UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 22 May 2014 View: SC/11410

    Abstract: The 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee listed Boko Haram, subjecting the organisation to an arms embargo and assets freeze.

  • 22 May 2014 View: S/2014/365

    Abstract: This was the third report on implementation of resolution 2139 on humanitarian access.

  • 22 May 2014 View: S/PV.7180

    Abstract: This was the meeting record of the veto by China and Russia of draft resolution S/2014/348 referring Syria to the ICC.

  • 22 May 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/9

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement regarding arms and ammunition management by the Federal Government of Somalia.

  • 22 May 2014 View: S/2014/348

    Abstract: This was the French draft resolution referring Syria to the ICC, co-sponsored by 65 member states, vetoed by China and Russia. All other Council members voted in favour of the referral.

  • 30 May 2014 View: SC/11934

    Abstract: This was on the death of a French journalist.

  • 29 May 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/10

    Abstract: This presidential statement expressed disappointment that presidential elections were not completed within the constitutional timeframe and urged Lebanon to hold elections quickly. It also called on all parties to respect Lebanon’s policy of disassociation and to refrain from any involvement in the Syrian crisis—a reference to Hezbollah’s fighting in Syria.

  • 29 May 2014 View: S/RES/2158

    Abstract: This was a resolution renewing the mandate of UNSOM for one year.

  • 29 May 2014 View: S/RES/2157

    Abstract: This resolution renewed UNIOGBIS for a further six months.

  • 29 May 2014 View: S/RES/2156

    Abstract: This renewed the mandate of UNISFA until 15 October.

  • 28 May 2014 View: S/PV.7184

    Abstract: This was a semi-annual briefing of the chairs of the counter-terrorism-related committees.

  • 28 May 2014 View: S/PV.7185

    Abstract: This was a briefing on Ukraine by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman.

  • 27 May 2014 View: S/RES/2155

    Abstract: This resolution revised the mandate of UNMISS to focus on protection of civilians, facilitation of humanitarian access and human rights verification and monitoring.

  • 27 May 2014 View: S/PV.7183

    Abstract: This was a quarterly debate on Kosovo with a briefing by Farid Zarif, the Special Representative and head of UNMIK.

  • Abstract: This was report of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons (IDPs).

  • 5 June 2014 View: S/PV.7192

    Abstract: The Council held a debate on the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda.

  • 5 June 2014 View: SC/11430

    Abstract: This press statement praised the completion of the election process, called for an inclusive government and encouraged a humanitarian response to the situation in Anbar.

  • 5 June 2014 View: S/2014/394

    Abstract: This was a report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 1737 Iran Sanctions Committee.

  • 30 May 2014 View: SC/11423

    Abstract: This press statement condemned the 28 May attack on the church of Notre Dame de Fatima as well as the destruction of one of the last mosques in Bangui on 29 May.

  • 30 May 2014 View: A/HRC/26/53

    Abstract: This was the preliminary report of the independent expert on the situation of human rights in the Central African Republic.

  • 11 June 2014 View: SC/11437

    Abstract: This press statement deplored the takeover of Mosul by ISIS.

  • 11 June 2014 View: SC/11438

    Abstract: This press statement condemned an attack on MINUSMA in which four Chadian peacekeepers were killed.

  • 11 June 2014 View: S/PV.7196

    Abstract: This was an open debate on new trends in peacekeeping operations.

  • 10 June 2014 View: S/2014/401

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on UNDOF.

  • 9 June 2014 View: S/2014/403

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Mali.

  • 9 June 2014 View: S/PV.7194

    Abstract: This was the latest briefing on Libya and the work of the Libya Sanctions Committee.

  • 9 June 2014 View: S/2014/402

    Abstract: This was the fourth report of the Monitoring Team of the 1988 Taliban Sanctions Committee.

  • 9 June 2014 View: S/RES/2159

    Abstract: This resolution renewed for 13 months the Panel of Experts assisting the 1373 Iran Sanctions Committee, without changes to its mandate.

  • 6 June 2014 View: S/2014/400

    Abstract: This letter transmitted a joint communique of the eighth annual joint consultative meeting between members of the Security Council of the UN and the Peace and Security Council of the African Union.

  • 6 June 2014 View: A/68/904

    Abstract: This was a note of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly in which he proposes to appoint Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein (Jordan) as the High Commissioner for Human Rights, for a term of office of four years, beginning on 1 September 2014 and expiring on 31 August 2018.

  • 6 June 2014 View: SC/11431

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning an attack in Kabul which caused a number of deaths and injuries to civilians and security personnel.

  • 5 June 2014 View: S/2014/393

    Abstract: This was a note by the President of the Council that proposed measures to improve the effectiveness and continuity of the work of the Council subsidiary bodies.

  • 13 June 2014 View: A/RES/68/276

    Abstract: This was a resolution reviewing the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.

  • 13 June 2014 View: A/HRC/26/43

    Abstract: This was the first report submitted by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the DPRK to the Human Rights Council since the Commission of Inquiry on human rights in the DPRK completed its work in March 2014.

  • 18 June 2014 View: S/2014/426

    Abstract: This letter from Syria stated that the delivery of aid without consent constitutes an attack on their country.

