UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 11 October 2013 View: S/2013/605

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the mid-term report of the 1572 Sanctions Committee's Group of Experts.

  • 10 October 2013 View: S/PV.7042

    Abstract: The adoption of resolution 2121 which updated the BINUCA mandate in five areas.

  • 10 October 2013 View: S/PV.7041

    Abstract: The Council adopted resolution 2120, extending the authorisation of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan until 31 December 2014

  • 10 October 2013 View: S/PV.7040

    Abstract: The Council adopted resolution 2119 extending the mandate of MINUSTAH until 15 October 2014.

  • 10 October 2013 View: S/RES/2121

    Abstract: This resolution updated the BINUCA mandate in five areas.

  • 10 October 2013 View: S/RES/2120

    Abstract: This resolution extended the authorisation of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan until 31 December 2014.

  • 10 October 2013 View: S/RES/2119

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of MINUSTAH until 15 October 2014.

  • 7 October 2013 View: S/2013/591

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's recommendations for establishing the OPCW-UN Joint Mission.

  • 4 October 2013 View: A/68/503

    Abstract: This was a report on the situation of human rights in Iran.

  • 4 October 2013 View: SC/11140

    Abstract: This statement condemned the attack against the Russian embassy in Libya.

  • 14 October 2013 View: S/2013/607

    Abstract: This was a quarterly report of UNAMID.

  • 14 October 2013 View: S/2013/611

    Abstract: This was a letter from Rwanda transmitting the joint communique of the seventh annual joint consultative meeting between members of the Council and the Peace and Security Council of the AU.

  • 14 October 2013 View: S/2013/606

    Abstract: This was a letter to the Council from the Secretary-General endorsing the recommendations of the joint AU-UN mission in Somalia.

  • 13 October 2013 View: S/2013/608

    Abstract: This letter from the Secretary-General informed the Council of his intention to appoint Sigrid Kaag (Netherlands) to the post of Special Coordinator of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission.

  • 11 October 2013 View: S/2013/603

    Abstract: In this letter, the Council authorised the establishment of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission.

  • 21 October 2013 View: S/2013/623

    Abstract: This was a Secretary-General's report on piracy off the coast of Somalia.

  • 18 October 2013 View: S/PV.7044

    Abstract: The annual open debate on the implementation of resolution 1325, focusing on the theme of women, rule of law and transitional justice in conflict-affected situations, with a briefing by High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay.

  • 18 October 2013 View: S/2013/620

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General forwarding a communiqué that had been adopted by AU PSC on 10 October.

  • 16 October 2013 View: S/2013/612

    Abstract: This was a report on the implementation of resolution 1559.

  • 16 October 2013 View: S/2013/609

    Abstract: This letter noted the appointment of Sigrid Kaag as the Special Coordinator of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission.

  • 16 October 2013 View: S/2013/613

    Abstract: This letter from Azerbaijan circulated a concept note on the annual working methods debate held on 29 October.

  • 16 October 2013 View: S/PV.7043

    Abstract: The Council was briefed by Albert Gerard Koenders, the Special Representative and head of MINUSMA.

  • 24 October 2013 View: SC/11159

    Abstract: This press statement commended Guinea for the electoral process and urged all political stakeholders to pursue legal recourse for the resolution of any electoral disputes.

  • 24 October 2013 View: S/2013/627

    Abstract: This was a joint communique regarding a presidential summit between al-Bashir and Kiir on 22 October 2013.

  • 23 October 2013 View: S/PV.7048

    Abstract: This was a quarterly UNAMID briefing.

  • 23 October 2013 View: A/68/382/Corr.1

    Abstract: This was the report of the Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions.

  • 23 October 2013 View: SC/11157

    Abstract: This press statement condemned the attack against MINUSMA in Tessalit.

  • 22 October 2013 View: S/2013/636

    Abstract: This was a letter from Secretary-General to the Security Council on deploying UN guard units to the CAR.

  • 22 October 2013 View: S/PV.7047

    Abstract: This was a quarterly open debate on the Middle East.

  • 21 October 2013 View: S/2013/624

    Abstract: This letter from Kenya requested to defer the Kenya case, currently before the ICC, under Article 16 of the Rome Statute.

  • 21 October 2013 View: S/PV.7046

    Abstract: The Council was briefed by Special Representative Martin Kobler on the most recent MONUSCO report and by Special Envoy Mary Robinson on the implementation of the PSC Framework.

  • 21 October 2013 View: S/PV.7045

    Abstract: The Council was briefed by the lead countries on the visiting mission to the Great Lakes Region and Addis Ababa: Morocco, France, US, UK, Rwanda and Azerbaijan.

  • 30 October 2013 View: S/PV.7054

    Abstract: This was a briefing to the Council by Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson on the joint AU-UN assessment mission of AMISOM and benchmarks for a UN peacekeeping operation.

  • 29 October 2013 View: S/PV.7052

    Abstract: This was meeting record from the Council's annual debate on working methods.

  • 29 October 2013 View: S/2013/637

    Abstract: This was a letter by the President of the Council which noted the Secretary-General's recommendation to establish a guard unit for BINUCA.

