UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 26 August 2010 View: SC/10016

    Abstract: The Council expressed outrage at the mass rapes committed in Walikale.

  • 26 August 2010 View: S/2010/452

    Abstract: This was a letter from the President of the Security Council on the appointment of Jack Lang as the Secretary-General's Special Adviser on legal issues related to piracy off the coast of Somalia.

  • Abstract: This was UNOCI's report Human Rights report on the situation during February 2010.

  • 25 August 2010 View: S/2010/451

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the appointment of Jack Lang as the Secretary-General’s Special Adviser on legal issues related to piracy off the coast of Somalia.

  • 25 August 2010 View: S/PV.6374

    Abstract: This was a debate on Somali piracy.

  • 25 August 2010 View: S/PRST/2010/16

    Abstract: This presidential statement welcomed the Secretary-General's 27 July report on piracy, encouraged the International Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia to continue discussions on possible further steps to ensure that those responsible for acts of piracy .re held accountable and requested the Secretary-General to include in his next report on Somali piracy observations on possible ways to enhance international cooperation.

  • 24 August 2010 View: SC/10012

    Abstract: The Council condemned the attacks against a hotel in Mogadishu for which the Islamist rebel group Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility.

  • 23 August 2010 View: S/2010/444

    Abstract: This was the curriculum vitae of the candidate for the 9 September ICJ election.

  • 23 August 2010 View: S/2010/443

    Abstract: This was a note by the Secretary-General on the nomination received by national groups for the 9 September ICJ election.

  • 23 August 2010 View: S/2010/442

    Abstract: This was a memorandum by the Secretary-General on the procedure for ICJ elections in connection with the 9 September 2010 election to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Judge Thomas Buergenthal.

  • 18 August 2010 View: SC/10010

    Abstract: The Council condemned the attacks on peacekeepers in Kirumba, which resulted in the death of three Indian soldiers.

  • 17 August 2010 View: S/PV.6372

    Abstract: This was the briefing by Assistant-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Oscar Fernandez-Taranco.

  • 13 August 2010 View: S/2010/434

    Abstract: This was a letter from the President of the Council about the Secretary-General's intention to appoint Mr. Zachary Muburi-Muita (Kenya) as the Head of the United Nations Office to the African Union at the level of Assistant Secretary-General.

  • 11 August 2010 View: S/2010/429

    Abstract: This was the twenty-first progress report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Mission in Liberia.

  • 11 August 2010 View: S/2010/430

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General to the Council followed up the 3 August 2010 Israeli-Lebanese border incident, the incidents with UN peacekeepers of late June and early July, and recommending the renewal of UNIFIL for a further year.

  • 11 August 2010 View: A/64/890

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s second follow-up report to the UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza conflict (the Goldstone Report); the first was A/64/651 of 4 February 2010.

  • 10 August 2010 View: S/PV.6371

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Youssef Mahmoud, head of MINURCAT.

  • 6 August 2010 View: S/PV.6370

    Abstract: This was a debate and briefing by Force Commanders.

  • 6 August 2010 View: S/2010/433

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the president of the Security Council (UN Office to the AU-head of office) outlining the creation of the UN Office to the AU.

  • 6 August 2010 View: A/65/258

    Abstract: This was a report by the special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights while countering terrorism.

  • 5 August 2010 View: SC/10005

    Abstract: The Council welcomed the most recent briefing by Miroslav Jenča and expressed appreciation for the work of UNRCCA in responding to challenges in the region, in particular in the context of recent developments in Kyrgyzstan.

  • 5 August 2010 View: S/RES/1936

    Abstract: This resolution extended UNAMI's mandate through 31 July 2011. The resolution reaffirmed the importance of Iraq's ratification of the Additional Protocol to the Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA and called on Iraqi leaders to form a government as quickly as possible.

  • 4 August 2010 View: A/65/219

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 4 August 2010 View: S/PV.6368

    Abstract: This was a briefing on UNAMI.

  • 3 August 2010 View: SC/10001

    Abstract: The Council welcomed the establishment by the Secretary-General of his Panel of Inquiry into the Gazaflotilla incident.

