UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 21 August 2007 View: S/2007/502

    Abstract: This was the 2007 annual report of the ICTR.

  • 20 August 2007 View: S/2007/500

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on the Sudan.

  • Abstract: This was the eighth periodic report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights situation in the Sudan - Women abducted, raped and kept as sex slaves following the December 2006 attacks on Deribat.

  • 20 August 2007 View: S/RES/1772

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the authorisation of AMISOM for another six months and expressed the need for withdrawal of foreign troops from Somalia, inter alia.

  • 16 August 2007 View: SC/9098

    Abstract: The Council condemned the 14 August attacks in the Iraqi province of Ninawah.

  • 15 August 2007 View: S/2007/494

    Abstract: This letter contained the quarterly ISAF report of operations from February to April 2007.

  • 14 August 2007 View: S/2007/496

    Abstract: This was the letter from Congo containing the terms of reference for the open debate on 28 August on conflict prevention and resolution, especially in Africa.

  • 13 August 2007 View: A/62/228

    Abstract: This was a report of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.

  • 13 August 2007 View: S/2007/492

    Abstract: This letter was from the Afghanistan Foreign Minister to the Council president welcoming ISAF's continued operations in Afghanistan.

  • 10 August 2007 View: S/2007/489

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Georgian Charge d'affaires to the president of the Council containing the report of the OSCE mission to Georgia.

  • 10 August 2007 View: S/2007/488

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General containing revised recommendations for peacekeeping in Chad and the CAR, including the EU component.

  • 10 August 2007 View: S/2007/490

    Abstract: This was a letter transmitting the report on the activities of EUFOR from 1 March to 31 May 2007.

  • 10 August 2007 View: S/RES/1771

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the sanctions regime, with some modifications to the arms embargo, and the mandate of the Group of Experts until 15 February 2008.

  • 10 August 2007 View: S/RES/1770

    Abstract: This resolution extended UNAMI's mandate for twelve months and authorised an expanded role for the mission.

  • 24 August 2007 View: S/PV.5733

    Abstract: This meeting was on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 24 August 2007 View: S/2007/508

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Council concerning the activities of the Quartet, including the mandate of its representative, Mr. Tony Blair, and the establishment and functioning of its Jerusalem office.

  • 24 August 2007 View: S/RES/1773

    Abstract: This resolution renewed UNIFIL until 31 August 2008.

  • 22 August 2007 View: S/2007/509

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the appointment of General Zhao Jingmin as MINURSO's new force commander.

  • 22 August 2007 View: S/2007/507

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's letter to the Council delineating the mandate of the Quartet's representative, Tony Blair.

  • 22 August 2007 View: S/2007/503

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on MINUSTAH.

  • 30 August 2007 View: S/2007/515

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in Côte d’Ivoire.

  • 30 August 2007 View: A/62/163

    Abstract: This was a report from the group of governmental experts on how to enhance international cooperation in combating and illicit brokering.

  • 29 August 2007 View: S/2007/520

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in the Sudan.

  • 28 August 2007 View: S/PRST/2007/31

    Abstract: This statement requested the Secretary-General to submit a report on the options for further implementation of resolution 1625.

  • 28 August 2007 View: S/PV.5735

    Abstract: This was the discussion on the role of the Security Council in conflict prevention and resolution, in particular in Africa.

  • Abstract: This was the resumption of the discussion on the role of the Security Council in conflict prevention and resolution, in particular in Africa.

  • 28 August 2007 View: S/2007/513

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on the UN Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste (UNMIT).

  • 27 August 2007 View: SC/9104

    Abstract: The Council welcomed the results of the 11 August elections and commended the work of the Sierra Leonean National Electoral Commission.

  • 27 August 2007 View: S/PRST/2007/30

    Abstract: This presidential statement expressed readiness to authorise deployments in Chad and the Central African Republic.

  • 27 August 2007 View: S/2007/522

    Abstract: This was a letter conveying the Secretary-General's intention to temporarily reassign General Lamine Cissé as the officer-in-charge of UNOWA. It also outlined the Secretary-General's proposals for strengthening UNPOS.

  • 27 August 2007 View: S/2007/510

    Abstract: This was a letter from the president of the Security Council on the appointment of General Zhao Jingmin as MINURSO's new force commander.

  • 27 August 2007 View: INFCIRC/711

    Abstract: This was the Iran-IAEA work plan to resolve all outstanding issues.

  • 7 September 2007 View: S/PRST/2007/32

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement in connection with the Council’s consideration of the item entitled “Threats to international peace and security caused by terrorist acts”.

  • 5 September 2007 View: S/2007/535

    Abstract: This was the letter from the Georgia on military exercises by Abkhaz troops.

  • 4 September 2007 View: S/2007/525

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on the establishment of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

  • 31 August 2007 View: S/2007/721

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General regarding the appointment of Francis Deng as Special Representative for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities and Edward Luck as Special Advisor on Responsibility to Protect.

  • 30 August 2007 View: GOV/2007/48

    Abstract: This was a report on the implementation of the NPT safeguards agreement in Iran.

  • 30 August 2007 View: S/2007/517

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on the deployment of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur.