  • 28 October 2013 View: S/2013/629

    Abstract: This was the first monthly progress report by the OPCW-UN Joint Mission regarding Syria's chemical weapons arsenal.

  • 28 October 2013 View: S/2013/630

    Abstract: This note of the president of the Council enumerated steps for enhancing cooperation between the Security Council and troop and police-contributing countries.

  • 28 October 2013 View: S/PRST/2013/16

    Abstract: This presidential statement acknowledged the continuing dialogue between the UN and the OIC in the fields of peacemaking, preventive diplomacy, peacekeeping and peacebuilding.

  • 28 October 2013 View: SC/11163

    Abstract: This press statement condemned the M23 attacks against MONUSCO that resulted in the death of a peacekeeper and also addressed shells that had landed in Rwandan territory.

  • 28 October 2013 View: S/2013/631

    Abstract: This was the latest report of the Secretary-General on the UNMIK.

  • 28 October 2013 View: S/PV.7051

    Abstract: This was a communique of the private meeting with the President of the ICJ.

  • 28 October 2013 View: S/PV.7050

    Abstract: The Council held a briefing on cooperation between the UN and regional and subregional organisations in maintaining international peace and security, focusing on the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.

  • 25 October 2013 View: S/PV.7049

    Abstract: The head of OCHA, Valerie Amos, briefed on implementation of the presidential statement on humanitarian access in Syria (S/PRST/2013/15). Amos expressed deep disappointment that access had not improved and there had been no major breakthrough in getting the Syrian government to lift bureaucratic impediments and other obstacles.

  • 11 November 2013 View: S/2013/654

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on the Iraq/Kuwait missing persons and property issue.

  • 11 November 2013 View: S/2013/657

    Abstract: This was a letter which informed about the change of frequency of meetings on implementation of resolution 2046 from semi-monthly to once a month.

  • 10 November 2013 View: S/2013/656

    Abstract: This was the third report of the 1988 Taliban Monitoring Team.

  • 9 November 2013 View: SC/11170

    Abstract: This statement condemned the 8 November terrorist attack by Al-Shabaab in Mogadishu.

  • 8 November 2013 View: S/2013/651

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNMISS.

  • 5 November 2013 View: S/2013/646

    Abstract: This was the report of Valentin Inzko, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 2 November 2013 View: SC/11169

    Abstract: This press statement was on the two French journalists killed in Kidal.

  • 1 November 2013 View: S/2013/639

    Abstract: This letter from the AU Permanent Observer requested the transmission of the AU's request to defer the Kenya case, currently before the ICC, under Article 16 of the Rome Statute

  • 12 November 2013 View: S/RES/2124

    Abstract: This resolution increased the troop ceiling of AMISOM from 17,731 to 22,126.

  • 12 November 2013 View: S/PV.7057

    Abstract: This was a meeting record where Valentin Inzko, the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina, briefed the Council prior to its debate of his report.

  • 12 November 2013 View: S/RES/2123

    Abstract: This resolution reauthorised the EU led multinational stablisation mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

  • 18 November 2013 View: S/2013/678

    Abstract: ICTY assessment report.

  • 15 November 2013 View: S/2013/677

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on options for international support to MISCA.

  • 15 November 2013 View: S/PV.7060

    Abstract: This was a meeting to vote on a draft resolution (S/2013/660) on the ICC deferral of President Kenyatta and his deputy, the resolution was not adopted, with only seven Council members voting in favour and the remaining eight members abstaining.

  • 15 November 2013 View: S/2013/660

    Abstract: This was a draft resolution on a deferral of the ICC proceedings against President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy.

  • 14 November 2013 View: S/2013/671

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNOCA and the implementation of the regional LRA strategy.

  • 14 November 2013 View: S/PV.7059

    Abstract: This was the sixth briefing by the ICC Prosecutor on Libya.

  • 14 November 2013 View: S/PRST/2013/17

    Abstract: This presidential statement called for the swift conclusion and implementation of a final and comprehensive agreement that provides for the disarmament and demobilisation of the March 23 (M23) rebel group and accountability for human rights abusers.

  • 13 November 2013 View: S/2013/661

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNAMI.

  • 13 November 2013 View: S/2013/650

    Abstract: This was the Secretary General’s report on the implementation of resolution 1701 and on the activities of UNIFIL.

  • 13 November 2013 View: S/2013/663

    Abstract: ICTR completion strategy

  • 12 November 2013 View: S/PV.7056

    Abstract: This meeting concerned modification of AMISOM's authorisation.

  • 19 November 2013 View: S/PV.7063

    Abstract: This was a meeting record of the briefing by Jeffrey Feltman, Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs.

  • 19 November 2013 View: S/2013/683

    Abstract: This was the 2013 final report of the Panel of Experts on Liberia.

  • 18 November 2013 View: S/PV.7062

    Abstract: This was a meeting record of a briefing on UNMISS by Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of UNMISS Hilde Johnson.

  • 18 November 2013 View: S/PV.7061

    Abstract: This meeting concerned the reauthorisation of anti-piracy measures.

  • 18 November 2013 View: S/RES/2125

    Abstract: This resolution reauthorised anti-piracy measures for Somalia.