UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • Abstract: This was the second resumption of a meeting about Afghanistan and the Taliban.

  • Abstract: This is the first resumption of extended meetings about Afghanistan and the Taliban, during which the Council called on the warring factions to stop fighting and for states to halt supplies of weapons to Afghanistan.

  • 28 March 1997 View: S/RES/1101

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the use of force by a multinational protection force in Albania (Operation Alba).

  • 17 March 1997 View: S/1997/236

    Abstract: In this letter the Secretary-general appointed James Baker as Personal Envoy to Western Sahara.

  • 12 March 1997 View: S/PRST/1997/13

    Abstract: This was on security of UN operations.

  • 9 January 1997 View: S/1997/18

    Abstract: Was a draft resolution on the situation in Guatemala which was vetoed by China to protest the former's diplomatic recognition of Taiwan.

  • 6 January 1997 View: S/1997/16

    Abstract: This was a report of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 751 (1992) concerning Somalia.

  • 17 December 1996 View: A/RES/51/208

    Abstract: This resolution invited the Council to establish consultative mechanisms to address the impact of sanctions as well as to enhance the effectiveness and transparency of the sanctions committees.

  • 13 December 1996 View: S/RES/1091

    Abstract: The Council acknowledged the contribution of Secretary-General Dr. Boutros Boutros-Ghali to international peace, security and development.

  • 13 December 1996 View: S/RES/1090

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the appointment of Kofi Annan.

  • 12 December 1996 View: S/RES/1088

    Abstract: This resolution contained the authorisation of the establishment of a multinational stabilisation force (SFOR).

  • 12 December 1996 View: A/RES/51/77

    Abstract: This resolution recommended that the Secretary-General appoint for a period of three years a Special Representative on the impact of armed conflict on children.

  • 10 December 1996 View: A/RES/51/45 F

    Abstract: This resolution outlined measures to curb the illicit transfer and use of conventional arms.

  • 15 November 1996 View: S/RES/1080

    Abstract: The Council welcomed the offers made by member states concerning the establishment for humanitarian purposes of a temporary multinational force to facilitate the immediate return of humanitarian organizations and the effective delivery by civilian relief organizations of humanitarian aid to alleviate the immediate suffering of displaced persons, refugees and civilians at risk in eastern Zaire.

  • 12 November 1996 View: S/1996/927

    Abstract: This was a report by the Special Rapporteur of the CHR on the human rights situation in former Yugoslavia, covering human rights situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina following the elections as well as the situation of human rights in the former Yugoslavia.

  • 12 November 1996 View: S/1996/931

    Abstract: This was a periodic report on the situation of human rights in the former Yugoslavia submitted by the Special Rapporteur of the CHR on human rights situation in former Yugoslavia.

  • 22 October 1996 View: S/PV.3706

    Abstract: The Council adopted resolution 1076 unanimously and called on states not to interfere in Afghanistan's internal affairs.

  • 22 October 1996 View: S/RES/1076

    Abstract: This resolution called on all parties in Afghanistan to stop fighting, and engage in political dialogue. The Council also denounced the discrimination against girls and women.

  • 22 October 1996 View: S/RES/1077

    Abstract: This resolution created a UN human rights office.

  • 16 October 1996 View: S/PV.3705

    Abstract: This was a day long open debate in which the Council was addressed by representatives from neighbouring states to Afghanistan, among others, about the worsening situation in Afghanistan, and the involvement of troops from Pakistan in the conflict.

  • 10 October 1996 View: S/PRST/1996/41

    Abstract: In this statement, the Council requested to be kept regularly informed into progress on investigations of violations at Srebrenica.

  • 30 September 1996 View: S/PRST/1996/40

    Abstract: This presidential statement expressed grave concern at the situation in Afghanistan, the violation of the UN compound, and expressed dismay at the brutal execution of former President Mohammad Najibullah.

  • 28 September 1996 View: S/PV.3699

    Abstract: The Council agreed to issue a presidential statement (S/PRST/1996/40).

  • 9 September 1996 View: A/51/306/Add.1

    Abstract: This was the addendum Graça Machel's report on children and armed conflict.