  • 30 August 2007 View: S/2007/519

    Abstract: This was a letter from Israel transmitting a summary of violations of the Blue Line from 19 June to 21 August and reiterating its concern about the presence of armed Hezbollah elements south of the Litani River and at the transfer of weapons from Syria.

  • 30 August 2007 View: S/2007/526

    Abstract: This was a letter from Iraq to the Council requesting a temporary suspension of the obligation to pay compensations with a view to reducing the payments.

  • 17 September 2007 View: S/2007/543

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) to the Council concerning the unrest in North and South Kivu.

  • 17 September 2007 View: A/RES/61/296

    Abstract: This resolution requested the UN system to intensify its assistance to the AU.

  • 14 September 2007 View: S/2007/547

    Abstract: These were letters from the Chairman of the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme to the Chairman of the Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) concerning Liberia on the status of Liberia within the Kimberley Process.

  • 14 September 2007 View: S/2007/579

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Council to Iraq noting the position of the Iraqi government in S/2007/526 and reiterating that the matter was being reviewed by the UNCC Governing Council.

  • 14 September 2007 View: S/RES/1774

    Abstract: This resolution reappointed Hassan Jallow as Prosecutor of the ICTR.

  • 14 September 2007 View: S/RES/1775

    Abstract: This resolution extended Carla Del Ponte as prosecutor of the ICTY till 31 December 2007.

  • 12 September 2007 View: SC/9113

    Abstract: The Council urged all parties "to comply with international humanitarian law ..., to facilitate access for humanitarian operators to the persons affected by the conflict,... [and] to respect the ceasefire and initiate a dialogue."

  • 12 September 2007 View: S/2007/567

    Abstract: This was a report on women, peace and security.

  • 11 September 2007 View: S/2007/540

    Abstract: This was a note verbale from the Permanent Mission of Chad to the Secretary-General enclosing a copy of a letter from Mr. Ahmad Allam-Mi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Chad.

  • 10 September 2007 View: S/PRST/2007/33

    Abstract: This was adopted echoing the Secretary-General's support of the political progress in the country while highlighting the need for the parties to resolve any disputes through exclusively peaceful channels and within the framework of democratic institutions.

  • 9 September 2007 View: S/2007/537

    Abstract: This was a letter from Syria denouncing the Israeli violations of Syrian airspace on 6 September.

  • 20 September 2007 View: S/2007/556

    Abstract: This letter contained a request from the Lebanese government for technical assistance to investigate the terrorist attack that killed parliamentarian Antoine Ghanem and others.

  • 20 September 2007 View: S/2007/558

    Abstract: This letter contained the quarterly ISAF report of operations from May to July 2007.

  • 20 September 2007 View: S/RES/1777

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UN Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) until 30 September 2008 and endorsed the recommendation of the Secretary-General to decrease the size of the military and police components.

  • 19 September 2007 View: SC/9203

    Abstract: This was a press statement on the results of the run-off presidential elections and encouraged continued international support to Sierra Leone.

  • 19 September 2007 View: SC/9119

    Abstract: The Council encouraged the Secretary-General to continue efforts to create the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

  • 19 September 2007 View: S/PV.5744

    Abstract: This was the meeting during which resolution 1776 was adopted.

  • 19 September 2007 View: S/RES/1776

    Abstract: This resolution extended ISAF's mandate until 13 October 2008 and encouraged ISAF and other partners to sustain their efforts, as resources permit, to train, mentor and empower the Afghan national security forces, in particular the Afghan National Police.

  • 18 September 2007 View: S/2007/550

    Abstract: This was a letter containing the government's reaction to the Council's press statement on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

  • 18 September 2007 View: S/2007/551

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Central African Republic addressed to the President of the Security Council transmitting a copy of the letter by which François Bozize, President of the Central African Republic, agrees to the deployment of an international presence in the north-eastern Central African Republic.

  • 25 September 2007 View: S/PV.5749

    Abstract: This was the summit-level meeting of the council focusing on peace and security in Africa.

  • 25 September 2007 View: S/RES/1778

    Abstract: This resolution established UN Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad (MINURCAT).

  • 24 September 2007 View: S/AC.51/2007/16

    Abstract: This issued conclusions on Chad.

  • 22 September 2007 View: A/HRC/6/7

    Abstract: This contained the report to the Human Rights Council on Darfur.

  • 21 September 2007 View: S/2007/557

    Abstract: This was from the Council and invited the UNIIC to provide technical assistance to investigate the terrorist attack that killed parliamentarian Antoine Ghanem and others.

  • 21 September 2007 View: S/2007/555

    Abstract: This report was on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security.

  • 20 September 2007 View: S/PRST/2007/34

    Abstract: This presidential statement condemned the terrorist attack which killed parliamentarian Antoine Ghanem and others.

  • 20 September 2007 View: S/2007/566

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General reported on progress with steps requested in resolution 1772, including strengthening UNPOS.

  • 2 October 2007 View: S/2007/584

    Abstract: This was the report of the Panel of Experts’ on the Sudan.

  • 2 October 2007 View: S/2007/586

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's letter informing the Council of his appointment of a team of Group of Experts.