UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 8 April 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/10

    Abstract: This statement suspended sanctions on Libya after the Council was satisfied that the two suspects in the Lockerbie bombing had arrived in The Hague.

  • 6 April 1999 View: S/RES/1233

    Abstract: This resolution supported the decision of the Secretary-General to establish the UN Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau.

  • 5 April 1999 View: S/1999/378

    Abstract: This was from the Secretary-General to the president of the Security Council reporting that the two suspects in the Lockerbie case had appeared to stand trial in The Hague.

  • 31 March 1999 View: S/1999/362

    Abstract: This report noted limited progress in the talks between the Taliban and other factions, but that the talks themselves were a positive sign.

  • 30 March 1999 View: S/1999/356

    Abstract: This was the report from the three panels on Iraq.

  • 26 March 1999 View: S/PV.3989

    Abstract: The Council rejected by a vote of twelve to three the demand for the cessation of the use of force by NATO.

  • 26 March 1999 View: S/1999/328

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution noting international laws regarding airspace.

  • 24 March 1999 View: S/PV.3988

    Abstract: This was a Council discussion regarding the NATO strikes which revealed deep splits in the Council: some states condemned the strikes as the unilateral use of force violating the UN Charter, while others supported the action as a humanitarian intervention to prevent a humanitarian catastrophe.

  • 22 March 1999 View: E/CN.4/1999/129

    Abstract: This note verbale included the Permanent Mission of Myanmar's response to reports of human rights violations.

  • 6 March 1999 View: S/1999/389

    Abstract: This was a report by the Special Rapporteur of the CHR on the situation in Iraq.

  • 3 March 1999 View: S/1999/233

    Abstract: This letter from the President of the Security Council welcomed the Secretary-General's proposal.

  • 26 February 1999 View: S/1999/232

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General included the proposal to establish the UN Peacebuilding Support Office in Guinea-Bissau.

  • 26 February 1999 View: S/RES/1230

    Abstract: This resolution extended the UN Mission in the Central African Republic mandate until 15 November 1999 and announced the Council's intention to close the mission by that date, and to review the mandate every 45 days on the basis of reports by the Secretary-General on the implementation of commitments made by the Central African Republic president.

  • 25 February 1999 View: S/1999/201

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on the situation in the Former Yugoslavia which was vetoed by China to protest the former's diplomatic recognition of Taiwan.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of a debate on the protection of civilians.

  • 22 February 1999 View: S/PV.3980

    Abstract: This was a debate on the protection of civilians.

  • 18 February 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/7

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on the situation in the Central African Republic.

  • 17 February 1999 View: S/1999/165

    Abstract: This note emphasised that all Council members be allowed to participate fully in the preparation of Council resolutions and presidential statements.

  • 12 February 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/6

    Abstract: This was the Council's first thematic decision on protection of civilians.

  • 12 February 1999 View: S/1999/171

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on the enhancement of African peacekeeping capacity.

  • 12 February 1999 View: S/PV.3977

    Abstract: This was a debate on the protection of civilians.

  • 9 February 1999 View: S/1999/132

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Charge d'Affaires A.I. of the Central African Republic to the Security Council transmitting a letter from President Ange-Félix Patassé.

  • 30 January 1999 View: S/1999/100

    Abstract: This was a note by the president of the Council announcing the establishment of three panels tasked to provide a comprehensive review on UN approaches to Iraq.

  • 29 January 1999 View: S/1999/92

    Abstract: This note by the President of the Security Council indicated the Council's determination to improve the work of sanctions committees and listed a series of practical proposals to this effect.

  • 29 January 1999 View: S/1999/98

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on the January visit of his Special Envoy to the Central African Republic, Hédi Annabi, in which he recommended an extension of the UN mission in the Central African Republic until August 1999, subject to a determination that the Government of the Central African Republic had made adequate process in carrying out reforms.

  • 29 January 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/5

    Abstract: This presidential statement welcomed decisions of the foreign ministers of the Contact Group (France, Germany, Italy, Russia, the United Kingdom and United States) subsequent to their meeting in London on 29 January 1999, which aimed to reach a political settlement between the parties and to establish a framework and timetable for that purpose.

