UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 28 October 1966 View: S/RES/227

    Abstract: This resolution recommended temporary rollover of the appointment of U Thant.

  • 17 October 1966 View: A/RES/2136 (XXI)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Botswana as a member of the UN.

  • 17 October 1966 View: A/RES/2137 (XXI)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Lesotho as a member of the UN.

  • 14 October 1966 View: S/RES/224

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Botswana for UN membership.

  • 14 October 1966 View: S/RES/225

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Lesotho for UN membership.

  • 20 September 1966 View: A/RES/2133 (XXI)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Guyana as a member of the UN.

  • 21 June 1966 View: S/RES/223

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Guyana for UN membership.

  • 9 April 1966 View: S/RES/221

    Abstract: This resolution authorised the UK to use force to prevent the supply of oil to Southern Rhodesia.

  • 18 December 1965 View: A/RES/2077 (XX)

    Abstract: This resolution called upon states to respect the sovereignty, unity independence and territorial integrity of Cyprus.

  • 19 November 1965 View: A/RES/2028 (XX)

    Abstract: This resolution contained guidelines for the negotiation of a treaty on the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.

  • 5 November 1965 View: S/RES/215

    Abstract: After the cease-fire called for in S/RES/209, S/RES/210, S/RES/211, and S/RES/214 did not materialize, the Council demanded that representatives of India and Pakistan meet with a representative of the Secretary-General.

  • 27 September 1965 View: S/RES/214

    Abstract: This resolution expressed concern that the cease-fire called for in S/RES209, S/RES/2010, and S/RES/211 was not holding despite both India and Pakistan agreeing to it. The Council demanded that the parties honor their commitment, cease fire, and withdraw all armed personnel

  • 21 September 1965 View: A/RES/2009 (XX)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Maldives (the Maldive Islands) as a member of the UN.

  • 21 September 1965 View: A/RES/2010 (XX)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Singapore as a member of the UN.

  • 21 September 1965 View: A/RES/2008 (XX)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Gambia as a member of the UN.

  • 20 September 1965 View: S/RES/211

    Abstract: After the calls for a cease-fire in S/RES/209 and S/RES/2010 went unheeded, with this resolution the Council demanded that a cease-fire take effect on 22 September with both forces withdrawing to the positions held before 5 August.

  • 20 September 1965 View: S/RES/212

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Maldives (the Maldive Islands) for UN membership.

  • 20 September 1965 View: S/RES/213

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Singapore for UN membership.

  • 6 September 1965 View: S/RES/210

    Abstract: This resolution concerned the Secretary-General’s report on the developments in Kashmir. The Council called on India and Pakistan to cease hostilities in the entire area of conflict and withdraw all armed personnel to the positions they held before 5 August 1965

  • 4 September 1965 View: S/RES/209

    Abstract: This resolution concerned the deteriorating situation along the cease-fire line in Kashmir. The Council called on both India and Pakistan to take all steps necessary to immediately cease fighting and return to their respective sides of the line.

  • 26 March 1965 View: S/6253

    Abstract: This report laid down the first observations on the future course of mediation

  • 15 March 1965 View: S/RES/200

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Gambia for UN membership.

  • 1 December 1964 View: A/PV.1286

    Abstract: At this meeting Zambia, Malta, and Malawi became members of the UN.

  • 30 October 1964 View: S/RES/196

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Malta for UN membership.

  • 30 October 1964 View: S/RES/197

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Zambia for UN membership.

  • 9 October 1964 View: S/RES/195

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Malawi for UN membership.

  • 10 September 1964 View: S/5950

    Abstract: This report recognised that the presence of UNFICYP in Cyprus was a major factor in bringing the fighting in some areas to an end, and in preventing some incidents from escalating. The report also pointed out that a “return to normal conditions" as mentioned in Council resolution 186 does not mean, as the Turkish Cypriots believe, a complete restoration of the constitutional situation in Cyprus as it was before the fighting broke out in December 1963.

  • 9 August 1964 View: S/RES/193

    Abstract: This resolution called upon all parties to cease firing and called on Turkey to stop the bombardments and on the Cypriot government to order its armed forces to cease firing.

  • 15 June 1964 View: S/5764

    Abstract: This was the first UNFICYP report noting that preventing the recurrence of fighting had been accomplished.

  • 11 April 1964 View: S/5653

    Abstract: This was a note by the Secretary-General clarifying the UNFICYP mandate.

  • 4 March 1964 View: S/RES/186

    Abstract: This resolution established UNFICYP.

  • 17 December 1963 View: A/RES/1991 (XVIII)

    Abstract: Part A of this resolution adopted amendments to the Charter on the composition of the Council and establishing the allocation of seats to various regions.

  • 16 December 1963 View: A/RES/1976 (XVIII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Kenya as a member of the UN.

  • 16 December 1963 View: S/RES/184

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Zanzibar for UN membership.

  • 16 December 1963 View: S/RES/185

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Kenya for UN membership.

  • 16 December 1963 View: A/RES/1975 (XVIII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Zanzibar as a member of the UN.

  • 16 December 1963 View: S/5488

    Abstract: This was a letter of complaint from Cyprus against Turkey for acts of aggression and intervention in the internal affairs of Cyprus.

  • Abstract: This resolution admitted Kuwait as a member of the UN.

  • 7 May 1963 View: S/PV.1034

    Abstract: This was the meeting during which the Security Council recommended to the General Assembly that Kuwait be admitted to membership in the UN.

  • 30 November 1962 View: A/RES/1771 (XVII)

    Abstract: The General Assembly appointed U Thant.

  • 30 November 1962 View: S/PV.1026

    Abstract: The Council recommended the appointment of U Thant.

  • 25 October 1962 View: A/RES/1758 (XVII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Uganda as a member of the UN.

  • 15 October 1962 View: S/RES/177

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Uganda for UN membership.

  • 8 October 1962 View: A/RES/1754 (XVII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Algeria as a member of the UN.

  • 4 October 1962 View: S/RES/176

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Algeria for UN membership.

  • 18 September 1962 View: A/RES/1751 (XVII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Trinidad and Tobago as a member of the UN.

  • 18 September 1962 View: A/RES/1748 (XVII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Rwanda as a member of the UN.

  • 18 September 1962 View: A/RES/1749 (XVII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Burundi as a member of the UN.

  • 12 September 1962 View: A/RES/1750 (XVII)

    Abstract: This resolution admitted Jamaica as a member of the UN.

  • 12 September 1962 View: S/RES/174

    Abstract: This resolution recommended Jamaica for UN membership.