UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 7 March 2013 View: S/RES/2094

    Abstract: This resolution imposed additional sanctions against the DPRK in response to a 12 February 2013 nuclear test.

  • 6 March 2013 View: S/PV.6929

    Abstract: This meeting concerned the re-authorisation of AMISOM.

  • 6 March 2013 View: SC/10933

    Abstract: This statement condemned the detention of UNDOF peacekeepers by armed elements of the Syrian opposition.

  • 6 March 2013 View: S/RES/2093

    Abstract: This resolution authorised AMISOM deployment until 28 February 2014 and partially lifted the arms embargo on Somalia.

  • 6 March 2013 View: S/PV.6930

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the chair of the 1737 Iran Sanctions Committee.

  • 6 March 2013 View: A/HRC/22/35

    Abstract: This was the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

  • Abstract: This was the addendum to the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories.

  • 5 March 2013 View: S/2013/133

    Abstract: This was a report on UNAMA.

  • 5 March 2013 View: S/2013/134

    Abstract: This letter was from the Secretary-General and included the AU strategic review and communique regarding AMISOM.

  • 5 March 2013 View: S/PV.6928

    Abstract: At this meeting the Council received a briefing from the Secretary-General on his Special Report.

  • 11 March 2013 View: S/2013/152

    Abstract: This letter from the Philippines concerned UNDOF TCCs.

  • 11 March 2013 View: S/2013/148

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Council that contained the 8 March agreement.

  • 11 March 2013 View: S/2013/142

    Abstract: This letter from Austria concerned UNDOF TCCs.

  • 9 March 2013 View: S/2013/141

    Abstract: This letter from the DPRK denounced resolution 2094.

  • 19 March 2013 View: S/RES/2096

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of UNAMA until 19 March 2014.

  • 19 March 2013 View: S/2013/174

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on UNDOF.

  • 18 March 2013 View: S/2013/167

    Abstract: This letter from the President of the Council to the Secretary-General concerned the appointment of a Special Envoy.

  • 15 March 2013 View: S/2013/163

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the Council, transmitting the 7 March letter from the AU Commissioner for Peace and Security which requested the new UN operation in Mali to have a peace enforcement mandate.

  • 15 March 2013 View: S/2013/166

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the Council on the appointment of a Special Envoy.

  • 15 March 2013 View: S/2013/162

    Abstract: In this letter, the DPRK submitted a statement on its 11 March withdrawal from the Korean Armistice Agreement.

  • 14 March 2013 View: S/PV.6934

    Abstract: Tarek Mitri, Special Representative and head of UNSMIL, briefed on the situation in Libya. At this meeting the Council also adopted resolution 2095.

  • 14 March 2013 View: S/RES/2095

    Abstract: This resolution extended UNSMIL's mandate by 12 months and the mandate of the Panel of Experts assisting the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee for 13 months.

  • 14 March 2013 View: S/2013/149

    Abstract: This was the second annual report on sexual violence in conflict.

  • 14 March 2013 View: SC/10941

    Abstract: This press statement expressed grave concern over the impact of the Syrian conflict on Lebanon and called for swift progress towards parliamentary elections.

  • 13 March 2013 View: S/2013/158

    Abstract: This was a letter from Liechtenstein transmitting the report from the Princeton Workshop that focused on approaches to increase pressure on persistant perpetrators.

  • 13 March 2013 View: S/PV.6933

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Jens Anders Toyberg-Frandzen, the head of UNIPSIL, and Ambassador Guillermo Rishchynski (Canada), chair of the PBC configuration for Sierra Leone.

  • 12 March 2013 View: A/HRC/23/6

    Abstract: This was the Human Rights Council Report of the Working Group on the Universal Periodic Review on Mali

  • 19 March 2013 View: S/PV.6935

    Abstract: This was a debate on the situation in Afghanistan.

  • 21 March 2013 View: A/HRC/RES/22/13

    Abstract: This was a Human Rights Council resolution on the DPRK establishing a commission of inquiry for one year.

  • 21 March 2013 View: A/HRC/RES/22/19

    Abstract: This resolution urged Libya to continue to investigate all violations of human rights, to guarantee fair trials, to continue its efforts to prevent cases of arbitrary arrest and ill-treatment of detainees, to take further steps to protect freedom of religion and belief and to expedite the return of all persons displaced by the conflict zone since 2011.

  • 21 March 2013 View: A/HRC/RES/22/18

    Abstract: This resolution established a mandate for an independent expert on the situation of human rights in Mali.

  • 20 March 2013 View: S/PV.6936

    Abstract: This was a semi-annual debate on Haiti.

  • 20 March 2013 View: SC/10948

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning recent attacks by the Seleka and calling on all sides to abide by their respective commitments.

  • 26 March 2013 View: S/RES/2097

    Abstract: This resolution renewed UNIPSIL for 12 months.

