UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 13 March 2000 View: S/PRST/2000/7

    Abstract: The Council the importance of providing assistance to all those in need, with particular emphasis on women and children and other vulnerable groups affected by armed conflict, in accordance with the principle of impartiality.

  • 10 March 2000 View: S/2000/207

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's appointment of the College of Commissioners.

  • 10 March 2000 View: S/2000/203

    Abstract: This outlined findings relating to the significance of diamonds for UNITA, its arms and military equipment, the supply of petroleum products and the recommendations on related matters.

  • 10 March 2000 View: S/2000/205

    Abstract: This document reported the targeting of civilians in the conflict, and estimated that the conflict would continue despite calls for a ceasefire from the Security Council.

  • 8 March 2000 View: SC/6816

    Abstract: This was the press release on the occasion of International Women's Day that brought the whole Security Council on board with the issue of Women, Peace and Security for the first time.

  • 6 March 2000 View: S/PV.4108

    Abstract: The Council was briefed in a closed session by Dr. Bernard Kouchner and General Klaus Reinhardt, head of the international security presence in Kosovo.

  • 3 March 2000 View: S/2000/177

    Abstract: This report noted that UNMIK initiated the process of establishing provisional institutions for autonomous government pending agreement on status, and noted progress in demobilising former combatants.

  • 28 February 2000 View: S/2000/155

    Abstract: This note indicated that newly elected Council members would be invited to observe informal consultations of Council members for one month preceding their term of membership.

  • 24 February 2000 View: S/RES/1291

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the expansion of MONUC to consist of up to 5,537 military personnel.

  • 17 February 2000 View: S/PV.4103

    Abstract: This was on application of Tuvalu.

  • 17 February 2000 View: S/RES/1290

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Tuvalu for UN membership.

  • 16 February 2000 View: S/PV.4102

    Abstract: The Council was briefed in a closed session by Heidi Annabi.

  • 14 February 2000 View: S/2000/119

    Abstract: This was a letter from the President of the Council to the President of the General Assembly conveying four recommendations from the informal working group on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts for the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations.

  • 11 February 2000 View: S/2000/101

    Abstract: This was on the role of the UN in DDR that included small arms and light weaponry among the primary targets of DDR operations, and highlighted the importance of tracing small arms and combating the illicit trade in small arms.

  • 10 February 2000 View: S/PRST/2000/5

    Abstract: This presidential statement welcomed the Secretary-General's decision to establish the UN Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic.

  • 7 February 2000 View: S/RES/1289

    Abstract: This resolution welcomed the intention of the Secretary-General to establish within UNAMSIL a landmine action office responsible for awareness training of UNAMSIL personnel and for the coordination of mine action activities of NGOs and humanitarian agencies operating in Sierra Leone.

  • 31 January 2000 View: S/2000/75

    Abstract: This was a letter from the president of the Security to the president of the General Assembly on the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

  • 31 January 2000 View: S/2000/70

    Abstract: This was the report of the committee on the admission of new members concerning the application of tuvalu for admission to membership in the UN.

  • 31 January 2000 View: S/2000/59

    Abstract: This was the report of the CHR International Commission of Inquiry on East Timor.

  • 31 January 2000 View: S/PRST/2000/3

    Abstract: This presidential statement called for the implementation of resolution 425 and expressed concern at the continuing violence in South Lebanon.

  • 27 January 2000 View: S/2000/61

    Abstract: This was the Council approval of the nomination of the Executive Chairman.

  • 27 January 2000 View: S/2000/60

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's nomination of the Executive Chairman.

  • 14 January 2000 View: S/2000/24

    Abstract: This was the ninth report of the Secretary-General on MINURCA.

  • 13 January 2000 View: S/PV.4089

    Abstract: This was Ogata's briefing to the Security Council discussing humanitarian assistance to refugees in Africa.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of an open debate on the impact of AIDS on peace and security in Africa.

