UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 9 April 2001 View: S/PV.4309/Corr.1

    Abstract: The Council noted efforts to re-establish normalcy in Kosovo, but underlined the importance of stopping the traffic of illegal arms and halting the inter-ethnic violence.

  • 30 March 2001 View: S/2001/331

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on the protection of civilians.

  • 26 March 2001 View: S/2001/270

    Abstract: This was a vetoed draft Bangladeshi, Colombian, Jamaican, Malian, Mauritanian, Singaporean and Tunisian resolution calling for full implementation of the Sharm el Sheikh undertakings.

  • 22 March 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/10

    Abstract: This was the presidential statement following the debate on “Ensuring an Effective Role of the Security Council in the maintenance of international peace and security, particularly in Africa."

  • 22 March 2001 View: S/PV.4302

    Abstract: This was a debate on ensuring an effective role of the Council in the maintenance of peace and security, particularly in Africa.

  • 20 March 2001 View: S/2001/241

    Abstract: This was the report on the effects of the sanctions and indicated that the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan was critical.

  • 20 March 2001 View: A/55/383/Add.2

    Abstract: The protocol against illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components and ammunition, supplementing the United Nations convention against transnational crime was signed.

  • 16 March 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/8

    Abstract: This presidential statement called for an end to all acts of violence in Kosovo, and expressed concern at the security situation in neighbouring southern Serbia, and the northern Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

  • 16 March 2001 View: A/RES/54/263

    Abstract: This resolution was on the optional protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography.

  • 16 March 2001 View: S/PV.4298

    Abstract: Tthe Council called for an end to ethnic violence and expressed concern for the security situation in southern Serbia.

  • 16 March 2001 View: S/PV.4298/Corr.1

    Abstract: This was the corrigendum of the meeting in which the Council called for an end to ethnic violence and expressed concern for the security situation in southern Serbia.

  • 15 March 2001 View: S/RES/1344

    Abstract: This resolution stressed the fact that the peace agreements link the UN Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea's termination to the demarcation.

  • 14 March 2001 View: S/2001/228

    Abstract: This was a report on Sierra Leone welcoming the security sector reform activities of the UNAMSIL civilian police.

  • 13 March 2001 View: S/2001/218

    Abstract: This report noted that despite the challenges facing UNMIK, there was progress in the implementation of its mandate. It declared that the emergency phase was over, and put emphasis on capacity-building.

  • 12 March 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/7

    Abstract: This presidential statement considered the letter from the Permanent Representative of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia to the UN addressed to the President of the Council (S/2001/191).

  • 8 March 2001 View: S/PV.4291

    Abstract: This was Lubbers' briefing to the Security Council.

  • 8 March 2001 View: S/Agenda/4291

    Abstract: This was a provisional agenda for a meeting of the Security Council (briefing by the High Commissioner).

  • 7 March 2001 View: S/PV.4288

    Abstract: This was a debate on ensuring an effective role of the Council in the maintenance of peace and security, particularly in Africa.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of a debate on ensuring an effective role of the Council in the maintenance of peace and security, particularly in Africa.

  • 7 March 2001 View: S/RES/1343

    Abstract: This resolution re-established the arms embargo and imposed an embargo on diamonds and a travel ban.

  • 6 March 2001 View: S/PV.4286

    Abstract: In a closed-meeting the Council held discussions with Zoran Žižic, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

  • 4 March 2001 View: S/2001/191

    Abstract: This was a letter from the permanent representative of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia addressed to the president of the Security Council.

  • 20 February 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/5

    Abstract: The Council stressed the importance of mainstreaming a gender perspective into peace agreements and peace-building strategies and of involving women in all peace-building measures.

  • 13 February 2001 View: S/PV.4277

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Jean-Marie Guéhenno outlined the four priorities of UNMIK in the next phase: establishment of a legal framework for provisional self-government in Kosovo; creation of an effective law enforcement and judicial system; establishment of regular dialogue with the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; and resolution of legal property issues.

  • 12 February 2001 View: S/2001/138

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General transmitting the "Framework for cooperation in peace-building".

  • 5 February 2001 View: S/PV.4272

    Abstract: This was a Council debate on comprehensive approaches to peacebuilding.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of a Council debate on the UN role in post-conflict national reconciliation.

  • 31 January 2001 View: S/PRST/2001/3

    Abstract: This presidential statement decided to establish the Council's working group on peacekeeping operations.

  • 31 January 2001 View: S/PV.4270

    Abstract: This was a debate on strengthening cooperation with troop-contributing countries.

  • 30 January 2001 View: S/RES/1337

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UNIFIL by six months, reduced the level of its military personnel and endorsed the reconfiguration of UNIFIL.

  • 23 January 2001 View: S/PV.4261

    Abstract: This was a meeting on the Central African Republic.

  • 23 January 2001 View: S/2001/73

    Abstract: This was a letter containing Canada's proposal for improving cooperation between the Council and TCCs.

  • 22 January 2001 View: S/2001/66

    Abstract: This report recommended a reconfiguration and a reduction of the Force.

  • 19 January 2001 View: S/PV.6470

    Abstract: This was an open debate on the Middle East.

  • 18 January 2001 View: S/PV.4258

    Abstract: The Council expressed support for the new Special Representative, underlined the importance of cooperation between the parties in the region, and stressed the need to curb continuing ethnic violence and address the issue of Kosovo-wide elections.

  • 16 January 2001 View: S/PV.4257

    Abstract: This was the open debate on TCCs.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of an open debate on TCCs.

  • 11 January 2001 View: S/2001/35

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of BONUCA.

  • 8 January 2001 View: S/2001/21

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Singapore promoting a debate on strengthening cooperation with TCC/PCCs.

  • 1 January 2001 View: S/2001/1215

    Abstract: This was the final report on the sanctions imposed on the Taliban.

  • 20 December 2000 View: S/2000/1226

    Abstract: This was the report of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia.

  • 20 December 2000 View: S/2000/1195

    Abstract: This was the report of the Panel of Experts appointed pursuant to resolution 1306 (2000) in relation to Sierra Leone.

  • 19 December 2000 View: S/PV.4251/Corr.1

    Abstract: During this meeting the Council adopted resolution 1333, strengthening sanctions against the Taliban.

  • 19 December 2000 View: S/PRST/2000/40

    Abstract: This presidential statement strongly condemned violent action by ethnic Albanian extremist groups in southern Serbia.

  • 19 December 2000 View: S/RES/1333

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened the sanctions against the Taliban and imposed sanctions against Al-Qaida.

  • 19 December 2000 View: S/PV.4249

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Heidi Annabi noted the importance of the recent municipal elections.

  • 18 December 2000 View: S/2000/1171

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution to establish a UN force of military and police observers to be dispatched throughout the occupied territories.

  • 15 December 2000 View: S/2000/1196

    Abstract: This report noted that the successful municipal elections marked a watershed in UNMIK's achievements in Kosovo.

  • 12 December 2000 View: S/2000/1183

    Abstract: This was a letter from Algeria transmitting the Algiers Peace Agreement.

  • 5 December 2000 View: S/RES/1330

    Abstract: This resolution reduced Iraq’s contribution to the UNCF was to 25 percent of the revenue generated by its exports of petroleum and petroleum products.