UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 4 October 1999 View: S/1999/1021

    Abstract: This letter transmitted a summary of the indictment returned against Usama bin Laden and Muhammad Atef in United States Federal Court, Southern District New York, on 4 November 1998.

  • 1 October 1999 View: A/54/430

    Abstract: This was the report by the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 1 October 1999 View: A/RES/54/1

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Kiribati as a member of the UN.

  • 30 September 1999 View: S/PV.4049 (Resumption 2)

    Abstract: This was a two-day meeting on the Secretary General’s report on the causes of conflict in Africa (S/1998/318).

  • 29 September 1999 View: S/PV.4049

    Abstract: This was a two-day meeting on the Secretary General’s report on the causes of conflict in Africa (S/1998/318).

  • 29 September 1999 View: S/PV.4049 (Resumption 1)

    Abstract: This was a two-day meeting on the Secretary General’s report on the causes of conflict in Africa (S/1998/318).

  • 24 September 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/28

    Abstract: This was a statement on small arms. It recognised the availability of small arms as a factor contributing to the intensity and duration of armed conflicts and in undermining peace agreements, and called for effective implementation of arms embargoes imposed by the Council.

  • 24 September 1999 View: S/PV.4048

    Abstract: This was a debate on small arms.

  • 21 September 1999 View: S/1999/994

    Abstract: This report reported the successful meeting of the "six-plus-two," and the associated Tashkent Declaration.

  • 17 September 1999 View: S/RES/1265

    Abstract: This was the Council's first thematic resolution on protection of civilians in armed conflict, condemning targeting of civilians, calling for respect for international humanitarian, refugee and human rights law and expressing willingness to take measures to ensure compliance and to consider how peacekeeping mandates might better address the negative impact of conflict on civilians.

  • 17 September 1999 View: S/PV.4046 (Resumption 2)

    Abstract: This was the second resumption of a debate on the protection of civilians.

  • 17 September 1999 View: S/PV.4046 (Resumption 1)

    Abstract: This was the resumption of a debate on the protection of civilians.

  • 16 September 1999 View: S/PV.4046

    Abstract: This was a debate on the protection of civilians, High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, was invited for the first time to address the Council in an open debate.

  • 16 September 1999 View: S/1999/987

    Abstract: This report noted some progress in the establishment of the Kosovo Transition Council, but there was still a difficult security situation and continued violence, particularly against minorities.

  • 15 September 1999 View: S/RES/1264

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the International Force for East Timor (INTERFET).

  • 14 September 1999 View: A/RES/54/3

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Tonga as a member of the UN.

  • 14 September 1999 View: A/RES/54/2

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Nauru as a member of the UN.

  • 14 September 1999 View: S/1999/976

    Abstract: This was the report of the Security Council mission to Jakarta and Dili, from 8 to 12 September 1999.

  • 8 September 1999 View: S/1999/957

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General report on the protection of civilians.

  • 30 August 1999 View: S/RES/1261

    Abstract: This resolution condemned targeting of children in situations of armed conflict, urged parties to armed conflict to take into consideration protection of children and urged states to facilitate DDR.

  • Abstract: During the resumption of the meeting, the Council heard from numerous states calling to end outside interference in Afghanistan and for access for humanitarian aid.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of a meeting on children and armed conflict.

  • 25 August 1999 View: S/PV.4037

    Abstract: This was an open debate on children and armed conflict.

  • 19 August 1999 View: A/54/258

    Abstract: This note contained a report of the group of governmental experts on small arms.

  • 6 August 1999 View: S/RES/1258

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the deployment of 90 military observers to the DRC.

  • 30 July 1999 View: S/1999/836

    Abstract: This was the seventh report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Observer Mission in Sierra Leone.

  • 28 July 1999 View: S/RES/1253

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Tonga for UN membership.

  • 23 July 1999 View: S/1999/815

    Abstract: This contained the Lusaka ceasefire agreement between the governments of the Great Lakes region concerning the DRC.

  • 12 July 1999 View: S/1999/779

    Abstract: This report gave an update of the situation on the ground, and outlined a detailed plan for the operation of UNMIK and the management of Kosovo.

  • 9 July 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/22

    Abstract: This statement conveyed the Council’s intention to lift suspended sanctions on Libya “as soon as possible”.

  • 8 July 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/21

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on post-conflict peacebuilding in which the Council recognised the direct impact of small arms on conflicts and their role in destabilisation of post-conflict situations.

  • 30 June 1999 View: S/1999/726

    Abstract: This was on Libya’s compliance with Council resolutions.

  • 29 June 1999 View: A/54/155

    Abstract: This was a report on the problem of ammunition and explosives.

  • 29 June 1999 View: S/RES/1251

    Abstract: This resolution expressed concern about the military build-up on both sides.

  • 29 June 1999 View: S/RES/1250

    Abstract: This resolution called upon the two leaders to resume negotiations under the auspices of the Secretary-General and committing to a set of principles.

  • 25 June 1999 View: S/RES/1249

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the Nauru for UN membership.

  • 25 June 1999 View: S/RES/1248

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the Kiribati for UN membership.

  • 22 June 1999 View: S/1999/812

    Abstract: This letter includes the Tashkent Declaration publicly committed members of the "six-plus-two" group not to provide military support to any Afghan party and to prevent the use of their respective territories for such purposes.

  • 21 June 1999 View: S/1999/698

    Abstract: This report noted the unwillingness of the Taliban to take part in any peace talks and the cyclical outbreak of hostilities every spring.

  • 12 June 1999 View: S/1999/672

    Abstract: This was a report on UNMIK

  • 11 June 1999 View: S/RES/1246

    Abstract: This resolution established the UN Mission in East Timor (UNAMET).

  • 10 June 1999 View: S/PV.4011

    Abstract: This was a Council discussion regarding the passage of resolution 1244.

  • Abstract: This was a Council discussion regarding the passage of resolution 1244.

  • 10 June 1999 View: S/RES/1244

    Abstract: This resolution authorised NATO to secure and enforce the withdrawal of Federal Republic of Yugoslavia forces from Kosovo and established UNMIK.

  • 7 June 1999 View: S/1999/648

    Abstract: This letter contained the Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government in Kosovo (The Rambouillet Accords) which called for a new constitution for Kosovo that respects the territorial integrity of FRY while simultaneously establishing the principles of democratic self-government for three years until final status of Kosovo is determined.

  • 7 June 1999 View: S/1999/655

    Abstract: This was a letter from Zivadin Jovanovic, Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, relative to the acceptance by the Yugoslav Government of the AhtisaariChernomyrdin document on a peaceful solution for Kosovo and Metohija and the adoption of a relevant resolution by the Security Council.

  • 7 June 1999 View: S/1999/649

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the UN outlined the terms offered to the government of the FRY to cease NATO hostilities.

  • 27 May 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/16

    Abstract: This presidential statement raised concerns about the gross violations of the arms embargo.

  • 14 May 1999 View: S/PV.4003

    Abstract: The Council called for access for humanitarian relief operations to aid Kosovar refugees and internally displaced people.

  • 14 May 1999 View: S/RES/1239

    Abstract: This resolution called for access for humanitarian relief operations to aid refugees and IDPs.