

    Abstract: This was an IAEA report.

  • 3 September 2010 View: A/64/L.69

    Abstract: This was the text of the resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 8 September after the review of the Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

  • 2 September 2010 View: S/2010/453

    Abstract: This report concerned the implementation of UNMIN's mandate.

  • 2 September 2010 View: A/HRC/15/57

    Abstract: This was the Report on the Status of Implementation of the Recommendations Compiled by the Group of Experts mandated by the HRC.

  • 1 September 2010 View: S/2010/446

    Abstract: This was a Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.

  • 1 September 2010 View: S/2010/462

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the concept note for the 27 September thematic meeting on counter-terrorism.

  • 1 September 2010 View: S/2010/460

    Abstract: This letter rom Lebanon alleged an Israeli spying network in Lebanon.

  • 1 September 2010 View: S/2010/461

    Abstract: This contained a concept note from Turkey for the Security Council summit on "Ensuring the Security Council's effective role in maintaining international peace and security".

  • 31 August 2010 View: SC/10019

    Abstract: The Council condemned the attack against the presidential palace inMogadishu on 30 August.

  • 30 August 2010 View: S/PV.6375

    Abstract: This was the meeting record of the Council’s adoption of resolution 1937 which renewed the UNIFIL mandate to 31 August 2011.

  • 30 August 2010 View: S/2010/2/Rev.2

    Abstract: This was a revision to S/2010/2 updating the name of the Japanese Chairs.

  • 30 August 2010 View: S/2010/457

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Council to the Secretary-General welcoming the Secretary-General's intention to establish a UN regional office for Central Africa in Libreville, Gabon.

  • 30 August 2010 View: S/RES/1937

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL for another year.