  • 26 March 2013 View: S/PV.6942

    Abstract: The Council adopted resolution 2097 extending UNIPSIL's mandate for the last time.

  • 25 March 2013 View: S/2013/200

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the Council was on MONUSCO’s budget.

  • 25 March 2013 View: S/PV.6941

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the situation in Liberia by Special Representative Karin Landgren and Ambassador Staffan Tillander (Sweden), the PBC configuration chair.

  • 25 March 2013 View: SC/10960

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the seizure of power by the Seleka.

  • 25 March 2013 View: S/PV.6940

    Abstract: This was the monthly briefing by Special Coordinator Robert Serry on the situation in the Middle East.

  • 25 March 2013 View: S/2013/184

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General informed the Council of his intention to conduct an investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in Syria.

  • 22 March 2013 View: S/PV.6939

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the head of UNMIK, Farid Zarif.

  • 22 March 2013 View: SC/10955

    Abstract: This was a press statement calling for the cessation of hostilities.

  • Abstract: This was a communique of the AU PSC.

  • 22 March 2013 View: SC/10956

    Abstract: This press statement welcomed the surrender of Bosco Ntaganda to the ICC.

  • 22 March 2013 View: SC/10953

    Abstract: This press statement condemned a terrorist attack on a mosque in Damascus that killed more than 40 people.

  • 21 March 2013 View: S/PV.6938

    Abstract: This was a briefing from Hilde Johnson, the head of UNMISS.

  • 21 March 2013 View: S/PV.6937

    Abstract: This was a briefing from the head of UNAMI, Martin Kobler.

  • 28 March 2013 View: S/2013/199

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General on the re-appointment of the Panel of Experts.

  • 27 March 2013 View: SC/10962

    Abstract: This press statement expressed concern over violations of the Disengagement of Forces Agreement.

  • 26 March 2013 View: S/2013/189

    Abstract: This report contained the Secretary-General's recommendations for a UN mission in Mali.

  • 12 April 2013 View: SC/10969

    Abstract: The Council welcomed Yemen’s reorganisation of the military and called on all parties to support the President’s decrees and to work to ensure their prompt implementation.

  • 11 April 2013 View: S/PV.6945

    Abstract: This was a closed meeting with the troop and police-contributing countries to MINURSO.

  • 10 April 2013 View: S/2013/225

    Abstract: This was a quarterly report of the Secretary-General on UNAMID.

  • 9 April 2013 View: SC/10968

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the attacks on UNMISS peacekeepers.

  • 8 April 2013 View: S/2013/220

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on MINURSO.

  • 4 April 2013 View: SC/10967

    Abstract: The Council condemned a terrorist attack that occurred in Farah Province in the western part of Afghanistan, which caused numerous deaths and injuries, mainly to civilians.

  • 4 April 2013 View: S/2013/216

    Abstract: This was a letter was from the President of the Council to the Secretary-General regarding the postponement of the BINUCA report.

  • 3 April 2013 View: S/2013/212

    Abstract: This was a letter reappointing four out of five experts to serve on the Panel of Experts.

  • 2 April 2013 View: S/2013/204

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the concept note for a briefing in the Security Council on Prevention of conflicts in Africa: addressing the root causes.

  • 2 April 2013 View: S/2013/215

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the President of the Council regarding the postponement of the BINUCA report.

  • 28 March 2013 View: S/2013/198

    Abstract: This was a report on UNISFA.

  • 28 March 2013 View: S/2013/201

    Abstract: This letter from the President of the Council to the Secretary-General was on MONUSCO’s budget.

  • 28 March 2013 View: S/2013/197

    Abstract: This was the special report of the Secretary-General on UNOCI.

  • 15 April 2013 View: S/PV.6946

    Abstract: This was a briefing on “Prevention of conflicts in Africa: addressing the root causes”.

  • 15 April 2013 View: S/2013/229

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General to the Council forwarding the decision by the ICC that Chad was in non compliance with the ICC by continuing to welcome Bashir into its territory despite warnings by the Court.

  • 15 April 2013 View: S/PRST/2013/4

    Abstract: This was the presidential statement adopted at the conclusion of the meeting on "Prevention of conflicts in Africa: addressing the root causes".

  • 15 April 2013 View: A/HRC/RES/22/23

    Abstract: This was a Human Rights Council resolution extending the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran for one year.

  • 22 April 2013 View: S/AC.51/2013/1

    Abstract: This was the conclusions of the working group on children and armed conflict on the LRA.

  • 19 April 2013 View: S/2013/240

    Abstract: This was from the Secretary-General transmitting a report on the implementation plan for the UN regional strategy to address LRA activity.

  • 19 April 2013 View: SC/10982

    Abstract: This press statement condemned an attack which killed one UNAMID peacekeeper and wounded two others.