UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 21 November 1991 View: S/RES/720

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the appointment of Boutros Boutros-Ghali.

  • 11 October 1991 View: S/RES/716

    Abstract: This resolution reaffirmed that its position on the solution to the Cyprus problem is based on one state of Cyprus comprising two politically equal communities as defined by the Secretary-General in his 8 March 1990 report.

  • 11 October 1991 View: S/RES/715

    Abstract: This resolution stepped-up the monitoring and inspection regime making it ongoing.

  • 25 September 1991 View: S/RES/713

    Abstract: This resolution marked the start of the UN's involvement in the former Yugoslavia. It imposed sanctions and their enforcement in the context of the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 17 September 1991 View: A/RES/46/5

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Latvia as a member of the UN.

  • 17 September 1991 View: A/RES/46/6

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Lithuania as a member of the UN.

  • 17 September 1991 View: A/RES/46/3

    Abstract: This resolution admitted the Republic of the Marshall Islands as a member of the UN.

  • 17 September 1991 View: A/RES/46/4

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Estonia as a member of the UN.

  • 17 September 1991 View: A/RES/46/1

    Abstract: This resolution admitted the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea as members of the UN.

  • 17 September 1991 View: A/RES/46/2

    Abstract: This resolution admitted the Federated States of Micronesia as a member of the UN.

  • 12 September 1991 View: S/RES/711

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Lithuania for UN membership.

  • 12 September 1991 View: S/RES/709

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Estonia for UN membership.

  • 12 September 1991 View: S/RES/710

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Latvia for UN membership.

  • 9 September 1991 View: A/46/301

    Abstract: This was a Secretary-General’s study on ways and means of promoting transparency in international transfers of conventional arms.

  • Abstract: SCElection A520Rev15Amend1.pdf...

  • 19 August 1991 View: S/RES/705

    Abstract: This resolution endorsed the Secretary-General’s suggestion that the compensation to be paid by Iraq should not exceed 30 percent of the annual value of its exports of petroleum and petroleum products.

  • 15 August 1991 View: S/RES/707

    Abstract: This resolution demanded that Iraq halt all nuclear activity, provide full disclosure of its weapons programmes, and allow inspectors access to all sites.

  • 15 August 1991 View: S/RES/706

    Abstract: The Council requested the Secretary-General to submit a report on the repatriation or return of all Kuwaiti and third-country nationals.

  • 9 August 1991 View: S/RES/703

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the Federated States of Micronesia for UN membership.

  • 9 August 1991 View: S/RES/704

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the Republic of the Marshall Islands for UN membership.

  • 8 August 1991 View: S/RES/702

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and the Republic of Korea for UN membership.

  • 18 July 1991 View: GOV/2531

    Abstract: This draft resolution expressed grave concern about the evident deception and obstruction of IAEA inspectors in Iraq and transmitted those conclusions to the Council.

  • 17 June 1991 View: S/RES/700

    Abstract: In this resolution the Iraq 661 sanctions committee was given a mandate to monitor the arms embargo.

  • 20 May 1991 View: S/RES/693

    Abstract: This resolution mandated the UN Observer Mission in El Salvador to monitor the human rights situation in El Salvador.

  • 20 May 1991 View: S/RES/692

    Abstract: This resolution established the UNCC and the UN Compensation Fund.

  • 29 April 1991 View: S/RES/690

    Abstract: This resolution established the UN Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO).

  • 9 April 1991 View: S/RES/689

    Abstract: This resolution established UNIKOM.

  • 5 April 1991 View: S/RES/688

    Abstract: In response to the situation in Iraq following the Gulf War this resolution stated that repression against civilian population within a state had consequences that could "threaten international peace and security in the region."

  • 3 April 1991 View: S/RES/687

    Abstract: This resolution contained the terms for Iraq of a ceasefire in the context of its invasion of Kuwait, foresaw the establishment of UNIKOM and imposed sanctions. It called for the elimination, under international supervision, of Iraq's WMD and ballistic missiles with a range greater than 150 kilometres, together with related items and production facilities, and called for measures to ensure that the acquisition and production of prohibited items were not resumed.

  • 2 March 1991 View: S/RES/686

    Abstract: The Council demanded that Iraq release all Kuwaiti or third country nationals and return the remains of any deceased Kuwaiti and third country nationals so detained.

  • 22 January 1991 View: S/22133

    Abstract: This presidential statement welcomed ECOWAS efforts in Liberia.

  • 2 January 1991 View: S/PV.2970 (Part II)

    Abstract: This was a Council meeting supporting an active negotiating process to help resolve the Middle East conflict.

  • 31 December 1990 View: S/22027

    Abstract: The Council reaffirmed Council commitment to an active negotiating process by calling for an international conference, but members could not agree on when this would be appropriate.

  • 20 December 1990 View: S/RES/681

    Abstract: This resolution deplored Israeli resumption of deportation of Palestinians.

  • 5 December 1990 View: S/PV.2965

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 29 November 1990 View: S/RES/678

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the use of force in the context of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait and demanded that Iraq comply fully with resolution 660.

  • 24 October 1990 View: S/PV.2949

    Abstract: During this meeting, Cuba raised article 27 (3) (obligatory abstentions).

  • 24 October 1990 View: S/RES/673

    Abstract: This resolution insisted that Israel comply fully with resolution 242 and that it permit a mission of the Secretary-General to proceed.

  • 12 October 1990 View: S/RES/672

    Abstract: This resolution called upon Israel as the occupying power to abide by its obligations and responsibilities under the Fourth Geneva Convention, and requested the Secretary-General to send a mission to the occupied territories.

  • 18 September 1990 View: A/RES/45/1

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Liechtenstein as a member of the UN.

  • 25 August 1990 View: S/PV.2938

    Abstract: This was a meeting on Iraq-Kuwait.

  • 25 August 1990 View: S/RES/665

    Abstract: This resolution asked member states to coordinate the implementation of the naval blockade against Iraq through the Military Staff Committee.

  • 14 August 1990 View: S/RES/663

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Liechtenstein for UN membership.

  • 6 August 1990 View: S/RES/661

    Abstract: This resolution imposed economic sanctions on Iraq after it invaded Kuwait, providing for a full trade embargo, excluding medical supplies, food and other items of humanitarian necessity, to be determined by a sanctions committee.

  • 27 June 1990 View: S/RES/658

    Abstract: This resolution endorsed the settlement proposals.

  • 23 April 1990 View: A/RES/S-18/1

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Namibia as a member of the UN.

  • 17 April 1990 View: S/PV.2917

    Abstract: This was on the application of Namibia.

  • 17 April 1990 View: S/RES/652

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Namibia for UN membership.

  • 12 March 1990 View: S/RES/649

    Abstract: This resolution for the first time provided a detailed framework for the negotiations: called upon the leaders of the two communities to pursue their efforts to reach a solution providing for the establishment of a federation that would be bi-communal as regards the constitutional aspects and bi-zonal as regards the territorial aspects in line with the 1977 and 1979 agreements and to cooperate on an equal footing with the Secretary-General.

  • 8 March 1990 View: S/21183

    Abstract: This report recognised and defined the concept of political equality.