  • 10 January 2000 View: S/PV.4087

    Abstract: This was an open debate on the impact of AIDS on peace and security in Africa.

  • Abstract: The question of equitable geographic distribution is set out in the Repertory of Practice of the United Nations Organ Supplement No. 6, Article 23.

  • 30 December 1999 View: S/1999/1291

    Abstract: This note indicated that the Council agreed that the president should make draft resolutions and presidential statements available to non-Council members and provide them with substantive briefings soon after consultations of the whole.

  • 30 December 1999 View: S/PV.4086

    Abstract: The Council was briefed in a closed session by Heidi Annabi.

  • 28 December 1999 View: S/1999/1283

    Abstract: This was a report of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia.

  • 23 December 1999 View: S/1999/1250

    Abstract: This report noted the establishment of the Joint Interim Administrative Structure in Kosovo.

  • 17 December 1999 View: S/PV.4084

    Abstract: This was the meeting record from the Council's adoption of resolution 1284 (with China, France, Malaysia and Russia abstaining).

  • 17 December 1999 View: S/RES/1284

    Abstract: This resolution established UNMOVIC and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Council every four months on the compliance by Iraq with its obligations regarding the repatriation or return of all Kuwaiti and third-country nationals.

  • Abstract: This was a follow on meeting to the debate on the situation in Africa.

  • 15 December 1999 View: S/PV.4081

    Abstract: This was a follow on meeting to the debate on the situation in Africa in September, 1998.

  • 15 December 1999 View: S/1999/1257

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the report by the independent inquiry commission set up by the Secretary-General concluding that information about human rights must be a natural part of the basis for decision-making on peacekeeping operations, within the Secretariat and by the Security Council.

  • 30 November 1999 View: S/RES/1279

    Abstract: This resolution established the UN Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC).

  • 30 November 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/34

    Abstract: This statement recognised the importance of building a culture of armed conflict prevention and the need for a contribution from all principal UN organs to achieve this goal. The Council stated that it would consider preventive measures such as establishing demilitarised zones and preventive disarmament as well as arms embargoes.

  • 24 November 1999 View: S/RES/1276

    Abstract: This resolution called upon the parties concerned to implement immediately its resolution 338 (1973).

  • 15 November 1999 View: A/54/549

    Abstract: This report assessed the events dating from the establishment of the safe area of Srebrenica.

  • 12 November 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/31

    Abstract: This presidential statement raised concerns about the gross violations of the arms embargo.

  • 5 November 1999 View: S/PV.4061

    Abstract: The Council was briefed in a closed session by Dr. Bernard Kouchner.

  • 25 October 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/29

    Abstract: This presidential statement condemned the Taliban for launching a new offensive, using numerous foreign nationals and undermining international efforts to negotiate a peaceful settlement.

  • 25 October 1999 View: S/RES/1272

    Abstract: This resolution established UN Transitional Administration in East Timor (UNTAET).

  • 22 October 1999 View: S/PV.4055

    Abstract: During this meeting, the Council condemned the Taliban for continuing military offensives and for sheltering terrorists.

  • 22 October 1999 View: S/RES/1270

    Abstract: This resolution established the UN Mission in Sierra Leone (UNAMSIL).

  • 22 October 1999 View: S/RES/1271

    Abstract: This resolution noted elections and extended mandate of the UN Mission in the Central African Republic (MINURCA) for a final period until February 2000.

  • 19 October 1999 View: S/RES/1269

    Abstract: This resolution condemned all acts, methods and practices of terrorism as criminal and unjustified and calls upon all States to cooperate with each other to prevent and suppress terrorist acts.

  • 15 October 1999 View: S/PV.4051

    Abstract: The Council unanimously voted to adopt resolution 1267 and demanded the Taliban turn over Usama bin Laden to appropriate authorities.

  • 15 October 1999 View: S/RES/1267

    Abstract: This resolution established the Al-Qaida and Taliban Committee and its sanctions mandate.