UN Documents, all PDFs — Last Added
  • 23 July 2018 View: S/2018/729

    Abstract: This was the midterm report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 2127 CAR Sanctions Committee.

  • 23 July 2018 View: S/PV.8315

    Abstract: This was the meeting at which the Council adopted a presidential statement on the electoral process in Afghanistan.

  • 23 July 2018 View: SC/13432

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of four entities from the sanctions list.

  • 23 July 2018 View: S/PRST/2018/15

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on the electoral process in Afghanistan, following the conclusion of the voter registration process on 18 July for this year's parliamentary and district council elections and for the 2019 presidential elections.

  • 23 July 2018 View: S/2018/732

    Abstract: Included a report of the OPCW fact-finding mission in Syria regarding the incidents in Al-Hamadaniyah on 30 October 2016 and in Karm Al-Tarrab on 13 November 2016 and an interim report regarding the Douma 7 April 2018 incident.

  • 20 July 2018 View: S/2018/724

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's monthly report on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

  • 20 July 2018 View: S/2018/726

    Abstract: This was a letter from the permanent representative of Myanmar to the president of the Security Council with an update on developments related to the three areas outlined in the Council’s 31 May letter to the government of Myanmar.

  • 20 July 2018 View: S/2018/723

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s latest 90-day report on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.

  • 19 July 2018 View: SC/13430

    Abstract: This was the joint communique issued by Council members and members of the AU Peace and Security Council following their annual meeting.

  • 19 July 2018 View: SC/13429

    Abstract: This was a press statement addressing issues such as the attacks led by Ibrahim Jadhran against the oil infrastructure in June 2018, the resumption of work by Libya's National Oil Corporation, and the unification of Libya's economic and financial institutions.

  • 19 July 2018 View: A/HRC/39/72

    Abstract: This was the report of the independent expert on human rights in Somalia.

  • 19 July 2018 View: S/2018/736

    Abstract: This was the joint communiqué following the 12th annual joint consultative meeting between the UN Security Council and the AU Peace and Security Council at which the situations in South Sudan and the DRC were discussed.

  • 18 July 2018 View: S/PV.8314

    Abstract: This was a meeting on the Secretary-General's annual report on ways to strengthen the partnership between the UN and AU on issues of peace and security in Africa. The Council was briefed by Special Representative to the AU and head of UNOAU Sahle-Work Zewde and AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Smaïl Chergui.

  • 18 July 2018 View: S/2018/727

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General on contingency planning for a temporary reinforcement of MONUSCO.

  • 17 July 2018 View: S/PV.8313

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative and head of UNOWAS Mohammed Ibn Chambas on developments in the region and the activities of the UN regional office.

  • 16 July 2018 View: S/PV.8312

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative and head of UNSMIL Ghassan Salamé and chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee Ambassador Olof Skoog (Sweden).

  • 14 July 2018 View: SC/13424

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the terrorist attack in Mastung, Pakistan on 13 July, which resulted in more than 128 people killed and 200 people injured.

  • 13 July 2018 View: S/PV.8309

    Abstract: This was the meeting at which the Council adopted a presidential statement expressing concern for the continuing violence in the CAR and reaffirming its support to the African Initiative for Peace and Reconciliation in the CAR.

  • 13 July 2018 View: S/RES/2429

    Abstract: This was a resolution, adopted unanimously, extending until 30 June 2019 the mandate of UNAMID. The resolution decided to reduce, over the course of the mandate renewal period, the troop ceiling to 4,050 personnel and authorised the deployment of the necessary police force, not exceeding 2,500 personnel.

  • 13 July 2018 View: S/PRST/2018/14

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement expressing the Council's concern over the continuing violence perpetrated by armed groups in the CAR and reaffirming its support to the African Initiative for Peace and Reconciliation in the CAR.

  • 13 July 2018 View: S/PV.8310

    Abstract: This was the meeting at which the Council adopted resolution 2428 with nine affirmative votes and six abstentions.

  • 13 July 2018 View: S/RES/2428

    Abstract: This resolution imposed an arms embargo and additional targeted sanctions and renewed the sanctions regime and mandate of the Panel of Experts.