  • 3 August 2010 View: S/PV.6367

    Abstract: This was the debate on the Secretary-General's July report featuring a briefing by the Special Representative.

  • 3 August 2010 View: S/2010/417

    Abstract: The Council took note of the request contained in the letter of the Secretary-General that the time frame for the issuance of the women, peace and security report be extended

  • 3 August 2010 View: S/2010/418

    Abstract: This letter from Lebanon concerned the exchange of fire along the blue line resulting in the death of three Lebanese soldiers, one Israeli officer and one Lebanese journalist.

  • 3 August 2010 View: S/2010/415

    Abstract: This letter from Israel concerned the exchange of fire along the blue line resulting in the death of three Lebanese soldiers, one Israeli officer and one Lebanese journalist.

  • 2 August 2010 View: S/2010/414

    Abstract: This was on the establishment of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Inquiry into the Gaza flotilla incident.

  • Abstract: This was a mapping the most serious human rights violations in the DRC from 1993-2003.

  • Abstract: This was the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) report mapping the most serious human rights violations in the DRC from 1993-2003.

  • 1 August 2010 View: A/65/4

    Abstract: This was the report of the International Court of Justice, 1 August 2009 - 31 July 2010.

  • 30 July 2010 View: S/RES/1935

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UNAMID until 31 July 2011.

  • 30 July 2010 View: S/2010/410

    Abstract: This was from the chair of the Working Group submitting his report on the activities of the Working Group since July 2009.

  • 30 July 2010 View: S/2010/413

    Abstract: This the 2010 annual report of ICTY to the Council and the General Assembly.

  • 30 July 2010 View: S/2010/408

    Abstract: This was the 2010 annual report of ICTR to the Council and the General Assembly.

  • 30 July 2010 View: S/2010/409

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad.

  • 29 July 2010 View: S/2010/406

    Abstract: This was a report on UNAMI.

  • 29 July 2010 View: S/2010/401

    Abstract: This was a report on UNMIK.

  • 28 July 2010 View: S/2010/403

    Abstract: This was from Iraq to the Council outlining additional steps taken to comply with disarmament and nonproliferation obligations.

  • 27 July 2010 View: S/PV.6365

    Abstract: This was the briefing by the Joint Special Representative of UNAMID, Ibrahim Gambari, on the latest Secretary-General's report on UNAMID.

  • 27 July 2010 View: A/64/876

    Abstract: This was the letter from Serbia to the Secretary-General outlining Serbia's position concerning the ICJ advisory opinion.

  • 26 July 2010 View: S/2010/507

    Abstract: This was a note which focused on enhancing Council transparency, as well as interaction and dialogue with non-Council members.

  • 26 July 2010 View: S/2010/394

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on possible options to further the aim of prosecuting and imprisoning persons responsible for acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, including, in particular, options for creating special domestic chambers possibly with international components, a regional tribunal or an international tribunal and corresponding imprisonment arrangements, taking into account the work of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, the existing practice in establishing international and mixed tribunals, and the time and resources necessary to achieve and sustain substantive results.

  • 26 July 2010 View: A/64/867

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s second follow-up report to the Goldstone Report in truncated form pending translation of all the parties's submissions.

  • 26 July 2010 View: A/64/881

    Abstract: This was the ICJ Advisory opinion on the accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo.

  • 23 July 2010 View: SC/9992

    Abstract: This was the press statement on the Kabul conference in which the Council acknowledged the Afghan government's intention to engage with the Council in evidence-based and transparent delisting process from the 1267 sanctions list.

  • 22 July 2010 View: S/PRST/2010/15

    Abstract: This presidential statement expressed concern at the prevailing security situation and threats to constitutional order in Guinea-Bissau and called on the government to release immediately all those detained in the events of 1 April or prosecute them with full respect for due process.

  • 21 July 2010 View: S/2010/395

    Abstract: This was a letter from Israel regarding ships from Lebanon reportedly planning to depart for Gaza (see also S/2010/334 and S/2010/321).