  • 30 August 1996 View: S/PRST/1996/37

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement laying out basic principles for the role of peacekeeping missions in mine clearance.

  • 29 August 1996 View: S/1996/704

    Abstract: This note outlined procedures for deleting items from the Council's list of matters of which it was seized.

  • 26 August 1996 View: A/51/306

    Abstract: This was Graça Machel's report on children and armed conflict.

  • 22 August 1996 View: S/1996/603

    Abstract: This note indicated that the Council would delete from its list of matters of which it was seized any item not taken up in the previous five years, unless a member state objected.

  • 16 August 1996 View: S/RES/1070

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened sanctions in connection with Sudan.

  • 15 August 1996 View: S/PV.3689

    Abstract: This was an orientation debate on demining as part of peacekeeping, organised by Germany.

  • 24 July 1996 View: S/1996/621

    Abstract: This was a letter from Germany proposing a seven-point action programme including the adoption of a global ban on anti-personnel landmines.

  • 23 July 1996 View: A/50/24

    Abstract: This was the report of the working group on the strengthening of the UN system

  • 1 July 1996 View: A/51/182

    Abstract: This included guidelines for international arms transfers.

  • 12 June 1996 View: S/RES/1060

    Abstract: This resolution emphasised the importance of full compliance by Iraq with its obligations to permit immediate, unconditional and unrestricted access to UNSCOM to any site, and found unacceptable any attempts by Iraq to deny access to any such site.

  • 26 April 1996 View: S/RES/1054

    Abstract: This resolution imposed sanctions in connection with Sudan.

  • 18 April 1996 View: S/PV.3654

    Abstract: This was an orientation debate on the Middle East organised by the Chilean presidency.

  • 9 April 1996 View: S/PV.3648

    Abstract: This was an orientation debate on Afghanistan organised by the Chilean presidency.

  • 9 April 1996 View: S/PV.3650

    Abstract: The Council discussed the threat to international peace and security presented by the conflict in Afghanistan, and the relationship of the conflict to certain groups from Pakistan, the lack of central governing authority, and the production of narcotics.

  • 28 March 1996 View: S/PRST/1996/13

    Abstract: This presidential statement reiterated the desire for enhanced consultation and exchange of information between the Council and TCCs, noted that procedures previously agreed upon to meet this goal had not been fully implemented and agreed on additional procedures to facilitate communication between the Council and the TCCs.

  • 28 March 1996 View: S/PV.3645

    Abstract: This was the debate on strengthening cooperation with troop-contributing countries.

  • 27 March 1996 View: S/1996/224

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Chile to the president of the Security Council regarding the participation of TCCs in the Security Council.

  • 15 March 1996 View: S/PV.3641

    Abstract: This was an orientation debate on Somalia organized by the Botswana presidency.

  • 15 February 1996 View: S/PRST/1996/6

    Abstract: This presidential statement called on all parties to end hostilities, and to allow for the distribution of humanitarian aid, and called on all states to assist UNSMA.

  • 15 February 1996 View: S/PV.3631

    Abstract: The Council agreed to issue a presidential statement (S/PRST/1996/6).

  • 6 February 1996 View: S/PV.3628

    Abstract: This was an orientation open debate on Angola organised by the US presidency.

  • 29 January 1996 View: S/RES/1040

    Abstract: This resolution supported the facilitation of a comprehensive political dialogue by the Secretary-General to end the civil war in Burundi.

  • 25 January 1996 View: S/PV.3621

    Abstract: This was an orientation open debate on Liberia, organised by the UK presidency.

  • 24 January 1996 View: S/1996/54

    Abstract: This note indicated the Council's agreement that chairs of sanctions committees brief interested members of the UN after each meeting and raise awareness among committee members and the broader UN membership of improvements in the procedures of the sanctions committees.

  • 15 January 1996 View: S/1996/17

    Abstract: This was the first report of the Committee and it covered the period from its inception through 31 December 1995.

  • 15 January 1996 View: A/RES/50/70

    Abstract: The General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to establish a Panel of Government Experts on Small Arms.