UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 29 June 1992 View: S/RES/761

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the additional deployment of the United Nations Protection Force.

  • 17 June 1992 View: S/24111

    Abstract: This was the report An Agenda for Peace in which Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali noted that peace-building after civil or international strife must address the serious problem of landmines.

  • 30 May 1992 View: S/RES/757

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened sanctions and their enforcement in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 22 May 1992 View: A/RES/46/238

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Croatia as a member of the UN.

  • 22 May 1992 View: A/RES/46/237

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Bosnia and Herzegovina as a member of the UN.

  • 22 May 1992 View: A/RES/46/236

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Slovenia as a member of the UN.

  • 20 May 1992 View: S/RES/755

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Bosnia and Herzegovina for UN membership.

  • 18 May 1992 View: S/RES/753

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Croatia for UN membership.

  • 18 May 1992 View: S/RES/754

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Slovenia for UN membership.

  • 15 May 1992 View: S/RES/752

    Abstract: This resolution contained a list of demands to the parties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • Abstract: This was the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol of 1 December 1997.

  • 24 April 1992 View: S/RES/751

    Abstract: This resolution established UN Operation in Somalia I (UNOSOM I) and a Sanctions Committee.

  • 21 April 1992 View: S/23829

    Abstract: This report was on the situation in Somalia and highlighted progress made in implementing the arms embargo.

  • 10 April 1992 View: S/RES/750

    Abstract: This resolution endorsed the Secretary-Genera "Set of Ideas".

  • 3 April 1992 View: S/23780

    Abstract: This report outlined the “Set of Ideas on an overall framework agreement on Cyprus”.

  • 31 March 1992 View: S/RES/748

    Abstract: This resolution imposed an arms embargo and selective travel ban on Libya, and established a sanctions committee.

  • 31 March 1992 View: S/RES/731

    Abstract: This resolution condemned the destruction of Pan American flight 103.

  • 17 March 1992 View: S/RES/746

    Abstract: This resolution supported the Secretary-General’s proposal to send a technical team to Somalia.

  • 12 March 1992 View: S/23693/Corr.1

    Abstract: This was the corrigendum of the Secretary-General report S/23693.

  • 11 March 1992 View: S/23693

    Abstract: This report was prepared in response to Security Council request in resolution 733.

  • Abstract: This resolution decided to establish the mandate of a Special on human rights in Myanmar.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/225

    Abstract: This resolution admitted the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia as a member of the UN.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/226

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Uzbekistan as a member of the UN.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/227

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Armenia as a member of the UN.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/224

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Kazakhstan as a member of the UN.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/228

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Tajikistan as a member of the UN.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/229

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Turkmenistan as a member of the UN.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/230

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Azerbaijan as a member of the UN.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/231

    Abstract: This resolution admitted San Marino as a member of the UN.

  • 2 March 1992 View: A/RES/46/223

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Moldova as a member of the UN.

  • 28 February 1992 View: S/RES/745

    Abstract: This resolution decided to established UNTA.

  • 25 February 1992 View: S/RES/744

    Abstract: This resolution recommended San Marino for UN membership.

  • 21 February 1992 View: S/RES/743

    Abstract: This resolution established UNPROFOR.

  • 14 February 1992 View: S/RES/742

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Azerbaijan for UN membership.

  • 7 February 1992 View: S/RES/741

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Turkmenistan for UN membership.

  • 5 February 1992 View: S/RES/739

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Moldova for UN membership.

  • 31 January 1992 View: S/PV.3046

    Abstract: This was the first Security Council meeting held at the level of heads of state. During the summit, several heads of state talked about human rights as being an integral part of peace and security. The Council adopted a statement in which it noted that human rights verification had become one of the tasks of UN peacekeeping.

  • 31 January 1992 View: S/23500

    Abstract: This statement underlined the need for all member states to fulfil their obligations in relation to arms control and disarmament, to prevent the proliferation of WMD; to avoid excessive accumulations and transfers of arms; emphasised the importance of ratification and implementation by states of international and regional arms control arrangements; and recognised that the proliferation of WMD constitutes a threat to international peace and security. It also requested the Secretary-General recommend ways to strengthen and make the UN more efficient.

  • 29 January 1992 View: S/RES/736

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Kyrgyzstan for UN membership.

  • 29 January 1992 View: S/RES/737

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Uzbekistan for UN membership.

  • 29 January 1992 View: S/RES/738

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Tajikstan for UN membership.

  • 29 January 1992 View: S/RES/735

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Armenia for UN membership.

  • 23 January 1992 View: S/RES/732

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Kazakhstan for UN membership.

  • 23 January 1992 View: S/RES/733

    Abstract: This resolution imposed an arms embargo.

  • 23 January 1992 View: S/PV.3039

    Abstract: This was the Council meeting adopting resolution 733.

  • 20 January 1992 View: S/23445

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Charge d’affaires of Somalia, Fatun Mohamed Hassan, requesting a meeting of the Security Council on the situation in Somalia.

  • 19 December 1991 View: A/RES/46/182

    Abstract: This General Assembly resolution outlines the mandate of the Emergency Relief Coordinator.

  • 16 December 1991 View: A/RES/46/86

    Abstract: This resolution revoked the resolution which described Zionism as racism (A/RES/3379).

  • 15 December 1991 View: S/RES/724

    Abstract: This resolution strengthened sanctions and their enforcement in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 9 December 1991 View: A/RES/46/36 L

    Abstract: This resolution established the UN Register of Conventional Arms.