UN Documents, all PDFs
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  • 8 August 2018 View: S/PV.8324

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative and head of UNAMI Ján Kubiš on the latest Secretary-General's report on UNAMI.

  • 8 August 2018 View: S/2018/579

    Abstract: This was the 15th report of the Office of the Ombudsperson pursuant to the 1267/1989/2253 Al-Qaida/ISIL Sanctions Committee.

  • 7 August 2018 View: SC/13447

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of one entity from the sanctions list.

  • 7 August 2018 View: S/AC.51/2018/2

    Abstract: This was the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict's sixth conclusion on the DRC.

  • 7 August 2018 View: S/2018/762

    Abstract: This was a letter transmitting the 30-day update covering the period from 1 to 31 July 2018 on political and technical progress towards the holding of elections in the Democratic Republic of the Congo on 23 December 2018, and obstacles to the implementation of the 31 December 2016 political agreement.

  • 6 August 2018 View: S/2018/574

    Abstract: This was a letter from Sudan transmitting the agreement on outstanding issues of governance and responsibility sharing.

  • 3 August 2018 View: SC/13444

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the terrorist attacks that took place the previous week, targeting a medical centre for midwives and a government building in Jalalabad, as well as the Khawaja Hassan mosque in Gardez, resulting in at least 48 people killed and numerous wounded.

  • 2 August 2018 View: S/PV.8323

    Abstract: This was a briefing on Yemen by Special Envoy Martin Griffiths and OCHA Director of Operations John Ging.

  • 30 July 2018 View: S/PV.8322

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the chair of the 751/1907 Somalia and Eritrea Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Kairat Umarov (Kazakhstan).

  • 30 July 2018 View: S/RES/2431

    Abstract: This was a resolution renewing the mandate of AMISOM until 31 May 2019.

  • 30 July 2018 View: S/2018/747

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's report on UNMIK.

  • 30 July 2018 View: S/PV.8321

    Abstract: This was the meeting at which resolution 2431, renewing the authorisation of AMISOM until 31 May 2019, was adopted.

  • 30 July 2018 View: S/2018/750

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General to the Council considering the mandate renewal of UNIFIL for one year.

  • 30 July 2018 View: S/2018/749

    Abstract: This was a letter summarising the ideas expressed during the 11 July debate on "Understanding and addressing climate-related security risks".

  • 27 July 2018 View: SC/13438

    Abstract: This was press statement reaffirming the Council's commitment to continuing to work with Colombia as it implements the peace agreement in order to secure a lasting peace in the months and years ahead.

  • 27 July 2018 View: S/PV.8320

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Mark Lowcock and Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict Virginia Gamba on humanitarian developments and the situation of children in Syria.

  • 27 July 2018 View: S/2018/745

    Abstract: This was a letter transmitting the OPCW report on progress in the elimination of the Syrian chemical weapons programme.

  • 26 July 2018 View: S/PV.8317

    Abstract: This was a meeting at which the Council adopted resolution 2430, extending the mandate of UNFICYP for six months until 31 January 2019.

  • 26 July 2018 View: S/RES/2430

    Abstract: This was a resolution, adopted unanimously, extending the mandate of UNFICYP for another six months until 31 January 2019.

  • 26 July 2018 View: S/PV.8319

    Abstract: The Council was briefed by Jean Arnault, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia

  • 26 July 2018 View: S/PV.8318

    Abstract: This was a briefing on the Secretary-General’s report on MONUSCO by its head, Leila Zerrougui, and on the work of the 1533 DRC Sanctions Committee, by its chair, Ambassador Mansour Al-Otaibi (Kuwait).

  • 24 July 2018 View: S/PV.8316

    Abstract: This was the quarterly open debate on the Middle East, including the Palestinian question. Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Nickolay Mladenov briefed the Council.

  • 24 July 2018 View: S/2018/560

    Abstract: This letter transmitted the summary, prepared by Poland, of the open debate held on 17 May on upholding international law within the context of the maintenance of international peace and security.

  • 23 July 2018 View: S/2018/729

    Abstract: This was the midterm report of the Panel of Experts assisting the 2127 CAR Sanctions Committee.

