UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 10 October 1970 View: S/RES/287

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Fiji for UN membership.

  • 9 September 1970 View: S/RES/286

    Abstract: This resolution appealed for an end to hijacking of commercial aircraft and for release of passengers and crew currently held.

  • 29 July 1970 View: S/RES/284

    Abstract: This resolution contained a request for an advisory opinion from the ICJ on Namibia.

  • 15 May 1970 View: S/PV.1541

    Abstract: This meeting was on the Middle East.

  • 14 May 1970 View: S/PV.1540

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 12 May 1970 View: S/PV.1538

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 12 May 1970 View: S/RES/279

    Abstract: This resolution demanded the withdrawal of Israeli forces from Lebanon.

  • 18 March 1970 View: S/RES/277

    Abstract: This resolution urged compliance with Council resolutions on Southern Rhodesia, inter alia.

  • 13 March 1970 View: S/9696/Corr.2

    Abstract: This documents contained a corrigendum to the draft resolution on Southern Rhodesia (S/9696) vetoed by the US.

  • 12 March 1970 View: S/9696/Corr.1

    Abstract: This document contained amendments to a draft resolution on Southern Rhodesia (S/9696) vetoed by the US.

  • 11 March 1970 View: S/9696

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on Southern Rhodesia vetoed by the US.

  • 30 January 1970 View: S/RES/276

    Abstract: This resolution declared illegal the presence of South Africa in Namibia.

  • 12 August 1969 View: S/RES/269

    Abstract: This resolution continued to press South Africa to withdraw from Namibia.

  • 12 November 1968 View: A/RES/2384 (XXIII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Guinea as a member of the UN.

  • 6 November 1968 View: S/RES/260

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Guinea for UN membership.

  • 24 September 1968 View: A/RES/2376 (XXIII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Swaziland as a a member of the UN.

  • 11 September 1968 View: S/RES/257

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Swaziland for UN membership.

  • 19 June 1968 View: S/RES/255

    Abstract: This resolution recognised that aggression with nuclear weapons or the threat of such aggression against a non-nuclear weapon state would create a situation in which the Security Council, and above all its nuclear-weapon state permanent members, would have to act immediately.

  • 29 May 1968 View: S/RES/253

    Abstract: This resolution established the first Council sanctions committee to monitor the implementation of the sanctions measures in Southern Rhodesia.

  • 29 May 1968 View: S/PV.1428

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in Southern Rhodesia.

  • 24 April 1968 View: A/RES/2371 (XXII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Mauritius as a member of the UN.

  • 22 April 1968 View: S/8554

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on Southern Rhodesia introduced by the UK.

  • 18 April 1968 View: S/RES/249

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Mauritius for UN membership.

  • 18 April 1968 View: S/PV.1413

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in Southern Rhodesia.

  • 16 April 1968 View: S/8545

    Abstract: This resolution was a draft resolution on Southern Rhodesia introduced by Algeria, Ethiopia, India, Pakistan and Senegal.

  • 22 March 1968 View: S/8495

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Soviet Union on resolution 242

  • 22 December 1967 View: S/RES/244

    Abstract: This resolution extended UNFICYP’s mandate and noted the Secretary-General’s report recommending including the supervision of disarmament and arrangements to safeguard internal security in the mandate.

  • 14 December 1967 View: A/RES/2310 (XXII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Democratic Yemen (the People's Republic of Southern Yemen) as a member of the UN.

  • 12 December 1967 View: S/RES/243

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Democratic Yemen (the People's Republic of Southern Yemen) for UN membership.

  • 8 December 1967 View: S/8286

    Abstract: This report recommended enlarging the mandate of UNFICYP so as to include supervision of disarmament and arrangements to safeguard internal security.

  • 22 November 1967 View: S/RES/242

    Abstract: This was a British sponsored compromise between the three-power and US drafts, calling on all parties to end territorial claims, respect sovereignty, and for Israel to withdraw from occupied territories. This resolution affirmed that the establishment of just and lasting peace in the Middle East should include the application of certain principles inter alia.

  • 22 November 1967 View: S/PV.1382

    Abstract: This meeting was the adoption of resolution 242 on Israel-Palestine.

  • 20 November 1967 View: S/8253

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on Israel-Palestine.

  • 16 November 1967 View: S/8247

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on Israel-Palestine.

  • 9 November 1967 View: S/PV.1373

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 7 November 1967 View: S/8229

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on Israel-Palestine.

  • 7 November 1967 View: S/8227

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on Israel-Palestine.

  • 25 October 1967 View: S/RES/240

    Abstract: This resolution reaffirmed the ceasefire.

  • 14 June 1967 View: S/RES/237

    Abstract: This resolution called on Israel to observe international humanitarian principles in treatment of prisoners of war and civilians in occupied areas.

  • 11 June 1967 View: S/RES/236

    Abstract: This resolution reaffirmed the Council’s demand for a ceasefire.

  • 9 June 1967 View: S/RES/235

    Abstract: This resolution confirmed demand for a ceasefire.

  • 7 June 1967 View: S/RES/234

    Abstract: This resolution demanded a ceasefire.

  • 6 June 1967 View: S/RES/233

    Abstract: This resolution called for a ceasefire.

  • 16 December 1966 View: S/RES/232

    Abstract: This resolution imposed sanctions on Southern Rhodesia.

  • 9 December 1966 View: A/RES/2175 (XXI)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Barbados as a member of the UN.

  • 7 December 1966 View: S/RES/230

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Barbados for UN membership.

  • 2 December 1966 View: A/RES/2161 (XXI)

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the appointment of U Thant.

  • 2 December 1966 View: S/RES/229

    Abstract: This resolution recommended the reappointment of U Thant.

  • 25 November 1966 View: S/RES/228

    Abstract: This resolution censured Israel for its large-scale military action in the southern Hebron area.

  • 1 November 1966 View: A/RES/2147 (XXI)

    Abstract: This resolution briefly extended the appointment of U Thant.