  • 21 January 1999 View: S/PV.3968

    Abstract: This was a debate on humanitarian activities relevant to the Security Council.

  • 19 January 1999 View: S/PV.3967

    Abstract: The Council expressed concern at the escalating violence and welcomed efforts by the Contact Group to set out a framework and timetable for political settlement.

  • 4 January 1999 View: A/RES/53/70

    Abstract: This was a resolution on developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security.

  • 1 January 1999 View: S/PRST/1999/2

    Abstract: This presidential statement strongly condemned the massacre of Kosovo Albanians on 15 January, as reported by the OSCE Kosovo Verification Mission.

  • 28 December 1998 View: S/1998/1226

    Abstract: This was a report of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia.

  • 22 December 1998 View: S/1999/116

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Security Council forwarding a letter addressed to him by President Ange-Félix Patassé concerning the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic (MINURCA).

  • 22 December 1998 View: S/RES/1217

    Abstract: This resolution welcomed the establishment of a civil affairs branch for UNFICYP.

  • 21 December 1998 View: S/RES/1216

    Abstract: This resolution welcomed and approved the mandate of an ECOWAS interposition force in support of a peace agreement in Guinea-Bissau.

  • 15 December 1998 View: S/1998/1172

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Council enclosing the UNSCOM report that prompted Operation Desert Fox.

  • 9 December 1998 View: A/RES/53/162

    Abstract: This resolution further strongly urged the Government of Myanmar to ensure full respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.

  • 8 December 1998 View: S/PV.3952

    Abstract: The Council adopted resolution 1214 unanimously, and also demanded that Taliban stop providing sanctuary for terrorists.

  • 8 December 1998 View: S/RES/1214

    Abstract: This resolution expressed grave concern at the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan, and called on the Taliban and other factions to call a cease-fire, and to resume negotiations.

  • 7 December 1998 View: A/RES/53/92

    Abstract: Pursuant to the report of the Secretary-General, "The Causes of Conflict and the Promotion of Durable Peace and Sustainable Development in Africa," which emphasised the importance of DDR in peacekeeping missions in Africa, the General Assembly established an Open-Ended Working Group to monitor the implementation of the recommendations contained therein.

  • 30 November 1998 View: S/PRST/1998/35

    Abstract: This presidential statement reaffirmed the increasingly important role of regional arrangements in maintaining peace and security.

  • 25 November 1998 View: S/RES/1212

    Abstract: This was a resolution on Haiti that invited ECOSOC’s contributions.

  • 23 November 1998 View: A/RES/53/30

    Abstract: This resolution "determined" that any action taken on Security Council Reform should have the affirmative vote of at least two thirds of the Members of the General Assembly.

  • 19 November 1998 View: S/RES/1208

    Abstract: The Council affirmed the primary responsibility of States hosting refugees to ensure the security and civilian and humanitarian character of refugee camps and settlements in accordance with international refugee, human rights.

  • 19 November 1998 View: S/RES/1209

    Abstract: This recognised the threat of illicit flow of arms to and in Africa to international peace and security.

  • 30 October 1998 View: S/1998/1016

    Abstract: This note stated that "With effect from 1999, the bureau of each sanctions committee shall be appointed by that committee, following consultations between Council members, either at its first meeting if that meeting takes place in January, or in writing at the instance of the presidency of the Council under a no-objection procedure."

  • 24 October 1998 View: S/RES/1203

    Abstract: This resolution demanded that Yugoslavia cooperate fully with the OSCE Verification Mission in Kosovo and the NATO Air Verification Mission over Kosovo.

  • 24 October 1998 View: S/PV.3937

    Abstract: The Council demanded that the FRY and the KLA comply fully with resolutions 1160 and 1199.

  • 15 October 1998 View: S/RES/1201

    Abstract: This resolution welcomed the announcement of elections and extended the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic (MINURCA) mandate.

  • 12 October 1998 View: A/53/482

    Abstract: This was the report by the Special Representative to the Secretary-General on Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 2 October 1998 View: S/1998/913

    Abstract: This report noted the break-down in the peace-talks and the outbreak of fresh hostilities.