UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 10 February 2014 View: SC/11271

    Abstract: This was a press release on the 6 February meeting of the Sanctions Committee with the CAR and neighbouring states.

  • 7 February 2014 View: A/HRC/25/63

    Abstract: This was the report from the international commission of inquiry established by the Human Rights Council.

  • 7 February 2014 View: A/HRC/25/CRP.1

    Abstract: This was a report of the detailed findings of the commission of inquiry on human rights in the DPRK.

  • 7 February 2014 View: A/HRC/25/71

    Abstract: This was the report of the independent expert on the situation of human rights in Haiti.

  • 7 February 2014 View: S/2014/87

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the final report of the Panel of Experts.

  • 7 February 2014 View: S/2014/84

    Abstract: This was a letter to the Council from the DPRK.

  • 4 February 2014 View: A/RES/68/184

    Abstract: This was a General Assembly resolution on human rights in Iran.

  • 3 February 2014 View: S/2014/81

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Permanent Mission of Sudan to the Council, stating that the ICRC had not complied with humanitarian principles and guidelines that govern the relations with the host country.

  • 3 February 2014 View: S/2014/74

    Abstract: This was a concept note for the debate on the protection of civilians focusing on effective implementation of protection of civilians mandates in UN peacekeeping missions.

  • 12 February 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/3

    Abstract: This presidential statement reiterated the Council's commitment to the protection of civilians and contained as an annex an updated aide mémoire.

  • 12 February 2014 View: S/PV.7109

    Abstract: This was an open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, with a briefing by High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay.

  • 12 February 2014 View: A/HRC/25/65

    Abstract: Was a report by the Commission of Inquiry on Syria saying that absolute impunity pervades the Syrian conflict and that it was for the Security Council to make the pursuit of justice possible, including an ICC referral.

  • 12 February 2014 View: A/HRC/25/38

    Abstract: Was a report by the Secretary-General on Israeli settlements.

  • 11 February 2014 View: SC/11273

    Abstract: This was a press statement welcoming the joint communiqué agreed between the Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots leaders.

  • 10 February 2014 View: S/2014/103

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Council about the extension of UNOCA until 31 August 2015.

  • 14 February 2014 View: SC/11282

    Abstract: This press statement welcomed the resumption of negotiations between Sudan and the SPLM-N.

  • 14 February 2014 View: S/2014/105

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on Guinea-Bissau.

  • 14 February 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/4

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on cooperation between the UN and the EU, highlighting the EU's comprehensive approach to maintenance of international peace and security.

  • 14 February 2014 View: S/PV.7112

    Abstract: This was a meeting focusing on the Council's cooperation with the EU during which EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton briefed.

  • 13 February 2014 View: S/2014/100

    Abstract: This letter transmitted a progress report on AMISOM's mandate.

  • 13 February 2014 View: S/PV.7110

    Abstract: This was the meeting during which resolution 2137 was adopted.

  • 13 February 2014 View: S/2014/104

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Council to the Secretary-General on the extension of the mandate of UNOCA until 31 August 2015.

  • 13 February 2014 View: SC/11278

    Abstract: This press statement expressed strong support for IGAD mediation.

  • 13 February 2014 View: SC/11277

    Abstract: This press statement condemned the terrorist attack by Al-Shabaab on a UN convoy in Mogadishu.

  • 13 February 2014 View: S/PV.7111

    Abstract: This meeting concerned the adoption of resolution 2138, which renewed the Panel of Experts.

  • 13 February 2014 View: S/RES/2137

    Abstract: This resolution extended the mandate of BNUB until 31 December 2014.

  • 13 February 2014 View: S/RES/2138

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the mandate of the Panel of Experts for 13 months.

  • 15 February 2014 View: S/2014/106

    Abstract: This was the final report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee.

  • 25 February 2014 View: S/2014/138

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's Special Report on UNAMID

  • 25 February 2014 View: S/PV.7118

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman.

  • 22 February 2014 View: S/PV.7116

    Abstract: This was the unanimous adoption of resolution 2139 on humanitarian access, co-sponsored by Australia, France, Jordan, Korea, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the UK and the US.

  • 22 February 2014 View: S/RES/2139

    Abstract: This resolution demanded that all parties, in particular the Syrian authorities, allow humanitarian access in Syria across conflict lines, in besieged areas and across borders and expressed the intent to take further steps in the case of non-compliance.

  • 21 February 2014 View: SC/11291

    Abstract: This press statement condemned the terrorist attack by Al-Shabaab on the Office of the President of the FGS.

  • 21 February 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/5

    Abstract: This presidential statement underlined the importance of support to strengthening the rule of law institutions of the host country by a number of peacekeeping operations and special political missions within the scope of their mandates.

  • 20 February 2014 View: S/2014/116

    Abstract: This was a report from the Director General of the IAEA on Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions in Iran.

  • 19 February 2014 View: A/HRC/25/43

    Abstract: This was the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on the situation in the CAR.