  • 23 July 2018 View: S/PV.8315

    Abstract: This was the meeting at which the Council adopted a presidential statement on the electoral process in Afghanistan.

  • 23 July 2018 View: SC/13432

    Abstract: This was a press release on the removal of four entities from the sanctions list.

  • 23 July 2018 View: S/PRST/2018/15

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement on the electoral process in Afghanistan, following the conclusion of the voter registration process on 18 July for this year's parliamentary and district council elections and for the 2019 presidential elections.

  • 23 July 2018 View: S/2018/732

    Abstract: Included a report of the OPCW fact-finding mission in Syria regarding the incidents in Al-Hamadaniyah on 30 October 2016 and in Karm Al-Tarrab on 13 November 2016 and an interim report regarding the Douma 7 April 2018 incident.

  • 20 July 2018 View: S/2018/724

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General's monthly report on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

  • 20 July 2018 View: S/2018/726

    Abstract: This was a letter from the permanent representative of Myanmar to the president of the Security Council with an update on developments related to the three areas outlined in the Council’s 31 May letter to the government of Myanmar.

  • 20 July 2018 View: S/2018/723

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s latest 90-day report on the UN Verification Mission in Colombia.

  • 19 July 2018 View: SC/13430

    Abstract: This was the joint communique issued by Council members and members of the AU Peace and Security Council following their annual meeting.

  • 19 July 2018 View: SC/13429

    Abstract: This was a press statement addressing issues such as the attacks led by Ibrahim Jadhran against the oil infrastructure in June 2018, the resumption of work by Libya's National Oil Corporation, and the unification of Libya's economic and financial institutions.

  • 19 July 2018 View: S/2018/736

    Abstract: This was the joint communiqué following the 12th annual joint consultative meeting between the UN Security Council and the AU Peace and Security Council at which the situations in South Sudan and the DRC were discussed.

  • 18 July 2018 View: S/PV.8314

    Abstract: This was a meeting on the Secretary-General's annual report on ways to strengthen the partnership between the UN and AU on issues of peace and security in Africa. The Council was briefed by Special Representative to the AU and head of UNOAU Sahle-Work Zewde and AU Commissioner for Peace and Security Smaïl Chergui.

  • 18 July 2018 View: S/2018/727

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Secretary-General on contingency planning for a temporary reinforcement of MONUSCO.

  • 17 July 2018 View: S/PV.8313

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative and head of UNOWAS Mohammed Ibn Chambas on developments in the region and the activities of the UN regional office.

  • 16 July 2018 View: S/PV.8312

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Special Representative and head of UNSMIL Ghassan Salamé and chair of the 1970 Libya Sanctions Committee Ambassador Olof Skoog (Sweden).

  • 22 October 2015 View: S/PV.7540

    Abstract: This was the quarterly open debate on the Middle East.

  • 20 October 2015 View: SC/12090

    Abstract: Included suggestions to member states for the implementation of resolution 2199 regarding the illicit financing of ISIS and Al-Nusra Front.

  • 16 October 2015 View: S/PV.7536

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs Tayé-Brook Zerihoun on the escalation of tensions and violence, in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip, including the killing of Israelis and Palestinians.

  • 27 October 2015 View: S/PV.7543

    Abstract: Was a briefing by OCHA on the humanitarian situation in Syria.

  • 26 October 2015 View: S/2015/819

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s report on UNAMI.

  • 22 October 2015 View: S/2015/813

    Abstract: This was the Secretary-General’s report on the humanitarian situation.

  • 20 October 2015 View: S/PRST/2015/17

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement expressing the Council's deep concern about the recent upsurge of violence and instability in the CAR and reiterating the importance of holding the constitutional referendum and first rounds of presidential and legislative elections by the end of 2015.

  • 16 October 2015 View: S/2015/797

    Abstract: This was the midterm report of the Group of Experts of the 1533 DRC Sanctions Committee.

  • 14 October 2015 View: S/RES/2243

    Abstract: This was a resolution extending the mandate of MINUSTAH for one year while maintaining its authorised troop strength at 2,370 military personnel and 2,601 police.