  • 13 July 2018 View: SC/13423

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of two entities from the sanctions list.

  • 13 July 2018 View: S/PV.8311

    Abstract: This was a meeting at which the Council adopted resolution 2429, renewing the mandate of UNAMID until 30 June 2019.

  • 13 July 2018 View: S/2018/703

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on the implementation of resolution 1701.

  • 12 July 2018 View: SC/13419

    Abstract: This was a press statement that condemned the recent violence in Haiti which resulted in several deaths.

  • 12 July 2018 View: S/2018/700

    Abstract: This was a letter from Germany and Turkey, along with 38 other member states, regarding Syria's Law Number 10.

  • 11 July 2018 View: S/PV.8307

    Abstract: This was a debate on climate-related security risks chaired by Swedish Minister of Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström.

  • 11 July 2018 View: S/2018/687

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Djibouti to the Security Council regarding its unresolved boundary dispute with Eritrea.

  • 11 July 2018 View: S/2018/688

    Abstract: This was the summary of the 5 June meeting on Mali and the Sahel held by the IEG.

  • 10 July 2018 View: S/PV.8306

    Abstract: This was a briefing on "Women, Peace and Security in the Sahel Region", chaired by Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström.

  • 10 July 2018 View: SC/13416

    Abstract: This was a press statement commending the signing of the Joint Declaration of Peace and Friendship on 9 July by the President of Eritrea, Isaias Afwerki, and the Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Dr. Abiy Ahmed.

  • 10 July 2018 View: S/2018/685

    Abstract: This was a letter extending the appointments of the Sanctions Committee's Panel of Experts until 14 August.

  • 10 July 2018 View: S/2018/683

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's 19th report on the issue of missing Kuwaiti and third-country nationals and missing Kuwaiti property, including the national archives.

  • 9 July 2018 View: S/RES/2427

    Abstract: This was a resolution, unanimously adopted, that provided a framework for mainstreaming protection, rights, well-being and empowerment of children throughout the conflict cycle, as well as in sustaining peace efforts.

  • 9 July 2018 View: S/PV.8305

    Abstract: This was the high-level open debate on children and armed conflict with the theme "Protecting Children Today Prevents Conflict Tomorrow", chaired by Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven.

  • 9 July 2018 View: SC/13413

    Abstract: This was a press statement on amending two entries, one individual and one entity, on the sanctions list.

  • 9 July 2018 View: S/2018/677

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNAMI.

  • 6 July 2018 View: S/2018/675

    Abstract: This was a letter from UAE Minister of State for International Cooperation Reem Al Hashimy with an update on the humanitarian situation and the Coalition's contingency plan for Hodeidah.

  • 6 July 2018 View: S/2018/678

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on ways to strengthen the partnership between the UN and the AU on peace and security in Africa.

  • 6 July 2018 View: S/2018/676

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's latest report on UNFICYP, covering 19 December 2017 to 20 June 2018.

  • 5 July 2018 View: SC/13409

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of one entity from the sanctions list.

  • 5 July 2018 View: S/2018/674

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on the comprehensive assessment of AMISOM, requested by resolution 2372.

  • 2 July 2018 View: S/2018/655

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on MONUSCO.

  • 2 July 2018 View: SC/13408

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning in the strongest terms the heinous and cowardly terrorist attack that took place in Jalalabad, Afghanistan on 1 July.

  • 29 June 2018 View: S/2018/649

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNOWAS and the region.

  • 29 June 2018 View: S/RES/2424

    Abstract: This was a resolution renewing the DRC sanctions regime until 1 July 2019 and the mandate of the Group of Experts assisting the 1533 DRC Sanctions Committee until 1 August 2019.

  • 29 June 2018 View: SC/13407

    Abstract: This condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist attack on the headquarters of the FC-G5S in Sévaré.

  • 29 June 2018 View: S/2018/653

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General reporting as requested in resolution 2418 on whether fighting has taken place and on the status of a viable peace agreement in South Sudan.

  • 29 June 2018 View: S/PV.8302

    Abstract: The Council adopted a resolution, providing a technical rollover of UNAMID's mandate until 13 July, to allow more time to consider possible changes to the mandate.