  • 18 June 2014 View: S/PV.7202

    Abstract: The Council was briefed by Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations Hervé Ladsous on a MINUSMA report.

  • 18 June 2014 View: S/2014/420

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on Afghanistan.

  • 17 June 2014 View: SC/11442

    Abstract: The Council issued a press statement condemning the killing of two Russian journalists that day in Ukraine.

  • 17 June 2014 View: S/RES/2161

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the measures targeting Al-Qaida associated individuals and entities and extended the mandates of the Office of the Ombudsperson and the Analytical Support and Sanctions Monitoring Team assisting the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee for 30 months.

  • 17 June 2014 View: S/RES/2160

    Abstract: This resolution renewed, with minor adjustments, the 1988 Taliban sanctions regime.

  • 17 June 2014 View: S/PV.7199

    Abstract: This was the semi-annual briefing on Darfur by the ICC Prosecutor.

  • 17 June 2014 View: S/2014/417

    Abstract: This was from the US to the Council President about Ahmed Abu Khattala’s abduction by US special forces.

  • 16 June 2014 View: A/68/PV.98

    Abstract: This is the meeting record during which the General Assembly approved the proposal of the Secretary-General to appoint Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid Al-Hussein (Jordan) as the High Commissioner for Human Rights

  • 16 June 2014 View: A/HRC/26/CRP.2

    Abstract: This was an oral update of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Syria covering the period 15 March to 15 June 2014.

  • 16 June 2014 View: S/PV.7197

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative and head of UNOCI Aichatou Mindaoudou Souleymane.

  • 16 June 2014 View: S/2014/410

    Abstract: This was from the Secretary-General to the Council President on the reissuing of the CoI interim report.

  • 24 June 2014 View: S/PV.7206

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative Gaye and UN-Women Executive Director Mlambo-Ngcuka on CAR.

  • 23 June 2014 View: S/PV.7204

    Abstract: This was the regular monthly Middle East briefing, given by Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Jeffrey Feltman.

  • 23 June 2014 View: SC/11447

    Abstract: This welcomed the parliamentary election of 25 June 2014.

  • 20 June 2014 View: S/2014/427

    Abstract: This was a report of the Secretary-General on humanitarian access.

  • 19 June 2014 View: S/2014/428

    Abstract: This was the interim report of the GoE on the DRC.

  • 19 June 2014 View: S/2014/425

    Abstract: This letter transmitted to the Security Council the conclusions of the 12 June meeting of foreign ministers in London on the security situation in Nigeria and Boko Haram.

  • 25 June 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/11

    Abstract: This presidential statement was on the elections in Afghanistan.

  • 25 June 2014 View: S/PV.7211

    Abstract: This was a 90-day briefing by the chair of the 1737 Iran Sanctions Committee.

  • 25 June 2014 View: S/PV.7208

    Abstract: This was a quarterly debate on Afghanistan.

  • 25 June 2014 View: S/2014/440

    Abstract: Iraq requested support to eradicate ISIS.

  • 24 June 2014 View: S/PV.7205

    Abstract: The Council was briefed on Ukraine by Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights Ivan Šimonović and Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Tayé-Brook Zerihoun.

  • 27 June 2014 View: A/HRC/RES/26/31

    Abstract: This Human Rights Council resolution was on technical and capacity-building assistance for South Sudan in the field of human rights.

  • 27 June 2014 View: S/2014/451

    Abstract: This DPRK letter to the Secretary-General called for the US to ban to ban a soon-to-be released Hollywood comedy (The Interview).

  • 26 June 2014 View: S/PV.7212

    Abstract: This was a briefing by OCHA head Amos on humanitarian access in Syria.

  • 26 June 2014 View: S/2014/438

    Abstract: This was the latest report on implementation of resolution 1701 on Lebanon.

  • 26 June 2014 View: SC/11455

    Abstract: This press statement announced the addition of the group Ansaru and Boko Haram leader Abubakar Mohammed Shekau to the Al-Qaida sanctions list.

  • 26 June 2014 View: SC/11457

    Abstract: This press statement emphasised the importance of preventive diplomacy amd commended UNRCCA's efforts to assist countries in the region on issues such as trans-boundary water management, counter-terrorism and drug trafficking.

  • 26 June 2014 View: S/2014/444

    Abstract: This was the ninth OPCW-UN Joint Mission monthly progress report.

  • 26 June 2014 View: S/2014/452

    Abstract: This was the first interim report of the PoE.

  • 26 June 2014 View: S/2014/373

    Abstract: This was from the Secretary-General to the Council President containing the reissued version of the CoI interim report.

  • 25 June 2014 View: S/RES/2163

    Abstract: This resolution renewed UNDOF for six months.

  • 25 June 2014 View: S/RES/2162

    Abstract: This resolution renewed UNOCI for a year; reinforced the role of the Special Representative in supporting political processes underway in Côte d'Ivoire; reduced UNOCI military and police components by 30 June 2015; and called for the establishment of a quick reaction force within UNOCI.

  • 25 June 2014 View: S/RES/2164

    Abstract: This resolution established benchmarks for MINUSMA, renewed the mission for a year and granted the Special Representative greater political authority.

  • 25 June 2014 View: S/PRST/2014/12

    Abstract: This presidential statement was on counter-narcotics.