  • 12 October 2015 View: SC/12075

    Abstract: This was a press statement condemning the 10 and 11 October terrorist attacks by Boko Haram in Baga Sola, Chad and Kangaleri, Cameroon.

  • 28 October 2015 View: S/PRST/2015/18

    Abstract: This was a presidential statement taking note of the 17 October AU communique on Burundi (PSC/PR/COMM.(DLI)), expressing its concern about the growing insecurity in Burundi and continuing violence, condemning human rights abuses and calling for dialogue between all stakeholders.

  • 20 October 2015 View: S/PV.7539

    Abstract: This was an open debate on working methods.

  • 20 October 2015 View: S/PV.7538

    Abstract: This was a meeting where the Council adopted the introduction to its 2015 annual report, drafted by New Zealand.

  • 15 October 2015 View: S/2015/793

    Abstract: This was a concept note Spain circulated focusing on how the Council can improve its efficiency and transparency in its relationship with non-Council members, including the General Assembly and ECOSOC, as well as with the Secretariat.

  • 27 October 2015 View: S/PV.7544

    Abstract: This was a briefing by Ambassador Gerard van Bohemen (New Zealand) as chair of the 1267/1989 Al-Qaida Sanctions Committee.

  • 23 October 2015 View: SC/12096

    Abstract: This was a press statement welcoming Special Envoy Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed's announcement of the upcoming talks and reaffirming their call for the parties to attend the talks without preconditions.

  • 23 October 2015 View: S/PV.7542

    Abstract: This was a briefing by the Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed and the chair of the 2140 Yemen Sanctions Committee, Ambassador Raimonda Murmokaite (Lithuania).

  • 23 October 2015 View: S/PV.7541

    Abstract: This meeting concerned the adoption of resolution 2244.

  • 23 October 2015 View: S/RES/2244

    Abstract: This resolution renewed the partial lifting of the arms embargo, maritime interdiction of illicit arms and charcoal, the humanitarian exemption and the mandate of the Monitoring Group.

  • 19 October 2015 View: SC/12085

    Abstract: This was a press release on the 2140 Yemen Sanctions Committee meeting to discuss the findings of the Panel of Experts on financial sanctions and international humanitarian law issues.

  • 13 October 2015 View: S/PV.7533

    Abstract: This was the annual open debate on women, peace and security.

  • 16 November 2015 View: S/PRST/2015/21

    Abstract: This presidential statement requested the Residual Mechanism to present its progress report and for the Informal Working Group on International Tribunals to thoroughly examine the report for the Council's review of the work of the Residual Mechanism.

  • 9 November 2015 View: S/PV.7553

    Abstract: This was a meeting on the situation in Burundi, including a briefing by the High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein.

  • 30 October 2015 View: S/PRST/2015/19

    Abstract: This was the first presidential statement adopted by the Council on its own working methods.

  • 28 October 2015 View: S/2015/825

    Abstract: This was a letter from ICTY President Theodor Meron on 28 October, requesting extensions of the terms of 17 judges until dates ranging from 31 March 2016 to 30 November 2017, based on projections for the completion of the Tribunal’s remaining work.

  • 28 October 2015 View: S/PV.7545

    Abstract: This was a briefing on Darfur.

  • 17 October 2015 View: SC/12084

    Abstract: This press statement urged all Libyan parties to endorse and sign the Political Agreement, as presented on 8 October.

  • 15 October 2015 View: S/2015/796

    Abstract: This was a letter from the Permanent Representative of Sudan to the Council President regarding customs clearance for UNAMID containers.

  • 14 October 2015 View: S/PV.7535

    Abstract: This briefing was on the strategic review of UNSOA and an assessment regarding a possible extension of the SNA support package.

  • 19 November 2015 View: S/PV.7562

    Abstract: This was the regular monthly Middle East briefing.

  • 10 November 2015 View: S/RES/2246

    Abstract: This was a resolution renewing counter-piracy measures for Somalia.

  • 9 November 2015 View: S/PV.7551

    Abstract: This was a ministerial-level briefing on Somalia.