UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 13 October 2009 View: S/RES/1892

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of MINUSTAH through 15 October 2010.

  • 13 October 2009 View: S/RES/1891

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the mandate of the Darfur Sanctions Panel of Experts for another year.

  • 13 October 2009 View: S/PV.6200

    Abstract: This was an open debate on MINUSTAH.

  • 9 October 2009 View: S/2009/529

    Abstract: This was a letter from Cyprus to the Secretary-General drawing attention to alleged violations of the international air traffic regulations and national airspace of Cyprus by Turkish military aircraft.

  • 8 October 2009 View: S/PV.6197

    Abstract: This was a debate with briefings by USG B. Lynn Pascoe and the Director of the UN Support Office for AMISOM Craig Boyd.

  • 8 October 2009 View: S/2009/525

    Abstract: This was a letter transmitting the report on the activities of EUFOR from 1 June to 31 August 2009.

  • 8 October 2009 View: S/2009/524

    Abstract: This was a letter from Syria, as chair of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference Group, supporting Libya’s request for a meeting on the Goldstone report.

  • 8 October 2009 View: S/RES/1890

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate for ISAF to 13 October 2010.

  • 8 October 2009 View: A/64/PV.16

    Abstract: This was the presentation in the General Assembly of the Tribunals' annual reports.

  • 7 October 2009 View: S/2009/538

    Abstract: This was Libya’s transmission of the Goldstone Report to the Security Council.

  • 7 October 2009 View: S/2009/519

    Abstract: This was a letter from Egypt, as chair of the Non-Aligned Movement, supporting Libya's request for a meeting on the Goldstone report.

  • 7 October 2009 View: S/2009/521

    Abstract: This was a report of the Group of Experts on Côte d'Ivoire.

  • 6 October 2009 View: S/2009/526

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Secretary-General to the Council expressing his intention to appoint Hany Abdel-Azis as his Special Representative for Western Sahara and Head of MINURSO.

  • 6 October 2009 View: S/2009/510

    Abstract: This was a letter from Libya requesting a meeting of the Security Council to discuss the Goldstone report.

  • 5 October 2009 View: S/PV.6196

    Abstract: This was an open debate on implementation of resolution 1325.

  • 5 October 2009 View: S/RES/1889

    Abstract: This resolution urged UN member states, international and regional organisations to take measures to improve women’s participation during all stages of peace processes, including by enhancing their engagement in political and economic decision-making in the early stages of recovery processes.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of an open debate on implementation of resolution 1325.

  • 2 October 2009 View: A/RES/63/311

    Abstract: This was on system-wide UN coherence containing a decision to establish a new gender entity combining four existing UN entities into one—UN Women.

  • 2 October 2009 View: S/2009/503

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on Somalia pursuant to Security Council resolution 1872 (2009).

  • 2 October 2009 View: S/2009/504

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's latest UNMIT report.

  • 30 September 2009 View: S/PV.6227

    Abstract: This was the briefing by Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Edmond Mulet to the Council regarding the Secretary-General’s report in November on UNAMID.

  • 30 September 2009 View: S/PV.6195

    Abstract: This was a debate on women, peace and security.

  • 30 September 2009 View: S/2009/497

    Abstract: This was a report on UNMIK.

  • 30 September 2009 View: S/RES/1888

    Abstract: This resolution focused on sexual violence in conflict situations and established the position of the Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict.

  • 29 September 2009 View: S/PRST/2009/25

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement expressing concern about the delay in the publication of the Ivorian electoral list and expressing the Council’s intention to review the situation by 15 October 2009.

  • 29 September 2009 View: S/2009/495

    Abstract: This was the twenty-second report of the Secretary-General.

  • 28 September 2009 View: S/2009/496

    Abstract: This was a letter from the president of the Council to the Secretary-General welcoming recommendations (l) and (m) in his May report on residual issues and requesting him to write to the Tribunals’ presidents to ask them to implement those recommendations.

  • 28 September 2009 View: S/2009/502

    Abstract: This was the letter to the Council transmitting the tenth report of the 1267 Monitoring Team.

  • 25 September 2009 View: SC/9749

    Abstract: Regarding the situation in Honduras, the Council stressed the importance of international law and the inviolability of the Embassy of Brazil.

  • 25 September 2009 View: S/PV.6192

    Abstract: This was a meeting on the situation in Honduras.

  • 24 September 2009 View: A/HRC/12/48

    Abstract: This was the report of the Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, also known as the Goldstone Report.

  • 24 September 2009 View: S/RES/1887

    Abstract: This resolution was on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament and stressed the value and necessity of fully implementing resolution 1540.

  • 24 September 2009 View: S/PV.6191

    Abstract: This was a summit-level meeting, chaired by US President Barack Obama, on the topic of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament.

  • 22 September 2009 View: S/2009/475

    Abstract: This reports was on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security since 23 June 2009.

  • 22 September 2009 View: S/2009/487

    Abstract: This was a letter from Brazil on the recent developments in Honduras regarding the safety of the constitutional President of Honduras.

  • 18 September 2009 View: S/2009/472

    Abstract: This was the twenty-ninth report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  • 18 September 2009 View: S/2009/470

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s report on support to AU peacekeeping operations authorised by the UN.

  • 17 September 2009 View: SC/9743

    Abstract: The Council was a press statement following the September briefing on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 17 September 2009 View: A/HRC/12/44

    Abstract: This was the report of the independent expert on the situation of human rights in Somalia.

  • 17 September 2009 View: S/PV.6190

    Abstract: This was the Council's monthly briefing by the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, including developments in Lebanon.

  • 16 September 2009 View: S/2009/465

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on women, peace and security.

  • 15 September 2009 View: S/RES/1886

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UNIPSIL until 30 September 2010.

  • 15 September 2009 View: S/PV.6189

    Abstract: This was a meeting in which the Council adopted resolution 1886 renewing the mandate of UNIPSIL.

  • 15 September 2009 View: S/2009/461

    Abstract: This was a letter from the AU transmitting to the Council a declaration adopted at the AU Special Session on the Consideration and Resolution of Conflicts in Africa held in Tripoli on 30 and 31 August.

  • 15 September 2009 View: S/2009/469

    Abstract: This letter from Syria concerned the Tribunal’s orders to release four Lebanese officers.

  • 15 September 2009 View: S/2009/462

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in Uganda.

  • 15 September 2009 View: S/2009/463

    Abstract: This was the concept paper for the Security Council summit on nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear disarmament.

  • 15 September 2009 View: S/RES/1885

    Abstract: This resolution extended UNMIL's mandate until 30 September 2010.

  • 14 September 2009 View: S/PV.6187

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the head UNIPSIL, Michael von der Schulenburg, and the chair of the country configuration of the PBC, John McNee.

  • 14 September 2009 View: S/2009/458

    Abstract: This letter from Lebanon concerned Israeli shelling in southern Lebanon.