  • 19 February 2014 View: S/PV.7113

    Abstract: This was an open debate on the promotion and strengthening of the rule of law in the maintenance of international peace and security”, chaired by the Foreign Minister of Lithuania, Linas Linkevicius

  • 18 February 2014 View: S/2014/123

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on the UN Mission in Liberia.

  • 16 February 2014 View: SC/11284

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the terrorist attack targeting a bus with Korean tourists in the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt).

  • 26 February 2014 View: S/PV.7120

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the co-leads of the visiting mission to Mali.

  • 26 February 2014 View: S/PV.7121

    Abstract: This was a briefing by José Ramos-Horta, the Special Representative for Guinea-Bissau.

  • 26 February 2014 View: S/RES/2140

    Abstract: This resolution expressed the Council’s strong support for the next steps of the political transition and established sanctions against those threatening the peace, security or stability of Yemen.

  • 25 February 2014 View: S/2014/126

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on UNISFA.

  • 3 March 2014 View: S/2014/185

    Abstract: This letter was from the Arab Group regarding the issue of Al-Aqsa mosque.

  • 1 March 2014 View: S/PV.7124

    Abstract: The Council was briefed in an open meeting by Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson. Russia wanted a closed meeting, while a number of other countries pressed for it to be open. Eventually it was agreed that it would be open with only Eliasson and the permanent representatives of Russia and Ukraine speaking. However, in the end France, the UK and the US also made statements.

  • 1 March 2014 View: S/2014/144

    Abstract: This was a concept note for the debate on children and armed conflict.

  • 28 February 2014 View: S/2014/136

    Abstract: Ukraine requested an urgent meeting of the Security Council citing the situation in Crimea as a threat to the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

  • 28 February 2014 View: S/PV.7123

    Abstract: This was a private meeting of the Council, followed by consultations, on the situation in Ukraine.

  • 26 February 2014 View: S/2014/132

    Abstract: This was Ukraine's official official statement, particularly regarding non-interference in internal Ukrainian affairs, in response to the 24 February Russian statement on the political situation in Ukraine. (On 22 February, after signing a deal with the opposition to end the political crisis the president fled Kiev to an undisclosed location. The parliament voted to remove the president and on 23 February it granted expanded powers to its interim speaker to carry out the duties of the president of Ukraine. On 26 February Russia carried out a large-scale military exercise in regions bordering Ukraine.)

  • 26 February 2014 View: S/2014/130

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s report on implementation of resolution 1701 on Lebanon.

  • 26 February 2014 View: S/2014/133

    Abstract: This was the fifth OPCW-UN Joint Mission monthly progress report.

  • 26 February 2014 View: S/PV.7119

    Abstract: This was the meeting where resolution 2140 was adopted.

  • 26 February 2014 View: S/2014/131

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on Libya.

  • 5 March 2014 View: S/PV.7127

    Abstract: This meeting concerned the adoption of resolution 2142.

  • 5 March 2014 View: S/2014/153

    Abstract: This was the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the Peace, Security and Cooperation Framework for the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the region.

  • 5 March 2014 View: S/RES/2141

    Abstract: This resolution extended until 5 April 2015 the mandate of the Panel of Experts assisting the 1718 DPRK Sanctions Committee.

  • 3 March 2014 View: S/2014/142

    Abstract: This report was on the transformation of MISCA into a UN peacekeeping mission.

  • Abstract: This was a report of the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights on a mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina from 13 - 24 May 2013.

  • 7 March 2014 View: S/RES/2143

    Abstract: Urges parties to armed conflict to respect the civilian character of schools and to protect schools from attacks and use, the mainstreaming of child protection in security sector reforms, child protection training for peacekeepers and military personnel and the need to incorporate child protection provisions in peace agreements.

  • 7 March 2014 View: S/PV.7129

    Abstract: This was the most recent debate on children and armed conflict.

  • 7 March 2014 View: S/2014/339

    Abstract: This was on children and armed conflict, covering the period 1 January 2013 to 31 December 2013.

  • 6 March 2014 View: S/2014/158

    Abstract: This report of the Secretary-General was on UNMISS.

  • 6 March 2014 View: S/PV.7128

    Abstract: This meeting was on the establishment of a possible UN Peacekeeping Mission.

  • 6 March 2014 View: S/2014/147

    Abstract: This was the final report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 1718 DPRK Sanctions Committee.

  • 6 March 2014 View: S/2014/161

    Abstract: This letter was from the OIC regarding the issue of Al-Aqsa mosque.

  • 5 March 2014 View: S/2014/157

    Abstract: This was Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

  • 13 March 2014 View: S/2014/181

    Abstract: This was the third annual report on conflict-related sexual violence.

  • 13 March 2014 View: S/PV.7134

    Abstract: This was a meeting on the situation in Ukraine with a briefing by the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs and with participation of Prime Minister of Ukraine.

  • 11 March 2014 View: S/2014/171

    Abstract: This letter transmitted a press statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea.

  • 11 March 2014 View: A/HRC/25/59

    Abstract: This was Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, Ben Emmerson.