UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • Abstract: This was the resumption of a debate on small arms.

  • Abstract: This was the corrigendum of the resumption of a meeting on small arms.

  • 2 August 2001 View: S/PV.4355

    Abstract: This was a debate on small arms.

  • 31 July 2001 View: S/RES/1365

    Abstract: This resolution welcomed the continued contribution of UNIFIL to operational demining and stressed the necessity to provide the Government of Lebanon and UNIFIL with any additional maps and records on the location of mines.

  • 30 July 2001 View: S/PV.4352

    Abstract: This meeting requested a mechanism for tracking the impact of the sanctions imposed on the Taliban.

  • 30 July 2001 View: S/RES/1363

    Abstract: This resolution established the monitoring mechanism (the Monitoring Group (MG)) and the Sanctions Enforcement Support Team (up to 15 members with expertise in customs, border security and counter-terrorism). The MG was also tasked with offering assistance to states neighbouring Afghanistan to increase their capacity to implement the sanctions.

  • 26 July 2001 View: S/PV.4350

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Jean-Marie Guéhenno noted that preparations for elections were underway. The Council underlined the importance of participation of minorities in the elections.

  • 25 July 2001 View: S/2001/732

    Abstract: This was a concept note from Colombia for the 2 August open debate on small arms.

  • 20 July 2001 View: A/CONF.192/15

    Abstract: This was the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects.

  • 17 July 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/18

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on the situation in the Central African Republic.

  • 13 July 2001 View: S/2001/695

    Abstract: This was the report on the effects of the sanctions and indicated that the hardships in Afghanistan were caused primarily by the ongoing conflict, not the sanctions regime.

  • 6 July 2001 View: S/2001/671

    Abstract: This was a Russian proposal on enhancing the activities of the Military Staff Committee.

  • 2 July 2001 View: S/2001/660

    Abstract: This was the third report of the Secretary-General to the Security Council on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Peace-building Support Office in the Central African Republic (BONUCA).

  • 29 June 2001 View: S/PV.4343

    Abstract: This was a wrap-up session at the end of Bangladeshi presidency, the first such session held publicly.

  • 29 June 2001 View: S/2001/640

    Abstract: This note indicated that the Council president should draw the attention of members and regional organisations to Council decisions and relevant presidential press statements, while the Secretariat should make non-state actors aware of resolutions, presidential statements of the Council and presidential press statements.

  • 29 June 2001 View: A/RES/55/277

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the appointment of Kofi Annan.

  • 28 June 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/16

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on HIV/AIDS and international peacekeeping.

  • 27 June 2001 View: S/RES/1358

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the reappointment of Kofi Annan.

  • 27 June 2001 View: A/55/999

    Abstract: This was a letter from the President of the Council to the President of the General Assembly on the appointment of Kofi Annan.

  • 22 June 2001 View: S/PV.4335

    Abstract: The Council discussed the recent first full Council mission to Kosovo.

  • 22 June 2001 View: S/2001/626

    Abstract: This was a letter from the representative of Pakistan with proposals regarding the improvement in the Council relationship with TCCs.

  • 21 June 2001 View: S/PV.4334

    Abstract: This meeting focused on the role of the Security Council in the prevention of armed conflict and the report of the Secretary-General on the prevention of armed conflict (S/2001/574).

  • 21 June 2001 View: S/2001/614

    Abstract: This was a letter from the President of the Council to the Secretary-General concerning the recommendations contained in the first two reports on protection of civilians, encouraging closer cooperation between OCHA and DPKO and also requesting that an aide-mémoire be drafted in close cooperation with the Council..

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of the meeting on the role of the Security Council in the prevention of armed conflict and the report of the Secretary-General on the prevention of armed conflict (S/2001/574).

  • 20 June 2001 View: S/2001/613

    Abstract: This was Secretary-General's report that addressed Moroccan’s attempts to construct a road in the buffer zone.

  • 19 June 2001 View: S/PV.4331

    Abstract: Anwarul Karim Chowdhury President of the Security Council, presented the report of the first full Council mission to Kosovo, which included a visit to Belgrade.

  • 19 June 2001 View: S/2001/600

    Abstract: This was a report of the Security Council Mission on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1244, 16-18 June 2001.

  • 19 June 2001 View: S/RES/1356

    Abstract: This resolution provided humanitarian and other exemptions to the arms embargo.

  • 13 June 2001 View: S/RES/1353

    Abstract: This resolution adopted a statement of principles on cooperation with TCCs.

  • 13 June 2001 View: S/PV.4326

    Abstract: This was a Council debate on strengthening cooperation with troop-contributing countries.

  • 8 June 2001 View: A/RES/55/255

    Abstract: This was the Protocol against Illicit Manufacturing and Trafficking in Firearms, Their Parts and Components and Ammunition, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

  • 7 June 2001 View: S/2001/574

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's first comprehensive report on conflict prevention.

  • 7 June 2001 View: S/2001/565

    Abstract: This report noted the conclusion of the Constitutional Framework for Provisional Self-government, and the continued ethnic tensions.

  • Abstract: There was widespread support in the Council for a mechanism to track the effects of the sanctions.

  • 1 June 2001 View: A/55/977

    Abstract: This was the “comprehensive review” of the Secretary- General on the implementation of the “Brahimi Report”, including further steps to strengthen the rule of law and human rights institutions in country-specific situations.

  • 31 May 2001 View: S/2001/546

    Abstract: This was a report of the Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations.

  • 30 May 2001 View: S/2001/535

    Abstract: This was a letter from the representatives of Argentina, Canada, Ghana, Jordan, the Netherlands and New Zealand with proposals regarding the improvement in the Council relationship with TCCs.

  • Abstract: This was the addendum to the report of the Security Council mission to the Great Lakes region, 15-26 May 2001.

  • 29 May 2001 View: S/2001/521

    Abstract: This was the report of the Security Council mission to the Great Lakes region, 15-26 May 2001.

  • 21 May 2001 View: S/2001/511

    Abstract: This was a letter transmitting the report from the Committee of Experts with recommendations for the enforcement of the sanctions in Afghanistan.

  • 15 May 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/14

    Abstract: This presidential statement noted the termination of the arms embargo.

  • 30 April 2001 View: S/2001/423

    Abstract: This was the interim report on UNIFIL that proposed a plan for the reconfiguration of the force

  • 24 April 2001 View: S/2001/398

    Abstract: This was Secretary-General's report that addressed Moroccan’s attempts to construct a road in the buffer zone.

  • Abstract: This was a debate on the protection of civilians.

  • 23 April 2001 View: S/PV.4312

    Abstract: This was the debate on protection of civilians, High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson briefed.

  • 20 April 2001 View: S/2001/394

    Abstract: This was the “No Exit Without Strategy” report.

  • 19 April 2001 View: S/2001/384

    Abstract: This was the report on UNSMA's efforts and the Secretary-General's trip to the region.

  • 12 April 2001 View: S/2001/357

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General transmitting the report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the DRC.

  • 9 April 2001 View: S/PV.4309

    Abstract: The Council noted efforts to re-establish normalcy in Kosovo, but underlined the importance of stopping the traffic of illegal arms and halting the inter-ethnic violence.

  • 9 April 2001 View: S/PV.4309/Corr.2

    Abstract: This was the corrigendum of the meeting in which the Council noted efforts to re-establish normalcy in Kosovo, but underlined the importance of stopping the traffic of illegal arms and halting the inter-ethnic violence.