UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 21 October 1994 View: S/1994/1194

    Abstract: This was the Note by the President of the Council naming the members of the mission to Somalia on 26 and 27 October 1994.

  • 21 October 1994 View: INFCIRC/457

    Abstract: This was the agreed framework between the US and the DPRK.

  • 14 October 1994 View: S/PRST/1994/59

    Abstract: This presidential statement encouraged the Secretary-General to consult and prepare for a conference on the region; this was the first mention of an international conference on the Great Lakes region.

  • 1 October 1994 View: S/1994/1125

    Abstract: This was a report of the Commission of Experts on crimes committed in Rwanda.

  • 1 October 1994 View: S/RES/935

    Abstract: This resolution requested the Secretary-General to establish a commission of experts to obtain information regarding grave violations of international law.

  • 23 September 1994 View: A/RES/49/252

    Abstract: This resolution established working group on the strengthening of the UN system.

  • 15 September 1994 View: S/1994/1063

    Abstract: This was a letter from Argentina and New Zealand to the president of the Security Council requesting an open meeting to consider various procedural issues, including participation.

  • 7 September 1994 View: S/1994/1039

    Abstract: This was the report of the Security Council’s fact-finding mission to Burundi, on 13 and 14 August 1994.

  • 29 August 1994 View: S/1994/1009

    Abstract: This was the report of the Security Council's visit to Mozambique.

  • 11 August 1994 View: S/PRST/1994/43

    Abstract: This presidential statement noted with appreciation the efforts of UNSMA, and called on all parties to cease hostilities.

  • 11 August 1994 View: S/PV.3415

    Abstract: The Council agreed to issue a presidential statement (S/PRST/1994/43).

  • 31 July 1994 View: S/RES/940

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the deployment of a multinational force in Haiti and established UNMIH.

  • 29 July 1994 View: S/RES/939

    Abstract: This resolution requested the Secretary-General to start consultations.

  • 21 July 1994 View: S/RES/937

    Abstract: This resolution expanded the UN Observer Mission in Georgia's mandate.

  • 19 July 1994 View: S/PRST/1994/35

    Abstract: In this presidential statement, the Council said it will consider sending a mission, at an appropriate time, to Mozambique to discuss with the parties how best to ensure full and timely implementation of the general peace agreement and that the elections take place on the dates agreed and under the conditions set out in the agreement.

  • 18 July 1994 View: S/1994/839

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Somalia highlighting arms flow to the country.

  • 14 July 1994 View: S/PRST/1994/34

    Abstract: This statement demanded an unconditional ceasefire in Rwanda.

  • 12 July 1994 View: S/1994/818

    Abstract: This report contained the recommendations for the mandate of the UN Observer Mission in Georgia.

  • 24 June 1994 View: S/PRST/1994/4

    Abstract: This presidential statement welcomed the support for the Secretary-General's intention to dispatch a mission to Afghanistan (UNSMA) to assist with rapprochement and reconstruction and called for the immediate cessation of hostilities.

  • 22 June 1994 View: S/RES/929

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the French-led Opération Turquoise in Rwanda

  • 1 June 1994 View: S/1994/653

    Abstract: This was the report of the Commission of Inquiry established to investigate armed attacks on UMOSOM II personnel on 5 June 1993.

  • 30 May 1994 View: S/PRST/1994/28

    Abstract: This statement expressed grave concern and strongly urged the DPRK to proceed with the removal of spent fuel in a way to preserve fuel measurements.

  • 25 May 1994 View: S/RES/919

    Abstract: This resolution terminated Council sanctions on South Africa.

  • 17 May 1994 View: S/RES/918

    Abstract: This resolution imposed sanctions in connection with Rwanda and adjusted UNAMIR.

  • 17 May 1994 View: S/1994/583

    Abstract: This letter contained the Moscow Ceasefire Agreement.

  • 16 May 1994 View: S/PV.3377

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in Rwanda.

  • 6 May 1994 View: A/48/935

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General, Agenda for Development.

  • 6 May 1994 View: S/RES/917

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened sanctions in connection with Haiti.

  • Abstract: This statement welcomed enhanced consultations and exchange of information between the Council and the TCCs regarding peacekeeping operations, including their planning, management and coordination. This presidential statement said that regional and subregional organisations should be taken into account when setting up new peacekeeping operations.

  • 3 May 1994 View: S/PV.3372

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement that focused on the Secretary-General's report An Agenda for Peace, and welcomed enhanced consultations and exchange of information with the TCCs.

  • 21 April 1994 View: S/RES/912

    Abstract: This resolution adjusted UNAMIR.

  • 5 April 1994 View: S/1994/397

    Abstract: This contained the declaration on measures for the settlement of the conflict and the quadripartite agreement.

  • 31 March 1994 View: S/RES/908

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the use of force in support of UNPROFOR in Croatia.

  • 31 March 1994 View: S/PRST/1994/13

    Abstract: This statement called on the DPRK to allow IAEA inspectors to complete their activities and requested the DPRK and the Republic of Korea to implement a 1992 joint declaration on the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula.

  • 23 March 1994 View: S/1994/329

    Abstract: This was the note making arrangements for the distribution of statements outside the Council Chamber so all speakers could have the opportunity to be heard without difficulty.

  • 23 March 1994 View: S/PRST/1994/12

    Abstract: This presidential statement called for an end to all obstacles to humanitarian aid.

  • 23 March 1994 View: S/PV.3353

    Abstract: The Council agreed to issue a presidential statement (S/PRST/1994/12).

  • 18 March 1994 View: S/RES/904

    Abstract: This resolution called upon Israel, the occupying Power, to implement measures, including confiscation of arms, with the aim of preventing illegal acts of violence by Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied territories.

  • 4 March 1994 View: S/RES/899

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the payment of compensation to private Iraqi citizens relocated following the demarcation of the border between Iraq and Kuwait.

  • Abstract: This was a draft resolution from New Zealand on possible mechanisms to improve council oversight of peacekeeping operations

  • 28 February 1994 View: S/1994/230

    Abstract: This was the note in which the Council agreed to make draft decisions in provisional form available to all members at the time they have been introduced in consultations of the whole.

  • 23 February 1994 View: A/RES/48/104

    Abstract: This was the General Assembly Declaration on the elimination of violence against women.

  • 18 February 1994 View: A/RES/48/132

    Abstract: This resolution recognised that the rule of law is essential to protecting human rights.

  • 14 February 1994 View: A/48/PV.89

    Abstract: During this meeting the General Assembly approved the appointment of José Ayala-Lasso (Ecuador) as the first High Commissioner for Human Rights.

  • 4 February 1994 View: S/RES/897

    Abstract: This resolution revised UN Operation in Somalia II (UNOSOM II)'s mandate.

  • 31 January 1994 View: A/48/859

    Abstract: This is a note of the Secretary-General proposing the appointment of Ambassador Ayala Lasso as High Commissioner for Human Rights, for a term of office of four years, effective 28 February 1994.

  • 25 January 1994 View: S/1994/80

    Abstract: This report contained options for UN presence on the ground, including the deployment of the UN Observer Mission in Georgia as an observer force together with a multinational peacekeeping operation.

  • 24 January 1994 View: S/PV.3330

    Abstract: The Council agreed to issue a presidential statement (S/PRST/1994/4).

  • 13 January 1994 View: S/1994/32

    Abstract: This contained a communiqué from the parties detailing their acceptance of the deployment of peacekeepers with a Russian contingent.

  • 21 December 1993 View: A/RES/48/208

    Abstract: The General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to dispatch a new mission, UNSMA, to assist with the rapprochement and reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan.